Need help from guys!

my husband is starting up on here and I was looking for some guidance from some guys that are successfully losing weight! any advice or anything you have to offer would be greatly appreciated! He works long hours and his downfall is eating late at night after he gets home from work.


  • GorillaNJ
    GorillaNJ Posts: 4,052 Member
    my husband is starting up on here and I was looking for some guidance from some guys that are successfully losing weight! any advice or anything you have to offer would be greatly appreciated! He works long hours and his downfall is eating late at night after he gets home from work.

    Us guys face the same challenges that you girls do... one thing that I find to work for me is focusing on strength training. I enjoy it and nothing is better for burning fat then building muscle
  • PokenStick
    That's my biggest flaw as well. It's still a struggle for me. I do a lot of getting up, looking in the fridge and then trying to convince myself to not eat something. Most nights I win, some nights I don't. I haven't found the magic cure for it yet, other than just having the will power to overcome it and that when I do snack at night, it's a healthy one.

    I know some people who have had success in logging their food before they eat it. That way he can see just how much that snack will hurt him.
  • Vincent64
    I have been moderately successful on this. I have not always been consistent..I work long hours too.. It does work but being honest and consistent are the keys..stay with it..

    But here are some things to consider:

    No starchy carbohydrates after 3PM at least during the week..dont drink your calories..stay away from soda and sweet drinks..keep the sugars down..I was reading that the average carbohydrates consumed by an individual is 240G a day try to stay in the 120G range unless you are really training hard then you can have more. Find some nuts that you like use them for snacks..pistachios are the lowest in fats..remember nuts have good fats.

    If you really want to change the way you look then some weight kind of training is key...for example if you are shaped like a large pear and you lose weight and dont weight train you will still look like a pear you will just be smaller..

    Find a good protein shake (E.G Jay Robb) and get yourself a subscription to Mens Health

    Just some thoughts..I am not a fitness expert..I do do a lot of reading though
  • jessicalhall85
    thanks guys! i will be passing this on to him! :) greatly appreciated! :D
  • Mindful_Trent
    Mindful_Trent Posts: 3,954 Member
    I used to be really bad about overeating after coming home from work, too - I highly recommend he bring plenty of healthy snacks to work (pre-portioned almonds, cut-up veggies, fresh fruit, yogurt, etc.) so that he's not super hungry when he comes home - this was a HUGE help for me! Also, if he doesn't already, he should get in the habit of drinking water throughout the day - also a big help.

    I really believe there are no hard & fast rules - (ex. no eating after x pm, only x% carbs, etc.) - as long as he keeps his macros in a reasonable range (he should be especially sure he gets enough protein and good fat!) he should be fine.

    Edited to add: I agree with the poster who said to plan/log everything in advance - it's much easier to plan my meals/snacks, bring them to work and stick to eating those than to try to come up with stuff on the go.
  • ziggythecat
    ziggythecat Posts: 62 Member
    NIght eating is a big problem with me.

    Just logging food has helped me with my late night snacking. I know to save some calories just in case my will gives out. That way instead of just going crazy, I at least know that I have to be very careful and make sure I don't go over my daily calories. Usually if my brain is telling me to eat instead of my stomach, as long as I get a little something, I can force myself to not go further.
  • floridabootcamp
    Just as a heads up....eating late at night won't hurt....that is one of the more popular fitness myths...quality and quantity of food are the most important things....
  • Bamacraft
    Bamacraft Posts: 175 Member
    1) Cardio 3-4 days per week and strength training 2x per week. after about 4 weeks you can increase to ~4x per week.
    2) You are what you eat AND you must eat to lose weight and be healthy.
    3) Water, water, water!
    4) Exercise with him. I dont mean you have to go everyday together... but go together, do your own thing, and go home to eat a healthy snack. You sit on the couch and grab the ice cream - so will he!
    5) Treat yourselves 1 day per week (dont go over board) if you done good all week. Total deprivation will only increase the cravings.
    6) Get educated and stay motivated. Buy him a Men's Health..keep it next to the bed...reading / seeing healthy will help curb the late night junk food binges. Brag on him when deserved.
  • puddles76
    puddles76 Posts: 36 Member
    That's my biggest flaw as well. It's still a struggle for me. I do a lot of getting up, looking in the fridge and then trying to convince myself to not eat something. Most nights I win, some nights I don't. I haven't found the magic cure for it yet, other than just having the will power to overcome it and that when I do snack at night, it's a healthy one.

    I know some people who have had success in logging their food before they eat it. That way he can see just how much that snack will hurt him.

    I load the calories I know I'm going to eat for the day and that really helps me with knowing what I have as the evening comes and really helps me in planning my dinners or an eveing snack. It's a great planning tool and I know if something is coming up for dinner like a night out I can adjust my lunch. Usually by 2:00 I have loaded my dinner to see if it will fall in my calorie count for the day.
  • jonjoyner83
    I'm kind of in the same boat. I come home late and can slip into eating like a maniac. The biggest thing that has helped me is having the MFP app on my droid. Now I can keep up with my intake anywhere.