When to eat before or after my workout?

On Mondays and Wednesdays I don't get to the gym until 7pm and I don't usually get home until 8:30 or so. When should I eat dinner. Eating after my workout seems too late but is it really good to eat a full meal before going to the gym?

Please share your thoughts!


  • gwapes
    gwapes Posts: 1
    I guess it depends on how intense the workout is. I prefer to have a small snack 30 mins before the workout and then eat a decent meal an hour afterward. Are you able to plan to eat an earlier dinner?
  • rjlam
    rjlam Posts: 149
    My son is a personal trainer and he suggests to have a light meal one to two hours before you go to the gym if possible and if not, have a protein bar one hr before and when you get home from the gym then have a lighter meal such as a salad that has some sort of protein in it. The protein is important to help your muscles recover. Hope this helps. Feel free to add me. Liliane
  • lisshelb
    Thank you for your replies! I think the protien bar before and the light meal afterwards will work! It's hard to eat dinner any earlier than 6pm because I drive over an hour to work. But I can snack on a protien bar on my way home. Thanks again!