5'9 - 5'10 ladies

shanellereena Posts: 28
edited September 22 in Motivation and Support
Hi, I just wanted to chat with all the ladies that are the same height as me and find out what your goals are as well. I am 18 years old and I am 5'9.5. I have lost 5 pounds so far and my goal weight is 150 lbs. The smallest I have ever been in my teenage years is 162 lbs. which is shown in my profile pic when I was 16. I have gained over 40 pounds in the last year and a half and its time to get it off. Please show me any pics, your goals, and success stories for inspiration.


  • Amber030583
    Amber030583 Posts: 490 Member
    5'9.5" myself also! LOL My goal weight is 155. Heaviest weight was 287 sadly to say I am back up to 202 from the darn cookies of the holidays! I was at 197 before Christmas. But I am back on the bandwagon and counting calories. One thing that I have stuck with is the exercise just need to get the intake under control. :)
  • CoryIda
    CoryIda Posts: 7,870 Member
    I'm 5'10" and my initial goal weight is 180, but I will probably readjust once I get there to around 170 - we'll see. I liked the way I looked at 180 when I weighed that as a teenager. I was 280 when I started on MFP in mid September and have lost 45.7 pounds so far. Here is a picture of me at 280 and another from my 100th day, when I was down to 236. I have a long way to go, but I am making progress.

  • Im 5'10 and at my heaviest I was 261. My goal right now is 174 which is what I used to weigh in high school. I have a couple of pictures up on my profile. This site has helped me a LOT I have lost 22 pounds since joining in October.
  • qwho
    qwho Posts: 157
    Well, I am 5'11" tall (aren't we lucky!) and started in August weighing 183 and now weigh 146 and trying not to lose anymore, LOL! No pictures to share. But it is nice having the weight gone and your goal is attainable! Good luck!
  • Ding724
    Ding724 Posts: 791 Member
    Hey girl!
    I am 59.25'' and am currently 171lbs! My goal weight is 155!!! Good luck & congratulations on losing 5lbs already! Feel free to add me as a friend if you'd like some more support :happy:
  • I am at least 5'10 (likely more like 5'11 or 6') and my goal is 170. My heaviest was 220 and am currently at 194. I'll re-evaluate at 170 to see if its enough, but I think it will be. However, I am not anywhere as young as you and was around 160 or 150 at your age. At my age, I am only willing to do what it takes to maintain somewhere between 160 and 170. I sit in front of a computer all day :-)

    Good luck!
  • valmaebel
    valmaebel Posts: 1,045 Member
    Hey there. :) My height is actually 5'11" but still thought I'd post :P My weight when I was on swim team in High School was 155-160. I don't think I'll make it that low, but my healthy weight range is from 160-175. So my goal is 175 atm. I've made it to 193 and been hovering here. But considering the holidays I'm quite proud that at least I haven't gained. I got up to about 240 after I had my second munchkin and managed to drop down below what I was after my first. :) So now for that last push! Well done all you tall gorgeous ladies! :)
  • Kekibird
    Kekibird Posts: 1,122 Member
    Hi ladies.

    I'm 5'9" and my end goal right now is 165. Lowest I've been was 167 (pictures on my page) and that was 2 1/2 years ago or so. I lost all the baby weight after my son was born plus a bit more. I'm currently 197 and have been as high as 209 recently.

    At 167 I felt that any lower and I would look skeletal so I'm happy with that number. I think I'll aim for that one again.

  • Kate_UK
    Kate_UK Posts: 1,299 Member
    I'm 5ft 9.5 and my original goal was 154 (11st) but once I got there I decided to shoot for 150 (10st 10) to give me a bit of wiggle room for maintaining.
  • Ohhhh! I am so glad you started this thread! It is hard to find other women in this height range and it gets discouraging to read others wanted to be 120 pounds... sigh. LOL.

    Anyway, I am 5'9.5" In my picture I weigh about 155. My goal is 145 or around there somewhere. I was 147 over the summer and not terribly thin. Still a size 8. But I mostly just want to be fit and lean. The number doesn't bother me too much. However, it will take a long time to get down to 145 and stay there since I am not a diehard clean eater, not do I workout every day. But I really hope I can do it!

    Best of luck to you!
  • Jamiebee24
    Jamiebee24 Posts: 296 Member
    Hello!! I'm a little over 5'9'' and when I started MFP I was over 200! But, I did get down to 153, now I'm back to 161 from the holidays! My goal right now is to get down to 150---but from there I think my ultimate goal will be 140-145. Good luck to you!
  • MartiWillett
    MartiWillett Posts: 103 Member
    I'm five ten, my starting weight was 230, and I am at 220 right niw. My goal is to be 160 by my birthday, June 3. Thanks for starting this thread so I can see others with similar goals!
  • melmi20
    melmi20 Posts: 37 Member
    Thank you for starting this post! And for the tall beauties responding. I really needed to see that. I've never been a "normal" weight my entire life. I'm 5'9 and my biggest was 345 and let me tell you, it was back breaking! I'm almost out of the 300s for good and seeing how you ladies look at different weights gives me a pretty good idea of how it might be for me when I finally get down there. My goal weight is 175, but have no idea how my body will look. Thanks again for posting your progress!! It gives me tons of motivation. :smile:
  • I'm closer to 6' and am currently 183. My goal weight is 165 lbs. I was down to 179 before the holidays but gained quite a bit (up to 186) due to poor eating. But I've already lost 3 pounds just by cutting out cookies, wine etc!
  • YogaRunner
    YogaRunner Posts: 652 Member
    I am 5'9" too. I love being tall, but it was easy for me to put on weight and hide it :frown: Well, I thought I was hiding it but every picture I took I hated...I thought it was the photographer...it wasn't. It was me:sad:
    I now weigh 142 and love it. I'd like to get to 135-140. Here are my before and after photos.


  • And another thought for all of us tall girls, dont get hung up on your clothing size! When I was in high school and 130lbs I still wore a 12 because my hips are wide. And I was too thin! We tall girls dont have the same size standards as the more average heighted folks! When you look good, everyone can tell. They dont need your pants size to decide if you look good! Lots of us will look perfect in the 150-180 range.
  • caramella813
    caramella813 Posts: 6 Member
    Im 5'9...I recently lost almost 60lbs, I was at 320lbs and now 260lbs I have 70 more lbs to go which I want be at 180 to 190. But based on my height I suppose to be at 170lbs. But it is up to you feel comfortable of where you want be on the scale or what pants size...
  • Kate_UK
    Kate_UK Posts: 1,299 Member
    And another thought for all of us tall girls, dont get hung up on your clothing size! When I was in high school and 130lbs I still wore a 12 because my hips are wide. And I was too thin! We tall girls dont have the same size standards as the more average heighted folks! When you look good, everyone can tell. They dont need your pants size to decide if you look good! Lots of us will look perfect in the 150-180 range.

    I couldn't agree more! I have what my grandmother would call 'good child bearing hips' I'm comfortably in a UK size 14 (US 12). Even if I continue to loose my hips mean that its highly likely that I'll never fit into the next size down. But I love having hips and boobs, an hour glass figure :happy:
  • And another thought for all of us tall girls, dont get hung up on your clothing size! When I was in high school and 130lbs I still wore a 12 because my hips are wide. And I was too thin! We tall girls dont have the same size standards as the more average heighted folks! When you look good, everyone can tell. They dont need your pants size to decide if you look good! Lots of us will look perfect in the 150-180 range.

    I couldn't agree more! I have what my grandmother would call 'good child bearing hips' I'm comfortably in a UK size 14 (US 12). Even if I continue to loose my hips mean that its highly likely that I'll never fit into the next size down.

    You guys are right! and again, I am glad this thread was started! I think I could be a size 6 if I was in great shape. I got pretty close last time, and I was not even bikini worthy, so I think it is doable for me. I DEFINITELY have big hips/butt, which is ok with me. I like having curves :) It is where I carry all of my fat... and it makes it hard to ever get tone looking thighs or butt :( I refuse to wear shorts or swimsuits. I am hoping that after a consistent few months on here I will be able to wear shorts confidently this summer.
  • Dlibo1013
    Dlibo1013 Posts: 883 Member
    Maybe we need a tall guys site too :-)
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