C25k - Beginner

Hello pallies!

I've just started the c25k program and I just completed Week 1, Day 2. I tried the program once before, but it was right before school exams and I didn't have the time at that point to start up something new. Now I'm back at it with a vengeance.

Now, all that being said, I'm having a bit of an issue. When I tried it before exams, I was doing it on a treadmill. I was able to complete it (with difficulty) but I ran every interval, etc. I know it wasn't supposed to be easy anyways! I ran on the treadmill with no incline. Now when I'm doing it, I'm running down my (very long) road, which is nice and paved but VERY hill-ey. I can't properly complete Week 1! I try as much as I can, but those hills just KILL YOU! I try to keep up with the intervals, but I had to skip some because I just couldn't do them, and my heart rate was at 190!!! (Range supposed to be 129-169).

Should I just keep working on Week 1 until I get it and I'll get used to the working on the hills? Because the hills must add like, double the effort, right?!

Thanks for any advice! I'd love your input.

PS. Anyone can shoot me a friend request if they're trying to program out too! (Even if they're not!) Can always use more motivation!


  • MeanderingMammal
    MeanderingMammal Posts: 7,866 Member
    There is a C25K group that you might find useful to review. It sounds like you're going too fast, which is a fairly typical issue for new runners.

  • thavoice
    thavoice Posts: 1,326 Member
    Hello pallies!

    I've just started the c25k program and I just completed Week 1, Day 2. I tried the program once before, but it was right before school exams and I didn't have the time at that point to start up something new. Now I'm back at it with a vengeance.

    Now, all that being said, I'm having a bit of an issue. When I tried it before exams, I was doing it on a treadmill. I was able to complete it (with difficulty) but I ran every interval, etc. I know it wasn't supposed to be easy anyways! I ran on the treadmill with no incline. Now when I'm doing it, I'm running down my (very long) road, which is nice and paved but VERY hill-ey. I can't properly complete Week 1! I try as much as I can, but those hills just KILL YOU! I try to keep up with the intervals, but I had to skip some because I just couldn't do them, and my heart rate was at 190!!! (Range supposed to be 129-169).

    Should I just keep working on Week 1 until I get it and I'll get used to the working on the hills? Because the hills must add like, double the effort, right?!

    Thanks for any advice! I'd love your input.

    PS. Anyone can shoot me a friend request if they're trying to program out too! (Even if they're not!) Can always use more motivation!
    If you do it on a treadmill you need to do it an incline, even if you are in areas that is flat.they say to do at least at a 1, but I would go to a 2. That helps compensate for the friction/pushoff from the steps/wind/terrain/etc. When you are on a treadmill it moves/propels you legs forward on the belt but when you run outside you have to push off to go and makes it much tougher.

    If I were you, try with week 2, day 1 and see how it goes. If it is way, way to difficule repeat week 1. There is no harm in repeating a week if it is very, very tough.
    Our gym does a C25k ever year and I help at it some times. It is amazing to see the results. People finish a week and they think it is very hard after the run, but start that next week after a coupld of days or rest and they surprise themselves!
  • aliakynes
    aliakynes Posts: 352 Member
    I'm assuming you're jogging as slow as possible and still getting an insane heart rate? If not, slow down even more. You'll get used to the hills, it will just be a bit harder than your average c25k-er. The up side is you'll be a stronger runner than your average c25k-er once you finish.
  • MeanderingMammal
    MeanderingMammal Posts: 7,866 Member
    I'm assuming you're jogging as slow as possible and still getting an insane heart rate?

    The originator isn't talking about an excessive HR there, and not surprising when on hills.

    My theoretical MHR is 176, in practice that's still in my aerobic zone, albeit at the top end.
  • aliakynes
    aliakynes Posts: 352 Member
    I'm assuming you're jogging as slow as possible and still getting an insane heart rate?

    The originator isn't talking about an excessive HR there, and not surprising when on hills.

    My theoretical MHR is 176, in practice that's still in my aerobic zone, albeit at the top end.

    190 is not excessive? She can't keep it up for 60 seconds, I'd say that's a good sign that it's excessive.
  • taeliesyn
    taeliesyn Posts: 1,116 Member
    Standard advice.. Slow down, slow down some more, and then slow down even more.

