Trying to lose weight. should I do only insanity?



  • staylor0320
    staylor0320 Posts: 2 Member
    As far as the diet goes, I really try to focus on the Mischi's Ladder part that came with the Insanity Diet book. If you stick to the first 2 tiers for the most part, it says your diet it nearly perfect and since I'm a very picky eater, it helps to know what I should stick to and what to stay away from. Most importantly, I think it's important to make small, sustainable changes. For me, the point is to keep the weight off, not just to lose it so I agree with the moderation comment...there's no way I can give up cheese
  • No_Finish_Line
    No_Finish_Line Posts: 3,661 Member
    biggest deciding factor in losing weight will be what you eat. i've lost and gained weight on insanity, its all about what you put in your mouth.

    more cardio on top of insanity would be pretty pointless.

    i would do a full body routine at the gym 2-3 times a week when i did insanity.

    there is enough resistance in the program itself that you would be ok just doing insanity if you like tho. neglects the mid/upper back a bit however.