My current issues

Guys, I am posting this because I need help. My anxiety and depression have really taken a toll on me recently and right now I just feel down. The primary concerns are my health and death. I don't know the state of my health right now but I am scared because of family condtions we have: rather it be obesity, high blood pressure, diabetes, back problems, or mental disorders these all have a taken a toll on me and my anxiety makes me think of the worst. Which then comes to death. My grandfather is currently dying, which makes me and my whole family pretty sad. This ties in with my health abit not knowing what I have and then thinking have I made any impact at all on this life? I know I have friends and I have enemies but for the most part I think I made a positive impact. On a positive note, I have started dieting and exercising ever so slightly so I am going to try to get better!


  • Trad_Barbie
    Trad_Barbie Posts: 166 Member
    Guys, I am posting this because I need help. My anxiety and depression have really taken a toll on me recently and right now I just feel down. The primary concerns are my health and death. I don't know the state of my health right now but I am scared because of family condtions we have: rather it be obesity, high blood pressure, diabetes, back problems, or mental disorders these all have a taken a toll on me and my anxiety makes me think of the worst. Which then comes to death. My grandfather is currently dying, which makes me and my whole family pretty sad. This ties in with my health abit not knowing what I have and then thinking have I made any impact at all on this life? I know I have friends and I have enemies but for the most part I think I made a positive impact. On a positive note, I have started dieting and exercising ever so slightly so I am going to try to get better!

    I'm very sorry to hear about your Grandfather. That's really hard for anyone to deal with regardless of the circumstance.
    You aren't alone in your depression and anxiety, I suffer from them too. :)
    Cancer and Diabetes run in my family on my dads side, my Moms dad had diabetes but he was the wild card that got it as a fluke thing, so they don't think there's a link. I take after my dad in health, so I knew if I didn't get my metaphorical *kitten* together that I would probably end up like my dad's side of the family and fight my health forever.
    I have found exercise is an outlet. When things get tough for me it's usually because I've quit utilizing my outlet, ironically and the first or second session might be a bit tough to get through, but by the end I'm already feeling better and wondering why I quit working out.
    I also found a sport I actually like (mountaineering), and I found being out in nature also really helps my emotional and mental health stay stabilized.
    You've got a lot of support on here and you're not alone. :) A lot of us struggle with the same things you do/are!

    Edit: Typo Queeeeeeeeeen! *crowns self*
  • jdad1
    jdad1 Posts: 1,899 Member
    there are only cartain things we have any control over. We can't sit and stress about things when there is nothing we can do anyway. Everyone dies that is how it works. You can however take control of your health and find ways to manage any family related conditions. Take cae of yourself and don't stress over things that can't be changed. One step at a time.
  • _HeartsOnFire_
    _HeartsOnFire_ Posts: 5,304 Member
    These links might help and good luck!

    Read these:'re+new+here

    TL:DR the link right above then ->

    If you have 75+ lbs to lose 2 lbs/week is ideal
    If you have 40-75 lbs to lose 1.5 lbs/week is ideal
    If you have 25-40 lbs to lose 1 lbs/week is ideal
    If you have 15 -25 lbs to lose 0.5 to 1.0 lbs/week is ideal
    If you have less than 15 lbs to lose 0.5 lbs/week is ideal
  • Timelordlady85
    Timelordlady85 Posts: 797 Member
    there are only cartain things we have any control over. We can't sit and stress about things when there is nothing we can do anyway. Everyone dies that is how it works. You can however take control of your health and find ways to manage any family related conditions. Take cae of yourself and don't stress over things that can't be changed. One step at a time.

    +1 , and sorry to hear about your grandfather passing away.
  • Trad_Barbie
    Trad_Barbie Posts: 166 Member
    Everyone dies that is how it works.

    While I echo that sentiment on a really, really personal level (I'd be married with children if I hadn't lost a certain someone) I feel that was a bit blunt for someone that is clearly in one of the stages of grief right now.
  • OnyxOrion
    OnyxOrion Posts: 5
    thanks everyone, its just very hard right now because he hasn't passed away yet but you know he is close and my sleep right two it is really affecting my sleep right now
  • kinmoratree
    kinmoratree Posts: 125 Member
    I find when I am anxious or depressed (or both) the best medicine is exercise. Rhythmic exercise (like walking) works really well and gives me time to sort through my feelings because I don't have to think about how to walk.

    This will sound trite, but that's not how it's intended. You don't live in a vacuum. You impact the world around you every time you inhale and exhale. You don't need to go out and change the world. You can, if that's what your heart desires, but just being you is enough.
  • toadg53
    toadg53 Posts: 302 Member
    Onyx, oh my gosh, reading your post puts me back about 3 years. I also suffer from anxiety and depression. I know exactly where you are coming from. I can feel what you are feeling from and through what you have written. I am so sorry about your grampa. But are you seeing a therapist? I think that is key for you. I ended up going through 3 therapists before I found one that helped me. I also ended up going through several meds before they came upon the right concoction that has helped me. I still take meds today. I think you should look into both of those options. I can feel the hurt and angst in your words. I was there. It pains me to see somebody else going thru the same thing. Depression and Anxiety are a chemical imbalance in the brain, and until that imbalance is corrected, you won't get better. Please get some help. That said, yes, diet and exercise will definitely help as well. But first things first. Friend me if you would like. I would definitely like to help you if I can. I've been there and still suffer , but it does get better, and livable.
  • Trad_Barbie
    Trad_Barbie Posts: 166 Member
    thanks everyone, its just very hard right now because he hasn't passed away yet but you know he is close and my sleep right two it is really affecting my sleep right now

    I've never been able to prepare for the passing of a loved one, so I'm not sure if this will help or not, but my best friend was in the same situation with her Grandmother. She took the time left with her to come to terms with what was happening and when her Grandmother finally did pass away my best friend found that while she misses her a lot, that the grief related to the actual passing was much, much less than she thought it was going to be.

