2011 Home Cookin' Challenge for NonCooks



  • I do not cook often. 1x or mybe 2x a week if that. We tend to order out or buy a lasagna thats frozen.
    Im with you:)
    I did make dinner last night and it was only like 345 cals.. My husband was proud of me:)
    Do not know what I am gonna make tonight.
    Can not be pasta...Lol
  • lor004
    lor004 Posts: 1 Member
    I love to cook. I am looking forward to see what everyone is going to make and it will give me ideas of what I can make. I am trying to cook healthy for me and my sister.


  • If it will help people, I've decided to write my menus for the week ahead on my Blog ( Fat Dormouse Blog, I think I called it!) If you want the recipes I can post those too - tho it may take quite a long time!
    I find that I can't get ingredients here in France that are common in America, and so I cook a lot of stuff from scratch.
    Tonight's dinner is Perky Turkey
    For 2 people:
    4 handfuls of cooked turkey
    1 clove garlic
    1 tbsp honey
    1 tbsp soy sauce
    1/2 tbsp chili sauce
    1/2 tbsp tomato ketchup
    1/2 tbsp mustard
    1/2 cup turkey stock

    Preheat oven to 200°C/400°F/GM6
    Peel & crush garlic, mix with everything else. Season to taste
    Put pieces of turket into the mixture & coat well.
    Tip into a baking tray and cook for 20 minutes.

    Serve with a salad made of fresh orange, grapefruit and rocket leaves.

    I'm having it with baked sweet potatoes as well.
    I've never made it before but it sounds really tasty and easy to make. Good luck to everyone!
  • emmaleigh47
    emmaleigh47 Posts: 1,670 Member
    Hello group! How did week one go for you?

    I just returned home from Pittsburgh on Friday night ... and tonight was the first night cooking.
    I am super proud of my husband, who did the grocery shopping on Friday from my list. Tonight I was not feeling so well, and I wanted to push dinner off to tomorrow night ... and he was like, no I'll make it.
    I almost choked on my water... but ...


    We had Baked Ziti and Steamed mixed veggies with a piece of bread. :)
  • sunsetwest
    sunsetwest Posts: 199 Member
    I used to HATE to cook and meal times were a total PITA around here. I started planning my meals on calenders that I would print out. It is just a basic calender, they are from my ancient Clie software~LOL. I would do a month at a time. We do the grocery list based on the menu and we have actually saved money because have fewer impulse buys. I was doing so well with this I actually started a vegetarian cooking blog (my husband is a vegetarian and I am not).

    I would also suggest getting a slow cooker. Those are a lifesaver!

    Thank your hubby for the blog - I'm now a reader! :happy:

    I am also a cooking noob trying to cook at home and bring food from home for work lunch. It's definitely a challenge, especially with a non-vegetarian husband who gets almost twice my calorie allowance. I need to step away from the two main dinners I alternate - pastas and sandwiches. BOOORING and so not worth the calories! :yawn:
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