Hello everyone! <<< Nerd



  • kellymorris55
    kellymorris55 Posts: 6 Member
    Hi! I'm a gamer as well :) I love survival horror games such as Fatal Frame & Silent Hill. I play pretty much everything except for fps games because I get motion sick lol. I've been going through all the Lego games lately which have been fun. I'm trying to use my gaming time as a reward for doing well and making healthy life choices. My main issue is pop. I drink too much.
  • Yagisama
    Yagisama Posts: 595 Member
    I would love to play Elder scrolls online but I'm not going to pay $15 a month or however much it is. :-\

    Even though I'm a big fan of Skyrim (and the older Elder Scrolls), ESO (beta) did nothing for me. It felt like a very generic game with some Elder scroll elements tacked on top.
  • NerdySamoan
    NerdySamoan Posts: 78
    Well not really a gamer (dont get enough time these days with) used to play alot of C.s 15 and 1.6, as well as Battlefied 1945.
    ANd now my son wants to be a professional gamer zzzzz
    my geeky nowadays is anime/manga and GoT
  • dmd5252
    dmd5252 Posts: 12 Member
    Oh man. I shamefully admit that I used to play WoW hardcore a couple of years ago. Those were definitely my biggest days and I actually quit cold turkey because I realized it was just being a distraction. I miss it though. Ha.