second chance at life!

I have always been a heavy guy since childhood, in college I was actually 215 and liked where I was at, after that it was all down hill, on 08apr14 I was having neck pain and left side pain and went to ER, they ruled out a heart attack but thought it was a blood clot to lung, got a CT and for some reason the doctor whom reviewed it actually took the time to review it and found some partial blockage to the heart. 5 hours later I had two stents put into my right coronary artery where I was told I had a 98% blockage. dumb luck, luck of the draw...or someone looking out for me above.....but that was my wake up call! I have been cleared by my cardiologist and will make a full recovery....but I now take heed the advice that was given to me over the years, eat right, exercise and be healthy.

I have given up red meat, pork and junk food. my wife whom said I need to go to the ER, found "my fitness pal" and got us hooked up with it, I have recorded all my food intake, exercise and its made this new lease on life much easier than all other diets I have done....well let me rephrase this, its a life style adjustment not a diet. I am in it for the long run and have found motivations on the forums here. since 08apr I have gotten my one mile brisk walks down to a 14:56 mile, total distance is over 30 miles and biked over 20 miles so far. and with eating right and exercise I have lost 14.8 lbs. iam a new guy here and good luck to everyone! we can do this!


  • jpikey66
    jpikey66 Posts: 127 Member
    Great story and well done on your weight loss so far. I wish you every success on your journey ????
  • ghettoct
    ghettoct Posts: 10
    thanks for the kind words! good luck to you as well!!
  • lghorton
    lghorton Posts: 7
    Welcome. I'm so glad you had a close call and not a last call. Keep logging every bite and the numbers will tell you what you are doing right or wrong. This site is fantastic.:smile:
  • ghettoct
    ghettoct Posts: 10
    thanks also! indeed this site is nice. good luck as well!
  • Smirnoff65
    Smirnoff65 Posts: 1,060 Member
    Well done buddy, similar story myself and had a 2nd stent fitted last july, gave up the cigarettes at that time and between then and end of December put on 21lbs that I could ill afford to put on anyway and that took me up to 305lbs which was by far the heaviest I had been in my life. My plan was to start dieting in the new year but a few days before the end of the year I had been to the doctors because I was constantly up during the night to go to the toilet, he took blood tests and found that I was type 2 diabetic so this made me even more determined to change my lifestyle, lose weight and get myself fit again. First few weeks was a struggle as I could hardly walk the length of myself but now I have gotten myself a lot fitter, walk a lot and have started a little running too, ran a km last week without stopping, I'm sure it must be near 20 years since I last done that, I know it was only a Km but I was really proud of it. I realise I have a long way still to go but I'm determined to stick at it and I know that MFP has really helped me keep my focus.
  • monica_reinert
    monica_reinert Posts: 99 Member
    Wonderful post... I to have struggled with my weight my whole life. And as you said it is not a diet but a lifestyle change. I try to log regularly and have an open diary. Feel free to add me as a friend.
  • ghettoct
    ghettoct Posts: 10
    great weight loss, man I get stoked every time I log on here. my goal in life is to not be on that table again. though the drugs were really good and I didn't feel a thing, its knowing that I have two pieces of metal in me that are a constant reminder that I messed up along the way and have to pay for it..... I feel pretty good and excited that iam getting fitter each day...but I kinda get down knowing that I got two metal things In me lol. stick with it! as a collective we can do this.
  • _HeartsOnFire_
    _HeartsOnFire_ Posts: 5,304 Member
    OP - You're doing great. Congats on making the changes you needed to make to change your life. Also, to look at it like a lifestyle change and not just a diet, because that's exactly what it has to be.

    Are you doing any strength training? I would recommend it so you can minimize lean muscle loss while losing fat (you'll still lose both, but maybe not as much in the lean muscle department).

    Read these:'re+new+here

    TL:DR ->

    If you have 75+ lbs to lose 2 lbs/week is ideal
    If you have 40-75 lbs to lose 1.5 lbs/week is ideal
    If you have 25-40 lbs to lose 1 lbs/week is ideal
    If you have 15 -25 lbs to lose 0.5 to 1.0 lbs/week is ideal
    If you have less than 15 lbs to lose 0.5 lbs/week is ideal
  • Annie_01
    Annie_01 Posts: 3,096 Member
    There is another amazing drink that will help you with weight don't even have to order it...and relatively inexpensive (plus there is no shipping charge) is called....WATER.

    Just go to your nearest faucet...and turn this little knob...and voila....there it is. I recommend using a glass to drink it with but you could just stick your head under the faucet and then you wouldn't have to wash the glass.

    Oh...and that amazing drink called is also good to cleanse your body with...mop your floors...even your clothes will appreciate an occasional dose of it.

    An added benefit of this weight loss can add various flavors to it for a little variety. Every morning I mix my water with coffee...seems to start my day of (and those around me) a little more pleasant.

    Try it...then you won't have to worry about reordering...just need to pay a water bill once a month.
  • walk757
    walk757 Posts: 96 Member
    Great post guys, get healthy....stay healthy!