Substitute for bacon. Help please

klewis1119 Posts: 14
edited September 22 in Food and Nutrition
It is breakfast time and I'm really hungry. I'm thinking about eating two scrambled eggs and I was wanting bacon with it but one slice is about 100 calories. Does anyone know a substitute for bacon


  • glandis
    glandis Posts: 89
    You could use canadian bacon. It is lean and only about 40 calories for 2 pieces. Enjoy!
  • Thank u that helps a lot. I love bacon I would even skip a meal for it lol so now I don't have to
  • ktbug1186
    ktbug1186 Posts: 266
    try the morning star vegetarian sausages...those are yummy and 80 cals for two!
  • If you have a BJ's wholesale or Costco get a bag of bacon Bits, It has 50% less fat that a slice of bacon and i use it in my scrambled eggs. You can find smaller bags at most super Markets. If you have them out where you are I also recommend Thomas bagel thins, 110 calories and makes a nice breakfast sandwich.
  • turkey bacon is just as good and much lower in fat and calories.
  • Try turkey bacon...doesn't taste nearly as good but still gives you the illusion of bacon.
  • AllietheLOSER
    AllietheLOSER Posts: 19 Member
    I agree with the turkey bacon....3 slices of butterball "bacon" are 75 calories. Delish!
  • egbkid
    egbkid Posts: 164 Member
    I love turkey bacon better than regular bacon, and here it is cheaper, to!!! I have been eating it almost daily solely for a source of protean, since i do not eat a lot of meat.
  • ican♥and♥iwill
    ican♥and♥iwill Posts: 176 Member
    The Oscar Meyer Center Cut bacon isn't too bad - 3 slices for 70 calories. It's a little pricier, but if you really want bacon, it's worth it IMO!

    And it's REAL bacon!
  • superwmn
    superwmn Posts: 936
    My hormel maple bacon is 80 calories for two slices. I enjoy it every morning. Hope this helps :)

  • lahina99
    lahina99 Posts: 6 Member
    I would go with Canadian Bacon. It takes great and has low calories and high protein. I would try and stay away from bacon bits (they're just processed soy proteins with sugar and food coloring). Turkey bacon is a decent option but also has a lot of fillers. If you really want the bacon taste, the center cut bacon discussed above is a good lower calorie option and you'll feel more satisfied having had "real" bacon. Hope this helps!
  • allthatnme
    allthatnme Posts: 18 Member
    The other day I read it was better to eat regular bacon just choose a better quality of it. Another thing you may wanna look at with the turkey bacon is the sodium.
  • anovasjo
    anovasjo Posts: 382 Member
    I have a weird bacon substitute (since I'm a vegan): thinly sliced, crispy eggplant. It can be crumbled up on a caesar salad, put on a BLT, or enjoyed as a side.
    Four 1-ounce slices of fried, seasoned eggplant "bacon" is about 87 calories, 0 mg cholesterol, with 20 mg potassium!

    Just my 2cents :glasses:
  • BeLightYear
    BeLightYear Posts: 1,450 Member
    The Oscar Meyer Center Cut bacon isn't too bad - 3 slices for 70 calories. It's a little pricier, but if you really want bacon, it's worth it IMO!

    And it's REAL bacon!

    I totally agree!!:bigsmile: Turkey bacon tastes rather strange to me!
  • Lisa__Michelle
    Lisa__Michelle Posts: 845 Member
    I use turkey bacon instead (Butterball brand in specific). It doesn't taste the same but it is a good substitute and like 25 calories a slice! You can find it with the regular bacon at the grocery store. I actually like it better than regular bacon!
  • jdelisle
    jdelisle Posts: 1,050 Member
    I love Lilydale Daystarters. They are only 25 calories a slice (huge slices at that) and have a heck of a lot less sodium than other types of turkey bacon (plus it's real cuts of meat, not bologna style like the others).
  • kathdela
    kathdela Posts: 148 Member
    100 per slice?!

