Hello! Fat girl needs friends. ;)

Hello! I am new to the forum but I have been using the iPhone app for a few months, though not very regularly unfortunately. I have started off the new year right, one day at that gym down, another to go this afternoon! I am hoping to lose about 95 pounds. I am 245 and 5'9". I teach school and that keeps me moving during classes, but other than that, I find that I am pretty sedentary. It depresses me to have no clothes that fit, so I find I am not going out with friends as often as I might. I decline invitations regularly because I have nothing to wear. That sounds sad because it is. I tend to rationalize that I will buy clothes when I am thinner, but that has left me fatter and wearing the same pants three times a week. ...it's not a good look, believe me. I have become that fat teacher who looks overworked, stressed and angry. It could be better, for sure.
I lost weight using Weight Watchers before, because I knew the accountability worked for me. Maybe by making some friends on this thing I will feel like I am being held accountable by knowing that you all are seeing what I eat...it's worth a shot.....
Hope everyone had a good new year and feels good and motivated today!


  • chunkie06
  • qtwells82
    qtwells82 Posts: 352
    Welcome to the site! Would love to be friends with you :flowerforyou:

    You can do this...i know it!!!!
  • eyeballer
    Your story sounds just like mine! I'm 5'10'' and started out at 240. I've been tracking every day since the beginning of November and I've lost almost 14 pounds. Now that the holidays are over I'm ready to hit it again! I've lost a lot of weight with WW too. I had a baby in March 2010 and I'm now struggling to lose the baby weight! Welcome to MFP! This site and the people on here are great!
  • mhayes13
    mhayes13 Posts: 60 Member
    Hey bienlunee - I used this site with great success and then fell off the wagon. I am back for 2011 to make this stick. We can all get better through hard work!
  • mezmez73
    hiya christine!!!

    lets be friends! i also need the help and support from friends!!!

    -we can do this!!!!!

    talk to u soon! Jen
  • thedeegan4
    thedeegan4 Posts: 422 Member
    Welcome and good luck! I would love to be your weight loss buddy and help keep each other accountable. I, as well, am looking for someone to help keep me on track.
  • SabrinaM85
    Welcome!! This is a roller coaster of a journey, but this site and the people here are great! Remember to just keep going and even if you slip up today, tomorrow is a new start! Good luck on your journey and feel free to join me on mine! I am not perfect all the time, I struggle and I mess up. I love food and I don't really love working out all the time. I am learning to make better, healthier choices. I am human! But I will encourage you and support you as best as I can!
  • ljbouse
    ljbouse Posts: 129
    welcome to the family:flowerforyou:
  • Jones115
    Jones115 Posts: 29 Member
    add me as a friend please. I did the same things you did and rationalized me losing weight with having to buy new clothes. I put my weight loss off until I could finish college. Unfortunately I gained about 60 pounds while I was in college so I was a lot worse off then when I started. You will learn that if you actually follow the guidelines that MFP sets for you, then you will lose!

    good luck
  • KolkerJ
    KolkerJ Posts: 1 Member
    we can do it together!!!!! I can totally relate to you!:smile:
  • tmrashank
    my name is Tara Ive been on here it seems like forever and never posted to anyone. I'll be your fitness pal. I need someone to keep me on track too
  • rori_74
    rori_74 Posts: 111 Member
    Hi bienlunee , welcome to MFP, your story is almost the story of all of us , together we'll do it , you'll love it here lots of motivation and support ,sending you friend request ;)
    good luck :flowerforyou:
  • NatureRunnerGirl
    NatureRunnerGirl Posts: 14 Member
    I know your saddness but his is a great start. I wish you luck! Happy New Year!
  • gottoloose2
    Hey There,
    My story is just like yours, so I understand where you are coming from. Good luck with the program. We all need encouragement so I am here to help.
  • vickfan13
    Hey There-

    We are all in this together. I am getting married this September in Jamaica and I am looking forward to it. Ordered my dress in my pre-kids size so I am focused. Started the Insanity program this morning and ready to change these eating habits. I never lost the weight from my first kid and then added more on top of that with the second. Time for a change!

    Good Luck!
  • SandraDeeRene
    Hey Christine, good morning and Happy New Year......Today is my day to start...again.....I set goals, meet them for the most part and then take a break....sometimes they last longer than I should and I always gain back some of what I lost....I spend alot of time losing the same pounds over and over....grrrrrr oh well I am getting closer to where I want to be. I am like 5"9 and no one believes what I weigh...so I don't really work so closley with the numbers on the scale as I do the size of britches I'm in.....BUT here is the cool part.....WE can do this.....when I started I was in a 24 pant....and I can relate to wearing them over and over because I did....my beautiful daughter is in that exact mode right now....she is doing weight watchers. I think that we are punishing ourselves with this practice of no new clothes....BUT AGAIN....I am here to remind you and myself that we are more than our size.....I am certain you are a beautiful person on the inside...but we are so caught up with the outside that we don't shine through.....You are more than a clothes size....I don't know you yet but I am postive I could at this very moment list amazing things about you and be right on.....Great job on the gym and eveytime you go will be easier....hope to talk to you again and again....not sure how all this works...today is my first day on.....have a great day and WE will do this one day at a time.....so ROCK ON....and shake that booty
  • Cherrise1969
    Count me in to, i really need the support and motivation
  • secostley
    secostley Posts: 409 Member
    Hi! Welcome aboard! You'll find a lot of motivation and support here on the site.

    Let's drop the "fat girl" moniker. You've admitted it once so we've established a starting point. From now on you are "progressively thin." See you goal in mind, picture yourself there and take one step forward each day.

    Looking forward to walking with you on this weight loss journey.

  • ifeelsqueaky
    Hey it sounds like you have lots of support here on the forums! I too am in the same position of having no clothes that fit or if they do, they show off all the parts of my body that I deem bad - I have way too many spare tyres and I'm not particularly proud to show them off! Let's be buddies then we can keep each other on track :)
    HEATHERB500 Posts: 78 Member
    I'm new too. I feel the same way you do and have a similar story. I always say I'll lose the weight and then buy new clothes. Now I don't have one thing that fits that I can go out with, so I just stay home. I'm 5'11 and weigh 263lbs. I'm using the food tracker on here and I'm starting with brisk walking. I also joined a challenge on here and every week they give you something new to try. This week you need to try to add 45 minutes of strength training to your routine throughout the week, and work to keep your sodium intake below 2000mg. I like the way they do it so that even if you are a beginner like us you can still incorporate it. Anyway we have simalar fitness goals and we are both just starting. I will send you a friend request I hope you will add me you will be my first friend on here.:flowerforyou: