Ugh food allergies!!

I am allergic to eggs, wheat, dairy, soy, peanut, and banana. This makes for strict nutrition and even harder when trying to lose weight. How do I find a sufficient replacement for eggs? I MISS THEM!!


  • LauraBest2013
    LauraBest2013 Posts: 50 Member
    I'd be really interested in any responses to this as just recently (last 2-3 weeks) my doctor has suggested I go lactose-free due to severe IBS, and I am now testing out a wheat and/or gluten free diet as I have constant stomach and gut problems. It's difficult when everyone tells you to eat oats, cheese and yoghurt!

  • katiekido
    katiekido Posts: 26 Member
    Use chia seeds in replacement of eggs in cooking/baking! When water is added, they create a gel. Chia seeds are very nutritious too!
  • bluebull123
    bluebull123 Posts: 27 Member
    Almond milk has been my substitute for cows milk. You can also find yogurt from coconut and almond. Nothing for cheese as of yet...but I am working on it :) Cutting out wheat was hard but I feel so much better in my belly and can definitely tell when I cheat.

    Stick with it! How you feel will be your driving force to stay commited to cutting out these foods.
  • bluebull123
    bluebull123 Posts: 27 Member
    I have an egg replacement powder..but dang if I don't miss hard boiled and scrambled eggs!
  • marykate1984
    marykate1984 Posts: 30 Member
    They are now making almond butter and cashew butter - good protein
  • knittnponder
    knittnponder Posts: 1,954 Member
    Is it just chicken eggs or can you do duck eggs? My sister in law can't do chicken but duck eggs are just fine for her and they're excellent in baking! They're a little bigger than chicken eggs and really good.
  • skiboat1us
    skiboat1us Posts: 16 Member
    Food allergies are rough. My daughter is allergic to peanuts and tree nuts and some fish. Husband is allergic to chicken. I would try the food allergy network for an egg replacement. We use WOW Butter for our peanut butter. Good luck!
  • LauraBest2013
    LauraBest2013 Posts: 50 Member
    There definitely do seem to be quite a range of alternatives and replacements; just some of them taste absolutely rotten! x
  • MissSarahAllison315
    MissSarahAllison315 Posts: 263 Member
    this is my topic!!! I have gone dairy free (even dairy protein free) and it's pretty tough!! I MISS CHEESE! I've done a lot of research on these things and found this website (a little outdated I know...) but it'll help out a little bit (even for the gluten free as well!):

    I've bought a lot of soy and almond products. Anything Vegan will also be good for you as well. I'm just starting out on this as well!!:flowerforyou:
  • haleymiller0707
    haleymiller0707 Posts: 74 Member
    I feel for you on the food allergies. I am allergic to scallops, black pepper, dairy, almonds and a bunch of others that I can't combine certain things or I get horrible acid reflux (like lettuce, beef, onions, rice and oats). It's crazy to keep track of it all. Now my doctor wants me to cut out gluten to see if some of my other issues will get better. I am so glad to see that there are others out there like me. I do love cashew butter. If anyone else finds products or websites, please share. I am always looking for something new to eat. My favorite sites right now are againstallgrain and balancedbites. I do a lot of meals from there.
  • bluebull123
    bluebull123 Posts: 27 Member
    Is it just chicken eggs or can you do duck eggs? My sister in law can't do chicken but duck eggs are just fine for her and they're excellent in baking! They're a little bigger than chicken eggs and really good.

    I have never thought of this... I looked it up and it looks like worth giving a try. Which means I have to find someone who raises ducks...
  • neandermagnon
    neandermagnon Posts: 7,436 Member
    there are vegan egg substitutes... try health food stores they tend to do a lot of veggie and vegan things... although ducks eggs are probably the best option if it turns out you're fine with them, as they have a lot more nutrition than the egg substitutes do.

    my daughter's allergic to lentils, chickpeas, some kinds of wheat (but not others) and eggs... plus the paediatrician advised us not to give her peanuts either due to being closely related to lentils and chickpeas. It can be quite difficult to plan meals and healthy snacks!
  • Jordanrae1992
    I"m having the same problem, I just found out that I'm allergic to eggs, white potatoes, carrots, oranges, cantaloupe, and corn. Egg is a HUGE problem for me because I'm a pastry chef... looks like I'm going to have to find a new career. Also, I've never realized until I found out about these allergies, how much processed food has corn in it! The wax on the outside of apples contains corn and caused me to break out in hives. It's disguised as so many different names other than just "corn". I've lost an inch around my waist in 5 days of not eating all this stuff I'm allergic to. That's the only positive thing from these food allergies!
  • willow229
    willow229 Posts: 2
    I am very allergic to brewer's yeast which is in a lot of processed food (and sometimes lurks hidden as "natural flavors" on food labels, so sometimes I am flying blind until I eat something and get sick) has been very hard but it was much worse when I was getting sick all the time when I didn't know why.
  • superdeformedchibi
    OMG, this is me as well! I'm currently on an elimination diet to figure out what's screwing my system. So far, I've found that dairy is a great big problem for me (the higher lactose stuff gives me the runs, the lower lactose stuff stops up the pipes; lose-lose for me, boo). I still have yet to rule out gluten, eggs, soy, nightshades, citrus fruit and peanuts as troublemakers. I'm not the happiest camper right now, but my insides don't hurt so I can't say that I'm totally miserable.

    Unfortunately, I don't know what a substitute for eggs would be, sorry. A word of caution on substitutes: If something is listed as an "imitation" double-check that ingredients don't have some kind of derivative of the thing its imitating. I am allergic to shellfish and I was once tempted to have some "imitation crab", only to find that it's flavored by being soaked in crab juice. Thankfully, I noticed that before eating it.
  • liekewheeless
    liekewheeless Posts: 416 Member
    I used to be allergic to wheat, eggs, soy, and nuts. (as well as some non food things). Lucky not dairy but I feel your pain.

    We had some different replacements for peanut butter, there is one made from sesame seeds and then there is sunbutter (sun flower seeds). I ate rice noodles instead of pasta and my mom tried every grain imaginable to bake bread without wheat.

    Remember soy is everywhere! It's used as an emulsifier in a lot of foods, chocolate :(

    Not sure if we ever found something for eggs.
    I ended up eating a lot of beans and veggies.
  • FitMe758
    FitMe758 Posts: 177 Member
    I found this line of snacks through Amazon "Enjoy Life"

    They are gluten, dairy, nut and soy free. I bought the trail mix packets as a backup to keep in my purse in case I am out and starving. (Nut free trail mix is hard to come by)

    I also found Sun Butter (Sunflower seed butter that is processed in a nut free facility) They have it on Amazon for "Subscribe and save" and also at Target and WholeFoods.
    I am told that sunflower seed butter has a stronger taste than PB, but honestly it's been so long since I've had PB, that I can't tell a difference.

    You can also try corn and rice pasta for gluten free alternatives. I am not a fan of corn pasta at all. But I think it has to do with my cooking method.

    Best of luck. I know it is hard. Hang in there.