Hello, It's Me, Annette!

HI! I'm new and excited to find this forum on MFP. I use the app for tracking food on my phone, but didn't know the web site had so much to offer. I'm very impressed!

Right now, I have a lot of weight to lose, from 140 - 170 lbs. It's a daunting task and I've failed at a lot of diets. I do have more hope now, since beginning The Wheat Belly diet a week ago. I do believe wheat is an issue for me, and today I'm so happy that I'm not craving bread and other carby foods. I know that I have used food mostly as a drug to calm down, to relax, to find comfort, but now that I'm low carbing I don't have the intense cravings, so that should make it easier.

I am so afraid I'll stop and fail again. Not that I want to, but that's been my pattern. I'm hoping that this forum will be helpful and supportive and look forward to getting to know some of you on here!

Btw, how do you make those weight loss meters that go into your forum posts?

Las Vegas, NV


  • ghettoct
    ghettoct Posts: 10
    newbie here too, I think if you go to your profile page there is a lost and goal thingy there just to right of "about me" there is a link that you can hit "add to my site" and "personalize your ticker" iam in process of trying to add it to mine as well. good luck on your weight loss!! indeed this site and app is great. I too have been there done that and find this site the best. best of luck. james
  • vegaslassie
    vegaslassie Posts: 3 Member
    Thank you! That helped me find it.
  • prgirl39mfp
    prgirl39mfp Posts: 3,154 Member
    Welcome!! You are here and that is a big step. I need to loose 36 lbs and will not let myself down anymore. I have eliminated some bad processed foods and indulge every now and then on sweets without feeling guilty. Lots of hard work but is worth it. We all fail, we just need to start fresh and continue. Good luck!
  • shrcpr
    shrcpr Posts: 885 Member
    Welcome, Annette! I tend to do better on a lower carb/higher protein ratio myself although I'm not technically on a low carb diet. Glad you've found something that is helping with the cravings. Sometimes it takes a while to find the right program/way of eating that works for you. You can do this!
  • angebossy
    angebossy Posts: 1
    Hi Annette my name is Angela from UK. I've just signed up too, like you bread is always a temptation oh and cheese:-) I'm a picker so lose track of what I eat.
    I exercise but my diet stops me losing any so my efforts are a little in vain. Hopefully now with the calorie count I'll do better I am currently 16.7 stone and so desperate to lose weight before a family wedding end of July. I always dread photos and not feeling confident in what I'm wearing x so have my goal in sight and would like to lose 2 dress sizes before wedding. Hope you reach your goals. I'm taking one day at a time as the fridge is mymsis lol and its about being totally honest about what I truly eat. Wish you all the best here for support x