Full Body Reset

Hi! I've been a member here forever, but last August I really decided to crack down and get my body under control. I was 245 pounds, and by February, I was 210, something I literally never in a million years thought was possible. I went vegan (something I've always wanted to do and love dearly!), exercised fairly regularly (but baby steps cuz I'm obese and out of shape), and the weight basically fell off and I loved it.

But in February, I hit a roadblock (personal stuff), and had to take a break. That break lasted until about last night when I realized I have to get back in the game. I haven't been exercising or tracking my food, and I'm ready to keep going, or rather, pick up again. I'm a college student with access to a free rec center on campus, which I've decided to take advantage of next semester (this semester is basically over and I'll be in Italy from the 12th until June 21st for study abroad!!!!), but I know I have a lot of challenges I'm going to need to overcome. Particularly motivation and fear. I'm so terrified of going to the gym because I've literally never been in one before in my life. I have no idea how any of those machines work (I have a basic knowledge of treadmills lol but that's about it), and I'm bigger, so I'm already at a social disadvantage (people can be so judgmental ya feel me). Plus, I won't be able to get in there until late August anyway.

I learned a lot about myself during my last weight loss journey. I learned, for example, that I hate running (passionately lmao) but I love yoga and video game exercise like my WiiFit and DDR. I also enjoy walking when the mood strikes (and I do a LOT of walking while I'm on campus). So at least I have that to start.

What I'm primarily looking for here, I guess, is support and motivation. I've been going at this alone for too long and I think that's why it didn't stick. I don't really have any friends, and I DEFINITELY don't have friends looking to lose weight or anything, so I'm reaching out to you guys. I need people to hold me accountable and help me keep moving forward so I don't get stuck again.

I'm ready for this. I'm ready to break my bad habits and reset my body so I can achieve what I know is possible. I'm ready to get back in the game.

Anyone wanna join me?


  • rosanna88_
    rosanna88_ Posts: 32 Member
    I'm with you girl. Starting over (for the 100th time) is really frustrating. "Life" will always get in the way. Just trying to figure out how to balance everything. I was 260 at my heaviest and dropped down to 204 a few years ago. I'm now back up to 245 and am having the hardest time sticking with it.

    We're all in this together.