Mom of 2 with Thyroid problem

Hi, my name is Annette and I am a dedicated wife and mom of 2. My weight challenge started about 9 years ago after I had my son and was diagnosed with a Thyroid problem. I currently take 200mg of the synthroid meds and weight is still a challenge for me. My SW as of today is 230 and I would love to lose down to 165. Anyone with advice or who also have thyroid issues who can give me idea or help in anyway...please let me know...


  • snickersnomore
    Hi Annette!

    My name is Kandee and I am with you. I never lost the weight after each one of my three children. I am currently on 150 mg of synthroid. I thought once I got on the medicine my weight would start to come down, but it didn't. I have no help for you right now, but can sympathize and support you. I weigh 198 today and would love to get down to 145. Good luck!
  • orting514
    orting514 Posts: 153
    Yes thyroid does play a role in gaining weight, i was diagnosed when i was 14, but i currantly take a very LOW dose, still if i dont take it, im sleeping all the time. For us folks with Thyroid issues, i wish i had some advise, we just have to take it 1 day at a time, watch your caleries, and make any adjustments you may need, also consult your doctor maybe he/she has some suggestions??
    Carol :smile:
  • Aintnet
    Aintnet Posts: 12
    thank you for the comment. I have been on the meds for 9 yrs and the weight goes down and by 5, but that's it. I am starting p90X today also, so maybe that will help. I am a very picky eater so that is something i have to work on also......