Calling all successful ladies! Huge year, need your help!



  • Monicazumba2013
    Monicazumba2013 Posts: 45 Member
    YAY!!! we can motivate one another!!! I also have tried different diets and those truly do not work!!! YOU CAN DO IT!!!!!
  • Congratulationson your engagment and the commitment to do something- I think it's a big step closer to achieving your dream weight. Its so nice as well to read everybodys encouraging messages (I have only just joined MFP as I need a huge kick up my growing butt to get my weight under cotrol but never fancied standing in a room with a lot of people getting weighed and feeling embarrased!)

    Good luck with the weight loss and your wedding x

    Thank you so much for your well wishes! :) We can do this together!
  • Good luck!!! I am just starting out as well.... have equipment in my garage and I do know how to eat.... just less now. It is a commitment so heres to you for sticking with it!!

    Well said. Cheers!
  • I'm so happy for you and your guy (i bet) is a very lucky guy. :) stick to it and i bet you see great results and your soon to be husband will love you in that bikini. hahaha

    From your lips to God's ears!!! XD
  • You've definately come to the right place, you can do this! Good luck to you and congralulations on your engagement.

    Thank you so much! And you're right, I feel very pumped up and confident about being successful! I can't thank you guys enough for the tremendous responses!
  • Bermudabarbie
    Bermudabarbie Posts: 568 Member
    Welcome to this awesome site! You should do great. Make friends (add me if you'd like)! Log in and do your entries each and every day. You can keep your diary open or private. It's totally up to you. Add your exercise and keep going -- one day at a time! You can do this! What a great motivation to have your wedding day approaching. Good luck in reaching your goals!
  • YAY!!! we can motivate one another!!! I also have tried different diets and those truly do not work!!! YOU CAN DO IT!!!!!

    I look forward to helping each other!
  • Welcome to this awesome site! You should do great. Make friends (add me if you'd like)! Log in and do your entries each and every day. You can keep your diary open or private. It's totally up to you. Add your exercise and keep going -- one day at a time! You can do this! What a great motivation to have your wedding day approaching. Good luck in reaching your goals!

    Thank you so much. I can't wait to be one of the members posting on the success stories! With all of your help!
  • What a great story. Sounds like you have found a great guy. This is going to be a great gift for both you and him. If you can raise three kids as a single mom and come out of it with a great new guy on your arm you must be a strong woman. My suggestion is to find a realistic picture of what you want to look like on that trip, make a copy of it, post one on the fridge and one on the wall when you work out. I hate exercise and diets, but that is what I did to get ready for my 10 year anniversary cruise at the end of the month. CRAZY, BUT IT HAS WORK SO FAR :)
  • Flell
    Flell Posts: 2
    It makes a lot of sense. Lets stick with this together. My goal is to go to my husband's works dinner next Christmas looking a million dollars in a dress and heels. I used to work there too and got freaked out this year when I thought I might have to accompany him as I didn't want people I used to know see that I had let all the weight (and some more) come back on again. Thankfully I dIdn't have to go after all. Despite getting married, running my own business and looking after our 3 year old son since I left I would have felt like a failure to see those people again looking like I do now.

    So, I'm going to do it for myself this year and I know you will too.

    Lots of love
  • ladyhawk00
    ladyhawk00 Posts: 2,457 Member
    Congrats - on the engagement and the decision to get healthy! My brother's wedding is 11/11/11 too! Hoping to look decent for it as well. As it is now, I avoid cameras like the plague. Christmas was hard when I tried to take a picture with my boyfriend (our first xmas together) and was horrified at the pictures. We will take great pictures this year!
  • Mamoonie
    Mamoonie Posts: 328
    Hey there,

    welcome to this great site! You've made the first step, and if you now go on step by step, you'll get to your goal, that's for sure! You have plenty of motivation, inspiration and help here, you only need to come back every day ;-)

    Like you, I have 3 children, and I had around 100 lbs to lose. I'm down a bit, but there's still a long way ahead of me, and I'm not giving up! If I feel like I'm down a bit, I browse through the many success stories and think to myself: if they can do it, so can I! ... and so can you!!!

  • PrincessNazareth
    PrincessNazareth Posts: 10 Member
    I'm happy for you, you seem to be very committed this time. I'm in the same vote as you. I've tried every diet out there!!
    It is sooooo depressing when clothes doesn't fit nicely.
    Let's work at it together and reach our goal.
    My goal is to loose 10 lbs by Valentines Day and 25 by spring!
    Nice chatting with you.
  • tjradd73
    tjradd73 Posts: 3,495 Member
    welcome to mfp!!! i surely wished i would have known about this before my wedding...way back when!! LOL congrats on taking the right step and good luck to you on your journey!
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