    I get hormel black label and it's only 80 for 2 slices.
  • turkey bacon tastes great....someone said something about sodium BUT Butterball now has a "everyday" series that has Low Sodium and it tastes entire family eats it and the kids like it better than regular bacon. I still ike a good piece of crispy fatty bacon BUT i will go for the center cut higher quality of i get regular bacon....otherwise i stick to the turkey low sodium version and its great.
  • cardbucfan
    cardbucfan Posts: 10,571 Member
    I like Oscar Meyer Turkey bacon better than Butterball but that's my opinion. Canadian bacon is good but is high in sodium. I'll also chop us some lower sodium ham and throw it in with my egg whites for a scrambled omelette (I don't have the patience for a regular omelette!). I'm gonna try that center cut bacon, my kids hate turkey bacon and give me sad puppy dog eyes that we don't have "pig bacon".
  • Iceprincessk25
    Iceprincessk25 Posts: 1,888 Member
    I actually like Turkey Bacon better than regular. I hate the fatty little pieces in bacon and Turkey doesn't really have that. Just stay far far away from the Jennie O turkey bacon. It's TERRIBLE.
  • DS13
    DS13 Posts: 136
    I've tried turkey bacon and it tastes a lot better than I thought it would. Low in calories so you can eat more of it. One thing though is I couldn't manage to make it crunchy like how I like normal bacon so I'm back to normal bacon. I eat Smithyfield bacon which is 80 calories for 2 slices and 6g of fat. And I bought it wholesale so I got 3 packages for around 12 dollars, which comes to about 24 servings total.
  • Calicoskies
    Calicoskies Posts: 27 Member
    Oscar Mayer center cut bacon is 23 cals per slice. Great taste. I don't eat it often but when I do it's only that bacon. I love love love bacon.
  • meggonkgonk
    meggonkgonk Posts: 2,066 Member
    I know this is in no way a substitute for bacon, but since you are having eggs- it's an excellent opportunity to get some veggies in- peppers, onions, tomatoes or spinach. Maybe you can add the veggies and have less bacon?
  • dwarfer22
    dwarfer22 Posts: 358 Member
    Not a great sub but I also love me some bacon but I will never buy it cuz I'll eat it all and OMG i'd die. So, I usually throw some lunch meat (ham) in the pan I am cooking my eggs with. I just use the thin slice deli stuff in a pack and it's not bad. 2oz. is 80 cals, and I usually only need like 2 slices which is about 1 oz. The pan frying kinda crisps it up and it has a yummy flavor then. Everyone try it now. :tongue:
  • I'll probably make some people crazy with this but why substitute anything? I eat breakfast every day and always have. One difference now is that I use the food dairy here to record what I eat. I have a theory that makes sense to me-and my doctor-and some friends I talk to. I do not forbid myself bacon. Instead I balance it some way to still keep on target for my goals and losing weight. For instance, I skip the toast, or maybe go with one egg-not two or eggbeaters if you can handle them. I found serveral ways to cook eggbeaters that tasts really good. I always have bacon in my fridge. I buy the thick kind and the when I get home cut the entire package in half and freeze one half. When I want bacon (which is not every day) I cook two halfs - slowly so they don't shrink up as much and when crisp drain any grease and put in between paper towels to get as much grease as possible out. Like you said--it is 80 calories--I say it is only 80 calories. Add an egg-up to about 180 calories or eggbeaters less and with those-add shaved parm.which is very low in fat and caloroies and melts in a eggbeater omellette. If you really don't like eggbeaters try them with the parm-omellete style--and fresh spinach rocks (amazing-you have to try it to believe). I then put salsa--but if you don't like that don't . So lets say you are now at 200 calories, add fat free milk-now 280 calories-add one/half slice oroweat sanwich or bagel thins--350 calories-low fat LOLakes butter-now at 400 calories. I keep my breakfast under 500 and usualy it is more like 350-or 375 but one or two days at 400 is not criminal and will not stop your progress. Anyway--it works for me so just thowing it out there. I don't believe in forbidding myself-it just makes me want it more and in the past--that was a real problem. Portion sizes, count the calories, balance the rest of the day and stay happy and satisfied!
  • One more thing-to me turkey bacon tastes like cardboard. But check out labels--there are lower cal. bacons. But-I get the thick and the two half slice eaten one bite at a time (resist urge to eat it all at once) really satisfies me. And I put it all on a small plate.
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