Back on the Wagon

I fell off the wagon over the past week. No reason, really. I just was overwhelmed trying to figure out calories. No real excuse.
I didn't go crazy, but I indulged.

So, I'm hitting the reset button.


  • goaliema
    goaliema Posts: 150 Member
    Well...welcome aboard again! Just remember..if you must get back on asap! Don't wait until the next day or week! It is like riding a get back on and ride to where you are going just don't walk away leaving the bike for someone else to snag.
    You can do it. There will be little bumps in the road( whether it be a social outing, stress, a party or a pity or a plateau) but even if you try to stay focus and slowly move over will get where you are going!

    Today is a great day and it is all the you want and are willing it to be!!!

    Glad to hear that you have a reset

    all the best
  • grumpy2032
    grumpy2032 Posts: 92 Member
    I fell off the wagon almost 3 yrsago and gained 50 but I am back on with all that I am tryin to get rid of 50 in my 50th year of life
  • goaliema
    goaliema Posts: 150 Member
    Today is a great day and it is all the you want and are willing it to be!!!

    opps... I ment
    Today is a great day and it is all ****that**** you want and are willing it to be!!!
  • msdebg
    msdebg Posts: 33 Member
    Well good for you! You can always start again and you are :-):happy:
  • Lizard863
    Lizard863 Posts: 26 Member
    True. No use beating myself up over it. It was a choice. Now choose to move on, right?

    Just wish I had the energy to go to the gym .I am fighting some bug and amd very lethargic.
  • KatieJellerson
    KatieJellerson Posts: 2 Member
    How do you keep from falling off the wagon? I do good for a long time and then I will slip up for a couple of months and have to start all over again. There are just so many good foods and so little time to get it all in. Well, here I go again. Hopeflly for good. Good luck to you as well :)