Confused.I lose more @ 1900 calories than @ 1600?



  • deksgrl
    deksgrl Posts: 7,237 Member
    it just came across as rude the exact quote was "dont compare your needs to someone elses".....which i wasn't doing, i guess after yesterdays post i'm just highly sensitive, maybe rude wasn't the right word......"short" would have been better. I'm just trying to get opinions and suggestions like everyone else.

    I'm always short, it is more efficient, I am well known among my friends as being brief and to the point, and they seem to like that. Now if their cat died or something I would take the time to hold their hand. But adult people asking questions on the internet from strangers shouldn't need hand holding.
  • ok ok, my bad, i apologize for being an overly sensitive adult. The point was you aren't "well known" to me, so of course it would seem rude instead of just being short.

    Enough said.
  • opticoax
    opticoax Posts: 28
    Hi lavendah,
    I have a few thoughts. I do weights twice a week and cardio 3 days per week. My weight jumps around quite a bit..yesterday morning I was at 174 but by night time I was 178. I drink a lot of water and try to eat a low carb diet. If I take in more carbs than usual like on a weight training day, I hold onto more water hence a jump in weight.

    I think your calories are good overall, but I also think calories are not the whole story...what you eat and when is sooo important.

    I try to keep my insulin levels low using intermittent fasting. After like 14 hours of fasting, your body should be burning almost only fat since your hgh is going to spike and your insulin levels are low. Try a 16/8 window of eating combined with a low carb diet..just eat meat and vegetables from say 10am to 6pm.

    On low carb you will lose a lot of water weight up front too. Then once a week, have a carb refeed where you eat something like bread or kashi cereal for a few hours and take in say 500g of will bloat a bit and hold water after that but it helps regulate your hormonal response after a week of dieting.

    Also..make sure you are measuring yourself, eating plenty of protein, and get a dexa or bodpod body fat measurement every 6 weeks or so...or hust buy some pants and shirt that are 1 size too small to see if they start to plus study can be brutal and not leave much time for exercise..but try to do some heavy weights and cardio each week too. U dont want the skinny fat look. Good luck.
  • Aaron_K123
    Aaron_K123 Posts: 7,122 Member
    Honestly who knows what happened. You are talking about a couple days. Maybe you were just retaining water that week because of XYZ reasons who knows. Too short a time scale to say anything definite about it.

    The idea that your weight loss stalls if you don't eat enough is false though for what should be obvious reasons. By weight loss I mean fat loss by the way, your body might end up retaining more water in response to the stress of not eating enough but I assume when you are talking about wanting to lose weight you mean fat weight not scale weight right?