Pulled Gluteal.....waaaahhhhh!

Dang it! I just started weighted squats a few weeks ago and spinning classes. This morning as I was doing lunges - BAM. I pulled out my right gluteal. I can walk fine, it's a little painful going up stairs. I've literally got a pain in the *kitten*!

Any suggestions for getting back in the saddle again quickly??


  • 4Pick
    4Pick Posts: 25
    time and physical therapy/massage, if you can swing it. "back in the saddle"...classic

    good luck
  • nerdymathgrrl
    nerdymathgrrl Posts: 270 Member
    Ice and ibuprofen/naproxen to reduce inflammation, and perhaps limit your workouts to low-impact stuff until it calms down. Better to take it easy for a few days than to aggravate it further and risk being in severe pain. Also, a heating pad before any workout and ice afterward. (I've been to physical therapy a few times lol.) If it gets more painful, your regular doctor will probably be willing to prescribe a muscle relaxer for you to take at night, which can help it heal and keep it from being stiff and painful in the morning.
  • wonderwoman234
    wonderwoman234 Posts: 551 Member
  • Shuuma
    Shuuma Posts: 465 Member
    Ibuprofen, foam rolling, and baby myself a few days...that's my prescription! Feel better soon!