doing my calories and gaining weght help!

I am doing my calories which is 1700 a day for my weight and height to try and lose weight plus I bought and exercise bike and do at least 30 minutes a day and usually try to go for 30 minute walk and somehow I have gained 5 pounds in 5 days please help im working so hard and gaining instead of losing I am so depressed:sad:


  • Strokingdiction
    Strokingdiction Posts: 1,164 Member
    Do you track your calories through guestimates, volume measurement (cups, teaspoons, etc) or weighing.
  • usually estimating but I always go higher than what I actually ate here is what I ate yesterday
    coffee &coffee mate
    40 minute exercise bike
    glass water
    11:00 2 cups corn pops 1 cup 2%milk
    1:00 half cup jello % 1/2 piece pepperoni
    3:30 2 eggs with green onion and slice of processed cheese
    7:00 fried pork with jasmine rice and onion
    7:30 grape juice 100%
    10:30 peanut butter cookie
  • Strokingdiction
    Strokingdiction Posts: 1,164 Member
    I say this with the utmost support and desire for you to meet your goals, invest in a 15-20$ kitchen scale and weigh everything that goes into your mouth for 2-3 weeks. If you're still not losing, revisit the issue. I'd place good money on this being your #1 roadblock in the way of your weight loss goals.

    I weighed everything today and you can look at my diary to see how many items that was. It added 15 minutes total to my day. I now know with a fair degree of accuracy the number of calories I took in.

    This is a thread filled with folks that started doing things the same way you are now and they have had greater success once they made the switch.
  • allotmentgardener
    allotmentgardener Posts: 248 Member
    As the above post says, you should get a scale and measure your food. I used to just guess amounts but I was way off and my idea of portions was ludicrous :)
    I now weigh my food, I have my kindle with me in the kitchen and log food as I prepare it so its no hassle for me.
    Good luck with your healthy journey :)
  • Adw7677
    Adw7677 Posts: 201 Member
    Eat more protein, less carbs. The foods you're eating are making your insulin/bloodsugar levels go nuts.
  • fificrazy
    fificrazy Posts: 234
    Either you were suppressing your metabolism prior to now counting (leading to gaining on an insufficient amount) or you're miscalculating.

    Could benefit from a reset diet (Google it) if it's the former.
    Could benefit from a food scale if your problem is the latter.
  • saunca
    saunca Posts: 10 Member
    Couple ideas. First, did you just start keeping track of your calories/meals? Sometimes, a person gains or "stalls" in the period just after they start their calorie restrictions. Your body might just be doing a little freak-out because of the cut in food intake.
    But, definitely get a scale.
    Also, are you tracking your sugar for the day. My screen for "my fitness pal" doesn't just tell me my calories for the day. It breaks up my food into calories, carbs, fats, protein, sodium & sugar (I think I got them all!) Can you see that breakdown too?
    I was shocked to find out how much sugar I was eating everyday. My calories are always under my daily goal, but even now that im watching it, my sugar is still usually over. THIS is what is keeping my weight loss in stall mode. I'm working on that....
    GOOD LUCK and add me as a buddy if you'd like too.