Feeling like a failure

Started on this journey in March of last year, the weight started coming off quickly, about 10 pounds a month all the way until the end of October and then I slammed right into a damn wall. Haven't lost not even one pound. Plus side is I didn't gain either but until this morning that dirty little scale showed 4 pounds more. I was ready to blow it up. I'm just so frustrated with it all. I don't want to give up because being healthy and skinny is better than the taste of any food. I just don't know what to do to kick start my weight loss again. I haven't stopped exercising. My food choices The past month or so I guess could be better but the willpower with food went out the flippen window too. I do so good all day but then at night I can't control. I try so hard all day and screw a whole day up. I'm not eating crazy but definitely poor food choices. Anyone have any tips or anything to help me out. I'm so tired of struggling, I just want this weight off. I started out at 293 last march and right now the evil little scale told me 236 this morning which I don't understand because it was less yesterday. How could I gain 4 pounds overnite. Is there a stupid little evil troll feeding me in my sleep? Help please anyone.


  • diannethegeek
    diannethegeek Posts: 14,776 Member
    A 4 pound gain overnight is usually just water weight. I wouldn't worry about it unless the scale continues to creep up.

    As for not losing, that's a different story.

    Your diary is closed. Setting it public might help us to discover any problems that might be stalling you.

    Are you logging your food?

    How many calories are you eating?

    What are your stats? height, weight, age, activity level

    Are you using a food scale, measuring cups, or eyeballing portion sizes?

    What kind of exercises are you doing?

    Are you eating back your exercise calories?

    If so, what kind of method are you using to determine your burn? MFP, gym machine estimates, heart rate monitor, etc?
  • Catfriend25
    Catfriend25 Posts: 95
    I'm so sorry You are feeling this way. Don't know what advice to give, but HUGS
  • First of all you should never feel like a failure!! Maybe you need to try different exercises, they say if you do the same ones over and over then your body will stop responding. Also, if you are cheating at night then you need to STOP. This is hard for me too, so maybe I take my own advice as well. I have been trying to not eat anything after 7pm. I usually just drink a glass of water if I am feeling hungry after that time. I agree with "dianethegeek", she asked you some great questions, answer those and be honest with yourself, could you be doing better?
  • hermann341
    hermann341 Posts: 443 Member
    If you're following this site's default carb/fat/protein ratios, you might try changing those. I've tried low-fat dieting in the past without much success, but when I go to Atkins, the pounds tend to fall off quickly the first couple weeks, before settling in to a steady 1 to 2 per week.
  • Siegeljanet
    Siegeljanet Posts: 31 Member
    Maybe its time to change your food choices as well as mixing up your exercize. I find if I eat at least 1/3 or more of the daily intake in the morning, i am not hungry in the evening, temptation time.
  • cardozm
    cardozm Posts: 78 Member
    you are not a failure .. stay strong