Looking For My Support Group

Hi everyone,

It's great to see so many people on this site and using it!

Brief summary of me...

I have been overweight and obese my entire life. I feel like 99% of my problems are weight related. I have used food as a reliable comfort throughout my teens and early adult-hood, especially. I am a 23 year old female looking for people that completely understand and have been there before or even better, going through it now. Although close family and friends try to understand, I feel like they are no where near coming close to fully understand what a struggle this is. They do not believe I have a food addiction, or even if they do, they don't know how to help.

I left a full time office administration job to begin full time study. I wanted to get out from behind a desk, so I chose my love of photography. Now that I am currently not working, I am a lot less stressed. Main reason being the employer but that's another story. Since the middle of February 2014(after I resigned), I have been focussing on me.

I want to LIVE, not just exist...

In short, I'm reaching out to you guys for additional help to keep me going through this tough time. Please add me.

Thank you.

Regards Bryony

P.S Anyone from South West Sydney area?


  • MissBryonyF
    MissBryonyF Posts: 8 Member
    I weigh approx. 122.6kg = 270lb. I need help!
  • fitmominkc3

    Welcome! I'm new to this site and was motivated to join because of all the activity going on. I am also here looking for encouragement and support, too. I have about 60 lbs to lose and most was gained through 2 pregnancies and bad eating habits. I will add you as a friend, feel free to accept me and I do my best to encourage you along the way.
  • MissBryonyF
    MissBryonyF Posts: 8 Member

    Welcome! I'm new to this site and was motivated to join because of all the activity going on. I am also here looking for encouragement and support, too. I have about 60 lbs to lose and most was gained through 2 pregnancies and bad eating habits. I will add you as a friend, feel free to accept me and I do my best to encourage you along the way.
    Thank you. It means a lot! I will also do my best to encourage you:smile:
  • elainerinker
    elainerinker Posts: 1 Member
    Hi miss bryonyf iam elaine from pa iam 43 years old and iam 318lbs i need so much help with this weigth i do not know where to turn any more . So my doc told me about this site so iam going to give it a try. I wish you so much luck elaine.
  • MissBryonyF
    MissBryonyF Posts: 8 Member
    Hi miss bryonyf iam elaine from pa iam 43 years old and iam 318lbs i need so much help with this weigth i do not know where to turn any more . So my doc told me about this site so iam going to give it a try. I wish you so much luck elaine.
    Thank you Elaine, I wish you luck too. Give MFP a genuine try, be completely honest and as accurate as you can and I believe you will achieve!:wink:
  • tazbear1989
    tazbear1989 Posts: 22 Member
    Welcome to all of you. To add being completey and totally honest in your food diary, I have hound that journaling is very helpful. No matter what is going on in my day or my life, I try to write everyday, but sometimes I slack and it's a few days in between. i have noticed that as long as I journal I don't turn to food as much.

    Also if you don't have one, I strongly suggest a food scale and weigh EVERYTHING. I rarely use measuring cups anymore because a cup is not always 8 oz. I even weigh my milk, You want one that does ounces and grams. Walmart has them fairly inexpensive.

    If you haven't already, you may add me as a friend too. We all need support in this journey.
  • jennij0421
    jennij0421 Posts: 11 Member
    Welcome!!! Feel free to add me if you would like!