Looking for Support!

I'm Giver of Support all around! But I need some too. I've got a long way to go, but I'm confident in myself, and in you! Who's with me? Going to be a long journey!! =] My Goal is to be exactly where I want to be come December of this year, and it's not just a 'diet' its a life changing series of events, going to be a rough challenge and would appreciate any support and friends I can get!!


  • KristyR341199
    KristyR341199 Posts: 15 Member
    Feel free to add me. Anyone else who reads this can add me too. I always need more friends!
  • FitMom136
    FitMom136 Posts: 720 Member
    You can add me too!! You're so right about this being a lifestyle and it's not easy. We're in this together :)
  • terrylhatcher
    terrylhatcher Posts: 14 Member
    I agree!! It is definitely a life change! It has to be!! If you go back to what you were doing before you will get what you had before!! I have been doing this since Jan 7, 2013!! I am definitely not always eating and exercising the way I want to, but the great thing is that it has clicked this time! I am able to bounce back quickly and stay there most of the time! My gym buds and MFP friends have helped a lot. Tracking food helps so much! It sure keeps me on track! I am ready to stay on my journey until I reach my goal, but it will definitely not end there! I will always have to watch what I eat and exercise....but that is the way of life. I am here to support all my friends. I am enjoying this journey. I have learned a lot about me and others! Embrace the change! It feels good to feel good!! I definitely can use all the support you all give!