    When I did C25K I did it around my house, which is hilly. the start was nice as that was downhill, but later one... Ohhh BOY!
    As it was my second time attempting it, I started at W2. When I first hit the nasty hill on my route, I think the entire 60 seconds of running, had me cover 20m. The hill is about half a mile long and it took 2 or 3 intervals to get through it and I was trashed.

    By the end of C25K I was maintaining a pace that would get me a sub 35min 5k.

    Embrace the hills, embrace the suck and the pain. It WILL be worth it at the end.
  • mgleason01
    mgleason01 Posts: 78 Member
    When I first started the program, I began outside and after about 4 months, I had barely made it thru Week 4. I repeated many days. While I lost weight and a nice amount of inches, I was shocked that my endurance had not increased much. At any rate, due to change in daylight hours (I ran at 6am), I started using the treadmill and within three weeks I was able to run 25 minutes nonstop at 5mph. (This was last year) so my endurance has increased after all! I say all that to say that running outside IS TOTALY different than running on a treadmill. When outside, there is nothing under you propelling you forward, that is all you. Hills just add to that and make it more difficult. I say keep going! It will get easier with time!

    Now 6 months and no exercise later, I was able to start C25k on the treadmill at Week 4 and I am on track and now on Week 6. I will be outside starting next Monday so i need to prepare for a less than stellar performance.

    Good luck!!
  • queenjustine03
    queenjustine03 Posts: 28 Member
    I'm assuming you're jogging as slow as possible and still getting an insane heart rate? If not, slow down even more. You'll get used to the hills, it will just be a bit harder than your average c25k-er. The up side is you'll be a stronger runner than your average c25k-er once you finish.

    That's what I'm hoping!!
  • MeanderingMammal
    MeanderingMammal Posts: 7,866 Member
    190 is not excessive? She can't keep it up for 60 seconds, I'd say that's a good sign that it's excessive.

    That just means that the originator is going too fast, the HR is in the anaearobic range for her, so the training effect of running at that pace isn't significant. Regardless of all the advocates of high intensity intervals on this site, it's only going to make a difference to an already trained individual.

    You'll note that I've already made the observation about pace being too fast and to slow down... But the whole theory of MHR and zones is a gross approximation, to the extent that it's not a particularly useful training tool. As I've already highlighted, my peak heart rate can be nearly 12-14% higher than my theoretical maximum. Make of that what you will.

    For a 21yo 190 is not insane it's just not sustainable in an untrained individual.
  • tl_dr
    tl_dr Posts: 96
    I started out on a treadmill and stayed there until around I think the 4th week, mostly because I was *totally* new to running, and I had no idea how to pace myself. When I tried to run outside, I'd end up tiring myself out too fast, and I'd get discouraged because I couldn't finish my workout. Staying on the treadmill helped me become stronger while also becoming familiar with my body's limits.

    After the 4th week, I started doing some of my workouts on an outdoors track. I was able to get the full experience of running outside (windy, a very slight incline, uneven terrain) without having to struggle with hills.

    It wasn't until I became good at running the track that I moved on to running in my hilly neighborhood. It was still quite challenging, but not impossible!

    So that's my personal take on it. :smile: Work your way up so you don't get discouraged or injure yourself. Hopefully you are lucky enough to have a well-equipped gym in your town with an outdoors track.
  • Samstan101
    Samstan101 Posts: 699 Member
    I'm assuming you're jogging as slow as possible and still getting an insane heart rate? If not, slow down even more. You'll get used to the hills, it will just be a bit harder than your average c25k-er. The up side is you'll be a stronger runner than your average c25k-er once you finish.

    That's what I'm hoping!!

    I started with C25k around 100lbs and 12 montsh ago. I now run around 20-25miles a week. Where I live is very hilly and whilst it was tough when I started I now actually enjoy the challenge of the hills. I did C25K in part on the treadmill and in part outside ad whilst outside was tougher at first it was also more enjoyable and I think beneficial to my running now. Funnily enough I now find the constant pace & incline on the treadmill far harder than running outside. As others have said slow down, then slow down some more! it took me weeks before my running pace was actually faster than my walking pace. Don't worry about running quickly, that comes as your stamin improves and you do more distance. it doesn't matter if you walk at 4mph and are running at 3.8mph. These early weeks are to improve your stamina but also get your muscles and joints slowly used to running so the running motion is more important than the speed at this stage.

