Im New

My name is Sunshine_97 and I was here last year and then I left because of computer problems and then this year,
my dad passed away on 2-26-14 and all I did was get frustrated over everything and all I wanted to do is eat and eat,

But now it is time to do something...I am disabled and looking for some of my old friends but cannot find them ugh.

I am on a walker and just trying to do my best to get healthy once again with all of your help.

Please add me if you want too..


  • Hey - I'm so very sorry for your loss. May the sun shine on you.
  • Train4Foodz
    Train4Foodz Posts: 4,298 Member
    Welcome to MFP.
    Very sorry for your loss, all the best with your fitness goals!

    Feel free to add me.

  • Bobbi_210
    Bobbi_210 Posts: 5
    Thanks Adam!