Cheap body-scale (help?)

Hi MyFitnessPal!

My scale has been a bit odd. It seems to change its mind every 10 seconds, by about 1 whole kg. I bought them at Argos in the UK for about 15 pounds and they aren't working properly.

Any recommendations for a new scale? Are the body fat measurer ones worth it?


  • Aaron_K123
    Aaron_K123 Posts: 7,122 Member
    Don't bother with the body-fat measuring impedence scales, they are completely innacurate and don't work at all.

    Do you mean that your current scale ranges by 1kg if you stand on it, measure, then get off and stand on it again and remeasure or do you mean 1kg difference during a single day?
  • froggiefroggie
    I mean that if I stand on it it shows on number, then I get off and immediately get back on and it can fluctuate by up to a kg :/
  • Aaron_K123
    Aaron_K123 Posts: 7,122 Member
    I mean that if I stand on it it shows on number, then I get off and immediately get back on and it can fluctuate by up to a kg :/

    Well, I suppose you could either buy another scale (not sure which to recommend) or you could just stand on it three times and average the number. 1 kg in the grand scheme of things isn't that much really and its the trend you see over time that's important not the accuracy of the number so depends I guess how much you care about the accuracy.
  • froggiefroggie
    That is such a good idea! I will average from now on. Thank you :)!
  • katmariew
    katmariew Posts: 87 Member
    I have no idea if this helps, but this is the scale I have:

    Mainly I bought it because of the large display-I can read it without my glasses lol. ALSO it's really precise. I can step on it with one foot, on the edge of the scale, standing normally, doing a handstand (just kidding) and it registers the same weight.

    I agree with the poster who said not to get the body fat measure scales.