gained weight after walking?

hi all my weight plateued so i started to do some power walking, first week lost 3.5 walked 3 miles 2nd week did about 3 miles lost 2lb then the third week i walked almost 6 miles and gained 1.5lbs i just dont understand why my diet never changed i just walked more.

has anyone else experienced this?

thanks all



  • alannahlyall
    alannahlyall Posts: 11 Member
    You could be gaining muscle on your calves/thighs? Or water retention of course! Thats all I can think of, Good job btw

  • jd5351
    jd5351 Posts: 116 Member
    Maybe your muscles are holding some water? Make sure you're drinking plenty.

    Also, it could just be Mother Nature.
  • Royan33
    Royan33 Posts: 10
    It could be water retention, especially before period due to the hormonal changes.
  • tinawilldoitthistime
    tinawilldoitthistime Posts: 32 Member
    i hope so im just going to carry on with the walking and see what the scales say next week then oh and plenty of water! thank you
  • Froggymcconnell
    Froggymcconnell Posts: 92 Member
    muscle weighs more than fat. The best way to tell if your losing would be to measure yourself - your waist, hips, thighs, chest etc etc :smile:
  • BigGuy47
    BigGuy47 Posts: 1,768 Member
    hi all my weight plateued so i started to do some power walking, first week lost 3.5 walked 3 miles 2nd week did about 3 miles lost 2lb then the third week i walked almost 6 miles and gained 1.5lbs i just dont understand why my diet never changed i just walked more.
    So you're 3 weeks in and you've lost 4 lbs. That's awesome. The scale weight flucuates, it's just how it works. Keep doing what you're doing and the weight will continue to come off. Don't get discouraged by a minor bump on the scale.

    LOL at all the "you gained muscle" responses. Seriously? Gained muscle from walking? :laugh:
  • wilsoje74
    wilsoje74 Posts: 1,720 Member
    No you didn't gain muscle from walking. Are you walking every day?
  • Froggymcconnell
    Froggymcconnell Posts: 92 Member
    you can gain muscle from walking! - yes it may not be the case but it could be!

    If you are not used to walking and have done considerable walking then it could be the case.

    Back of my calfs are now rock solid due to the amount of walking I have now started so the fools who laugh your just making yourself look silly.
  • tinawilldoitthistime
    tinawilldoitthistime Posts: 32 Member
    i power walk up hills my heart races fast and i go red in the face i am deffo not used to walking at this pace no i lost the 1.5lbs that i had gained this week but not any extra
  • JTick
    JTick Posts: 2,131 Member
    you can gain muscle from walking! - yes it may not be the case but it could be!

    If you are not used to walking and have done considerable walking then it could be the case.

    Back of my calfs are now rock solid due to the amount of walking I have now started so the fools who laugh your just making yourself look silly.

    No, your calves are now rock solid because you've lost the layer of fat covering them and can now feel the muscle.

    Edited to be helpful to OP: Weight fluctuates a LOT. Like, a ton. More than you can probably imagine. Unless you know you've been eating over your calories, don't take weight fluctuations very seriously. You can retain water from doing more exercise than you're used to, hormonal changes with your cycle, or because you put your left sock on first instead of the right one. Seriously, there's no rhyme or reason sometimes.