Life events getting in the way of your workout routine?

Lately life events have been getting in the way of my workout routine and I feel bad about it but there's not much I can do. For example, in the past week, I gave my friend a ride somewhere and I was driving for more than 6 hours and I had to wait for her to finish her appointment which took 2 hours. So I got no exercise that day. Sure, I walked around a bit while she was at her appointment, but that's not as effective as my normal workouts, and I didn't actually walk 2 hours since I thought she was only going to be in there for 1 hour.

Then today, I was at a family outing which took 6 hours. I had to wake up super early for it so I napped for 2 hours when I got home so I had very little time left today to work out.

What do you do when life events get in the way of your workout routine? I mean, you can't stop living, right? How do you find the balance between getting fit and living life?


  • poke987
    poke987 Posts: 348 Member
    I'm in the same boat, I feel a bit selfish at times for hunting out time in the day for "me" I know my health is an important priority, and I know my family does too... But some days it seems like as a whole unit my family just can't manage it. It's a work in progress, I do the best I can every day!
  • SezxyStef
    SezxyStef Posts: 15,268 Member
    I don't sweat it..

    it happens

    If I miss my Friday workout I may or may not do it Saturday depends on how I feel...if I don't I start up again on Monday, if I do get it in great..
  • Arydria
    Arydria Posts: 179 Member
    Yep. Life happens. Last week I dropped a weight plate on my foot and shattered two toes. So no running for me for awhile. And next week, I'm traveling on business and the hotel charges $20/day for the gym :(. So it will be resistance bands and bodyweight exercises for the week.

    Life happens and you adapt...
  • KarenJanine
    KarenJanine Posts: 3,497 Member
    This is life. Stuff gets in the way. It only becomes a problem when missing a workout or two turns into weeks or months of missed workouts. As long as you get back into it, you'll be fine.
  • Annie_01
    Annie_01 Posts: 3,096 Member
    I think the answer depends somewhat on why you exercise. If you are just looking to burn calories then it might be difficult on busy days. If you are just wanting to get in better shape there are alternatives.

    Someone already mentioned resistance bands. They are easy to travel with and can be used in various ways to strength train.

    Squats...can be done with bands or no weights.

    Knee lifts...

    Leg abductions...

    Calf raises...

    Toe raises...

    Maybe these types of things won't show vast improvements but they are better than nothing.

    If you are going to be in the car waiting on someone...carry a pair of dumbbells with curls...shoulder presses.

    Be creative...
  • tazroni
    tazroni Posts: 24 Member
    We are very short staffed were I work and lately it seems we are asked to extend our 8 hours shifts to 12 and on my two days off I am frequently asked to work one or both,which is extremely tiring and I tend not to want to exercise either. I find by the time I am done my shift and get home, get things ready for the next day, I am too tired. What I try to do is, jump on my exercise bike and while my husband is watching hockey playoffs I can ride and chat with him and catch up on our day. Before I know it a half hour and sometimes even an hour has gone by. I think days you have just over extended yourself with what ever its okay to miss a day. If you keep such strict rules about exercising over the long haul its easy to just quit because you have made such unrealistic expectations of yourself.
  • JoRocka
    JoRocka Posts: 17,525 Member
    I don't sweat it..

    it happens

    If I miss my Friday workout I may or may not do it Saturday depends on how I feel...if I don't I start up again on Monday, if I do get it in great..


    it happens. move on- do the best you can or make it up- either way don't let it ruin your groove.
  • Nice suggestions especially about the alternative exercises! Today I managed to get my workouts in, yay! I'm about to take my dog for a walk....there should be other people out walking in the park so that's always nice. When I get home I'll write a blog about nail polish.
  • ponycyndi
    ponycyndi Posts: 858 Member
    I'm constantly changing my routine. I've got an elliptical, but i can only use it when all 3 kids are occupied (never)AND the weather is ok because it's in the garage. I use my desk cycle, but that's only to help my circulation, it's not burning much calories. I have workout videos that i love to do, but again, kids, and they want to use the tv to keep them occupied. So I walk a lot, when the weather is ok.

    My point is, I have a lot of contingency plans, and lots of days when I just don't work out.