    Personally I'd say stick to your road. You'll feel great when you crack it and at some point you'd have to ditch the treadmill and run it anyway. You'll start to see running is as much mental as physical, mentally you'll want to quit far sooner than you physically have to quit. Because of this if you ditch the hills now, they'll be tougher still when you come back to tem as mentally you'll have built them up to be tougher than they are.

    good luck :)
  • mamahannick
    mamahannick Posts: 322 Member
    I was running exclusively on the treadmill too (no incline). I completed the C25k app and was very full of myself thinking I was such a great runner. One day I had the chance to run outside...and I almost died. First of all, I started entirely too fast. Constantly remind yourself to take it slow. Secondly, since then I have been running at an incline on the treadmill and that has made an easier transition to the road. When you run outside you have to use more effort to propel your body forward, when the treadmill moves beneath you and isn't as much work. Run at an incline and keep repeating C25k days outdoors when you can until you can finish it :)
  • lemonsnowdrop
    lemonsnowdrop Posts: 1,298 Member
    When I first started the program, I could hardly complete the first couple of weeks. I had to redo some days. If I didn't complete a day, I redid it the next time. Now I'm at week 8; you'll be amazed at how far your body will come in such a short amount of time. It just takes patience - slow down, enjoy the exercise. Slow and steady wins the race!

    Also, about treadmills: when I run on them, I use the "hills" program. This gives an incline that goes from 2 to 6 as you run. It really mimicks real hills and better prepares you for running on the roads!
  • hoyalawya2003
    hoyalawya2003 Posts: 631 Member
    I have had the same experience. I completed c25k on treadmill (no incline--was tough enough without it) and had to drop back to week 3 outside (and still stuck there after a couple weeks). I figure I will just tough it out and keep improving how far I can go with the hills--it is only making me stronger!
  • huntermaz
    huntermaz Posts: 37 Member
    As many have said before slow down and also work on your breathing. I am on week six and have been doing it inside on a track, I really struggled with week 2 until I working on being a belly breather vs a chest breather. Repeated week two and once I had my breathing down it made a huge difference. Keep it up you will be amazed at the progress, I ran 12 minutes straight yesterday, I have done that since high school 20+ years ago.

    There is good info here on breathing
  • thavoice
    thavoice Posts: 1,326 Member
    If yopu want to become a "serious" runner I suggest purchasing a GPS watch. I have a garmen 301 (maybe its a 305, i forget). Many have heart rate monitors as well.

    It is an amazing little device, and motivational.

    You can set it to alert you if ou are going too fast, or too slow, to how you set it.

    It is great to use for races and such when people start out the gate way too quick and die quickly! I use it in races, knowing what I can do, and try to stay at an even pace before I sprint it out for the last couple hundred yards.
  • MeanderingMammal
    MeanderingMammal Posts: 7,866 Member
    If yopu want to become a "serious" runner I suggest purchasing a GPS watch. I have a garmen 301 (maybe its a 305, i forget). Many have heart rate monitors as well.

    For someone just starting out there are a number of acquisitions that are more useful than a GPS watch; shoes, clothing etc.

    For someone just starting out something like Runkeeper or Endomondo will be perectly adequate for pacing and post run assessment of progress.
  • queenjustine03
    queenjustine03 Posts: 28 Member
    I have the polar ft4. Basic and good enough for me. I'm not a die hard, just someone hoping for healthy living.

    And to add to previous posters,
    first of all, thank you for all your advice!
    second of all, I no longer have access to a treadmill in the summer. The gym closest to my house is 25 minutes away! University comes with gym membership, and for now, school is priority number one for the bank account! Haha.
  • JessG11
    JessG11 Posts: 345 Member
    As many have said before slow down and also work on your breathing. I am on week six and have been doing it inside on a track, I really struggled with week 2 until I working on being a belly breather vs a chest breather. Repeated week two and once I had my breathing down it made a huge difference. Keep it up you will be amazed at the progress, I ran 12 minutes straight yesterday, I have done that since high school 20+ years ago.

    There is good info here on breathing

    Thanks for this link. I did W1D2 last night and I run slower than I walk I feel like, but I was still trying to figure out my breathing.
  • usmcj80
    usmcj80 Posts: 58
    I say slow down and embrace the hills. There is also no harm in repeating weeks or days, it isn't a race to see how fast you can get through the program. I never did the program myself but I started out just walking and slowly built up how far I can run 2 years ago. I just finished my second marathon in 3 hours 52 mins and my friend talked me into a third next year. No rush to get to that 5K and there is not even any harm in walk/running the 5K if you are signed up for a race.