Grad student... on the highway to awesomeness!

capriqueen Posts: 974 Member
Well... maybe not awesomeness, but a better body. More importantly, judicious eating. 25 pounds to lose on a crazy budget. Who's in? Hands please!


  • capriqueen
    capriqueen Posts: 974 Member
  • anneboleynr
    anneboleynr Posts: 23 Member
    I'm assuming the crazy budget is due to being in grad school? :smile: If so, I sympathize! I finally finished grad school last year and it was a huge relief.
  • Yagisama
    Yagisama Posts: 595 Member
    Oh grad school. That was ten years ago. It was a simpler time back then. A time where I'd go to the Del Taco next door at 11:40pm and take all the lab reports that I had to grade. They'd close the doors at midnight but let me stay. I'd grade away and keep ordering their fatty goodness.

    Early morning, when I sensed my shadow, I would go home. Well, not really, I'd usually leave around 3am. ;)

    This is when my weight gain started. That was the root of the problem for me. Taco zero.
  • londonlady4
    londonlady4 Posts: 14 Member
    Oooh, oooh I'm in grad school!

    I've only just taught myself not to stress eat about my dissertation. About time. :tongue:
  • Yagisama
    Yagisama Posts: 595 Member
    Oooh, oooh I'm in grad school!

    I've only just taught myself not to stress eat about my dissertation. About time. :tongue:

    Good work! If that doesn't stress you, everything else should be a piece of cake.

    Just a word of warning though, stress eating doesn't end with grad school. I've had situations in work where I've had a super stressful situation where I literally ran out to get a burger. Thankfully I don't do that anymore (I pickup the burger in advance). ;)
  • londonlady4
    londonlady4 Posts: 14 Member
    Oooh, oooh I'm in grad school!

    I've only just taught myself not to stress eat about my dissertation. About time. :tongue:

    Good work! If that doesn't stress you, everything else should be a piece of cake.

    Just a word of warning though, stress eating doesn't end with grad school. I've had situations in work where I've had a super stressful situation where I literally ran out to get a burger. Thankfully I don't do that anymore (I pickup the burger in advance). ;)

    Aww man! I was hoping the stress eating would decrease once I was rightfully employed. But you're totally right, as long as I learn to deal with it, I can handle it! Even if it means planning my stress meals in advance. :happy: Hahah.
  • kwb87
    kwb87 Posts: 70 Member
    I'm mid way through a 3 year PhD studentship and put 14lbs on due to lots of time spent reading and typing and bascially not moving around much! Over the past six months I've been making a conscious effort, going to gym classes with other grad students, running more often and doing weights. I'm definitely fitter and stronger but the extra fat is still there! :) Mostly due to the fact I hadn't really changed my diet, I was still having takeaway pizza and chinese every week! Hopefully now I'm eating a bit better too, I'll drop the extra pounds of fat! I've already knocked 5lbs off in the last month :)

    Best of luck with yout route to awesomeness anyway!

    It's great to see other grad students on here! :) x
  • grazer432
    grazer432 Posts: 33 Member
    I'm started grad school this September (eek). All through uni my weight has gone up and down 90% based on uni workload and stress. I'm so dreading the next 18 months!
  • dmd5252
    dmd5252 Posts: 12 Member
    I'll be finishing my first year of grad school (2 year program) so definitely understand.

    For me, I'm always pressed for time. So, I used to cook a big meal on Sundays and then portion it out for the next couple of days. That definitely worked for my first two quarters. This quarter though has been difficult. I've been eating a lot of protein shakes, yogurt, and m&ms. Ha. A lot of times too I will just buy some fast food (a salad at Wendys, in-n-out, or some chicken katsu) and then just split that meal in to both lunch and dinner. I hate those instant ramen noodle packages. Give me a cliff bar instead.