PCOS friends?

I've been logging for a bit, but don't have many friends! I have PCOS, so I'm trying to lose weight even though everyone seems to make excuses about how hard it is. I'm not doing low card, but if you are, that's awesome! I just wanted to see if I could find a few friends :)


  • KittiePerry
    KittiePerry Posts: 133 Member
    I have PCOS too! I just recently (yesterday) got my period back after years of not having it! I'm so excited that my body is starting to become healthy again enough to make my cycle come back into flow!
  • cafefrancaise
    I have PCOS too! It's the main reason I want to exercise. I mean, there are more, but it is why I'm here and wanting to get healthy. I want a child and this darn PCOS is keeping me infertile. Add me if you'd like!
  • kateangel2312
    kateangel2312 Posts: 242 Member
    I have it I was diagnosed at 14. Now I have a 5yo 2yo and a 5month old.
    Feel free to add
  • RozzeleS
    RozzeleS Posts: 65 Member
    I have PCOS I find it harder then some of my friends to lose weight and seem to have to put in the twice the effort.. I tried cutting carbs but that lasted all off 3 days, def not my cup of tea, I was moody and tired, and couldn't be bothered with anything which inpacted on my workouts so didn't help me at all.
  • Korrinn87
    Korrinn87 Posts: 9 Member
    Thanks for the responses everyone! So far I'm doing good but I'm sure its just water weight so far.

    Is anyone else on any meds? I'm taking metformin and BC currently. I was able to lose some weight before but I gained it all back.
  • Qwertysaurus
    Qwertysaurus Posts: 11 Member
    Yup, i have the dreaded PCOS! Not doing low carb, but doing mostly low GI, stuff like brown rice and pasta, sweet potato, burgen soya and linseed bread. Also quinoa has become an amazing alternative to rice, damn yummy. So I can still eat my favourite food group and lose weight <3 PCOS is horrible, but you'll have double the reason to be proud of you weight loss in the end :) Go for it. As for medication i used to take Metformin but didn't really feel as though it was doing much for me. Is it helping you?
  • Korrinn87
    Korrinn87 Posts: 9 Member
    I've been taking metformin for a couple years now and in the beginning I lost 50 pounds with just counting calories. I think it helped a lot, but I finished grad school and moved back home and started a new job and gained all the weight back.

    I think it helps with my insulin and blood sugar levels. Ever since I got my dosage figured out, my blood work has been mostly normal, so I think I can credit the metformin for that. Of course I still get some of the stomach issues, but I'm on the ER version and only 1000 mg a day. I was up to 1500 mg but I couldn't eat breakfast and there was many a bathroom situation.
  • carmlettmix
    carmlettmix Posts: 19 Member
    totally great I just wanted to chime in that after months of no period I just started today yay! so happy im not alone
  • carmlettmix
    carmlettmix Posts: 19 Member
    PCOS Sisters United

    so you can totally add me. I too have PCOS and just found out last year but I always knew. But I'm up and down in my weight loss journey. At the most I have lost was a little over 30 lbs. but of course added it back on. I started to focus more and stop giving up and the weight is coming off but its hard with no support from people that has PCOS. I mean people try to understand but they don't get. So its great to come a across someone who understands me (NOT THE PCOS), so whenever everyone needs a friend or to talk feel free to chat me up. Its a support for me as well. PCOS Sisters united, add me if you want :smile:
  • ldnmaggie
    ldnmaggie Posts: 222 Member
    Me! I've had it my whole life (Duh) only got diagnosed in Feb after begging doctors to actually investigate what was causing everything.

    Feel free to add, it's always nice to have people in the same situation as you

  • DivineChoices
    DivineChoices Posts: 193 Member
    Me too!! Feel free to add me.
  • Jelise24
    Jelise24 Posts: 74 Member
    I have PCOS as well! Anyone is free to add me! :smile: