The Ups and Downs of Daily Weight Checks



  • MelsAuntie
    MelsAuntie Posts: 2,833 Member
    When I was losing weight, I would weigh myself once a week. Now in maintenance, I last weighed myself sometime last fall. Doing it every day just takes too much time.
  • countscalories
    countscalories Posts: 418 Member
    When I was losing weight, I would weigh myself once a week. Now in maintenance, I last weighed myself sometime last fall. Doing it every day just takes too much time.
  • countscalories
    countscalories Posts: 418 Member
    Gee, you must be really busy! Just kidding. Congrats that you're in maintenance. That's a great thing you've accomplished! Good luck to you, and I hope to join you there one of these days...

    HEY, FELLOW MFP MEMBERS: Please, someone (anyone)-- how do you post a comment to someone's quote without posting twice like I just did? I can calculate grams to ounces in four different languages, but this I can't figure out.
  • tequila09
    tequila09 Posts: 764 Member
    That is awesome to see! Good for your for sticking to it. I love weighing daily or almost daily. It helps keep me on track!
  • Yagisama
    Yagisama Posts: 592 Member
    I'm with you OP! Here's my chart from the last 2.5 months! :laugh:


  • smantha32
    smantha32 Posts: 6,990 Member
    Gee, you must be really busy! Just kidding. Congrats that you're in maintenance. That's a great thing you've accomplished! Good luck to you, and I hope to join you there one of these days...

    HEY, FELLOW MFP MEMBERS: Please, someone (anyone)-- how do you post a comment to someone's quote without posting twice like I just did? I can calculate grams to ounces in four different languages, but this I can't figure out.

    Hit the "quote" button. Then put your response outside the quotes.
  • paperpudding
    paperpudding Posts: 9,039 Member
    I weigh weekly (my scales aren't in my bathroom btw) - but regardless of weekly or daily weighing, your graph illustrates a good point OP - weight loss is not exact or linear - as long as the line is overall going downwards then you are doing it right.
  • Katherine1687
    Katherine1687 Posts: 106 Member
    I weigh myself everyday and don't worry about the ups. I just check back a week and as long as I weigh less than I did on the same day the week before I know I am going in the right direction.

    My graph looks very wiggly but shows a strong downward trend.
  • adorable_aly
    adorable_aly Posts: 398 Member
    I've started weighing every day too, I find that when I was weighing less often there was a lot of pressure on that particular weigh-in and I always saw a gain or loss as a 'true' figure. After weighing daily I realise I vary within 5lbs of my lightest recorded weight. All I think when I see a larger number is 'oh that's interesting'. I'm collating the data for a month to see if I'm maintaining or losing.
  • CharlieJuliette
    CharlieJuliette Posts: 459 Member
    I weigh every day. I like getting to know my body, which activities and foods can cause the ups and downs, etc. I actually tried weighing weekly, but it didn't keep me accountable enough. I could "cheat" and think, that's OK, I've got another 5 days until weigh-in day, I can make up for it by then, etc.

    I started using the app "Happy Scale", which works best with daily weigh ins. It uses your daily data to estimate your actual weight, so you can see trends over time and not get hung up on the daily ups and downs. Works for me :)

    I've started using Happy Scale too. So now instead of fighting the urge to weigh everyday I've embraced it! My weight went up by 2 pounds this morning but the trend line it still on track, so no worries :-) The more data the better as far as I'm concerned!
  • Booksandbeaches
    Booksandbeaches Posts: 1,791 Member
    I like to weigh myself every day too. I don't get freaked out by a small increase because by weighing myself daily I know fluctuations can even happen within a day for various reasons. When I didn't weigh myself daily, I'd get frustrated with small gains that I now know were either water weight, weight from carb intake, not pooping, TOM or something else. I have a lot less pressure for weigh-ins when I weigh every day. I can also see the general trend in my weight loss much easier with daily weight checks.
  • amandabethc
    amandabethc Posts: 16 Member
    I weigh every day. But I only record on Saturdays. I use it as a reminder of what I'm working for, and that what I'm doing is working. Even if the number is higher than the day's not ever as high as when I started! And it helps me to focus on what my plan for the day is. Great job, OP, on the weight loss!
  • patwojo
    patwojo Posts: 13
    Thanks for posting your graph. Seeing the visual puts in perspective how much our weight can fluctuate from day to day.
  • penelopeyvonne
    penelopeyvonne Posts: 97 Member
    I weigh myself every Friday, Saturday & Sunday!! It used to be just every Saturday, and that would be the one I would enter into Progress on MFP, and also into a weekly "Food/How it's all Going Diary" I've kept for the last two years. This doesn't chart what I eat, but basically how I'm feeling each week, as the weight comes off, goes on. I record just a snapshot of how I'm feeling, weightloss-wise.

    I started the Friday weigh-in because I was so anxious about what the Weight Would Be on the Saturday that I had to put myself out of my misery :noway: and then check it against the next day's result. And if I didn't like THAT, then Sunday was the fallback if I needed it. Take this weekend ... Friday was 13st 7.5 ... Saturday was 13st 5.5 and this morning :bigsmile: 13st 3.5!!

    Yes, I am aware how much weight can fluctuate even during the day, but it's mentally reassuring / soothing / consoling if it goes down :wink:

    And it's especially reassuring at the moment as three weeks ago I upped my calories (I've posted about it) from 1215 a day to 1700, following reading lots of posts about TDEE etc on MFP.
  • penelopeyvonne
    penelopeyvonne Posts: 97 Member
    I weigh every day. But I only record on Saturdays. I use it as a reminder of what I'm working for, and that what I'm doing is working. Even if the number is higher than the day's not ever as high as when I started! And it helps me to focus on what my plan for the day is. Great job, OP, on the weight loss!

    What a wonderfully positive attitude, and very close :blushing: if I may say so, to my own!!
  • amusedmonkey
    amusedmonkey Posts: 10,330 Member
    I weigh myself every day because I noticed I cut down on food the day before weigh in when I did it weekly. Plus I find numbers exciting and amusing so this fits right in.
  • bethlaf
    bethlaf Posts: 954 Member
    my graph would look identical if i entered weights every day , but i decided a while back , only to enter a "false gain" if it stays longer than a week, every time i change up my routine it takes a while for my body to remember oh yeah, its ok for us to get rid of a little of this excess weight..

    ETA- yes i weigh DAILY - it motivates me and keeps me on track.
  • logg1e
    logg1e Posts: 1,208 Member
    I like the idea of being too busy to step on scales.

    I'm spending a few weeks weighing myself a lot, up to four times a day when work allows. I'm finding it very informative and motivating. I know that I'm at my heaviest around midday and not in the evening as I thought. I know that my weight fluctuates about 1 and a half pounds in 24 hours, not as much as I thought.

    I only record my weight once a week though.

    On a similar point, it took me a while to realise that when most MFPers refer to "scale" or "non-scale" they are referring to "scales" or "non-scales" as in weighing scales. They are only referring to weight so, for example, a decreasing waist measurement would confusingly be referred to as non-scale.
  • Sharon468
    Sharon468 Posts: 12 Member
    I am weighing daily in the morning now too while I'm trying to lose, because once a week isn't enough data to see a proper trend until a few months go by. How do you know otherwise if one of those weekly weigh-ins happened during a spike or dip? I keep a spreadsheet and then look at my 7-day trailing average (average of the last 7 days for each day). That gives me a weekly average every day and I know exactly what the trend is. I've done this enough that I now know a one-day spike isn't something to be concerned about but several days up in a row should get my attention.

    I may need to keep weighing daily after I reach goal. What's happened in the past is I go back to occasional weighing, then if the scale goes up I tell myself it must be a temporary spike, then I just stop weighing for longer periods of time until my clothes get too tight and I can't kid myself anymore.
  • 30lbsorbust
    30lbsorbust Posts: 27 Member
    Looks a little like my chart. :blushing:
    Fellow scale-obsessed buddy:tongue: