When do we stop thinking ??????????

When do we stop thinking ??????????
Reading a friends post this week. She has gained 60 pounds (myself 50) and she suddenly thinks she has been taking in to many calories and needs to get on program which of course made me evaluate my own thought process. Geez I've gained 50 pounds a need to get back on program. What is it in the brain that doesn't kick in soon.
Oh I gained 10 pounds my clothes are snug, back on track
Oh I gained 20 pounds and now I need larger clothes because my others don't fit
Gosh I've gained 30 pounds/ 40 pounds I really need to do something
What???? I've gained 50 pounds, oh my goodness, okay I am on program.
WHY WHY WHY does this not happen at 10 pounds. Few weeks on track, weight is back where it should be and all is well. What part of the brain/ thought process does not kick in at 10 pounds..........
Just my thought for today


  • hummingbrdhrt
    hummingbrdhrt Posts: 67 Member
    In my case, it's good old fashioned denial. I don't want to recognize that my clothes are fitting tighter or that I need bigger clothes. I tell myself, "Ah, it's just a few pounds." Those few pounds keep creeping up until bam!
  • GallifreyanGirl396
    GallifreyanGirl396 Posts: 76 Member
    I know what you mean! I'm 5'3". I remember gaining and being depressed at 130lbs. The next thing I know, I'm well over 150. In no time, I was cutting 10 lbs to 160 for a kickboxing match. I hit 180 and started working out. Dropped 45 (by unhealthy means). 2 years later, I'm 60 pounds heavier! I was at work one day and burst the seam in the thigh of my largest dress pants. I went to the doctor for a check up and weighed over 200 pounds! In 5 years, I had gained about 80 pounds without noticing how much I was putting on. My jeans have more than doubled in size....how did I not notice that happening!?
  • ranranbolly
    ranranbolly Posts: 7 Member
    I think it's pretty much the same as thinking 'oh, I ate a cookie. But only 1. Another couldn't help. Well, that's just 2....how on earth did I eat the whole box?' Little steps in one direction never seem to make a difference, it's once you've gotten there that you really begin to notice.
  • donyellemoniquex3
    donyellemoniquex3 Posts: 2,384 Member
    bumping for later
  • Kenazwa
    Kenazwa Posts: 278 Member
    I didn't want to go through the whole dieting thing ever again, so I decided that I'd just allow my body to settle wherever it was naturally going to settle and accept it. Then I hit 208 and freaked out. I wish I had freaked out about 50 pounds ago.
  • cathyg415
    cathyg415 Posts: 7
    We stop thinking when our healthy habits have been replaced with RATIONALIZATIONS. When we begin to rationalize, healthy eating is no longer a priority in our minds, we stop exercising and taking care of our bodies, thus the weight gain. I think this is how it works.
  • Shananigans_
    Shananigans_ Posts: 785 Member
    It's so true! It finally kicked in for me with a 20 lb gain. Ugh.