Tired of being "Up against it!"

nevadafalls Posts: 4
edited September 22 in Introduce Yourself
Hello All! My name is Paul. I'm a former teacher who is now a 911 Dispatcher on graveyard shift at Disneyland. I've been following Tyler on 344pounds.com for about a year and finally kicked myself in the bee-hind when I saw his recommendation of MyFitnessPal. I'm in dire shape and let myself believe nothing would change, so why bother. Somehow I saw through my own self-produced fog and decided it was time.

I love the tools on the website and am actually looking forward to the challenge of making the changes and seeing results. I also am hoping to find a community of support for when the motivation and optimism fades and I need to slog through the doldrums.

My profile pic shows me with one of my two daughters, for whom I want to be alive and healthy and able to escort at their weddings. Looking forward to posting revised pictures along my journey....


  • mekhala
    mekhala Posts: 123 Member
    WELCOME!! you will love it here - everyone is great and give sooo much support

    Good luck with your journey!
  • :ohwell: Thanks!
  • micbin
    micbin Posts: 20 Member
    Aw Welcome Paul! Don't quite know how I'd have managed without this - it's a brilliant tool.

    All my best wishes and good luck!:smile:

  • tjradd73
    tjradd73 Posts: 3,495 Member
    hey Paul! welcome to mfp...this is definately the right place to come!!! good luck on your journey!
  • Welcome Paul! I can relate to working nights, did that for many years. And I'm glad your friend recommended MFP to you, I believe you will like it here, we are all in the same boat and support here is nothing short of amazing! Sending you a friend invite.. :smile:
  • stella77
    stella77 Posts: 282
    Welcome!!! And good luck!

    And cool job :)
  • Welcome Paul! So glad you finally made it here. You will love it. Good luck and enjoy your journey!
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