    Everyone processed and handles grief differently though. Like I said I'm not sure what your situation is, but perhaps looking at it in a different light (or trying to) would help you move forward into the healthy new life you want? Your Grandfather would want that for you, you want that for you, your family wants that for you. You have the right to grieve and be a mess, Lord knows I am from time to time, you just need to try and not let it dictate your life. :) He wouldn't want that, right?
    My dad's cancer diagnosis came as a shock to all of us but he basically ordered all of us to go about our business and continue with our day to day while he went through treatment because he didn't want anyone else to have to reevaluate their lives just because he was being forced to reevaluate his.

    To quote a wonderful source...

    "After all, to the well-organised mind, death is but the next great adventure."
    Harry Potter and the Philosopher's Stone

    "Happiness can be found even in the darkest of times, if one only remembers to turn on the light."
    Harry Potter and the Prisoner of Azkaban. (I love Harry Potter!)
  • Trad_Barbie
    Trad_Barbie Posts: 166 Member
    But are you seeing a therapist? I think that is key for you. I ended up going through 3 therapists before I found one that helped me. I also ended up going through several meds before they came upon the right concoction that has helped me. I still take meds today. I think you should look into both of those options. I can feel the hurt and angst in your words. I was there. It pains me to see somebody else going thru the same thing. Depression and Anxiety are a chemical imbalance in the brain, and until that imbalance is corrected, you won't get better.

    You referenced Chemical Depression right there.
    "Situational Depression" (which is also known as an Adjustment Disorder) usually doesn't require medication, unless the symptoms don't alleviate once the situation is resolved. They might recommend counseling to navigate your way through your feelings, but until the depression actually becomes chemical you don't necessarily need the medication. I'm not saying the OP does or doesn't need the medication, but not all depressions require medications.

    Edited to add.
  • kobiemom
    kobiemom Posts: 218 Member
    Can you go for a check-up? Nothing chases away the "what-ifs" like a clean bill of health from a trusted doctor. I fight with anxiety, too. Something like an illness in someone close to me always jacks it up.
  • Trad_Barbie
    Trad_Barbie Posts: 166 Member
    Can you go for a check-up? Nothing chases away the "what-ifs" like a clean bill of health from a trusted doctor. I fight with anxiety, too. Something like an illness in someone close to me always jacks it up.

    That! And talk to your doctor about your concerns with your depression/anxiety. :) They'll be relieved you said something and really optimistic and positive for you about getting a handle on it!
  • FatFreeFrolicking
    FatFreeFrolicking Posts: 4,252 Member
    Guys, I am posting this because I need help. My anxiety and depression have really taken a toll on me recently and right now I just feel down. The primary concerns are my health and death. I don't know the state of my health right now but I am scared because of family condtions we have: rather it be obesity, high blood pressure, diabetes, back problems, or mental disorders these all have a taken a toll on me and my anxiety makes me think of the worst. Which then comes to death. My grandfather is currently dying, which makes me and my whole family pretty sad. This ties in with my health abit not knowing what I have and then thinking have I made any impact at all on this life? I know I have friends and I have enemies but for the most part I think I made a positive impact. On a positive note, I have started dieting and exercising ever so slightly so I am going to try to get better!

    I personally suffer from generalized anxiety disorder and panic disorder, specifically regarding my health, so I know what it's like first hand.

    I would highly recommend scheduling an appointment with your primary care physician for an annual physical. This should put your mind at ease. Let them know you are dealing with anxiety/depression. Be upfront. They may or may not refer you to a psychiatrist.

    Worrying about your health can actually make physical symptoms appear and feel very real. I suggest buying the book "It's Not All in Your Head" from Amazon. It talks about how worrying about your health can actually make you sick. The mind is a very powerful thing.

    My family's medical history is not great. My paternal grandpa passed away from multiple sclerosis. My paternal grandma is a breast cancer survivor. My maternal grandma is a colon cancer and skin cancer survivor. She also has mitral valve prolapse and had open heart surgery to replace her mitral valve. My maternal aunt had a stroke at 30 years old. She has mitral valve prolapse as well. My maternal grandpa had colon, kidney, and pancreatic cancer. He passed away last Father's Day five months after being diagnosed with pancreatic cancer. Losing my grandpa was one of the hardest things I've had to face besides losing my brother. I watched him wither away physically, mentally, and emotionally. It was very heartbreaking.

    I'm not even 21 years old and I have a number of health problems… I was diagnosed with skin cancer when I was a sophomore in high school. I had surgery to remove 3 cancerous moles on my back. I have supraventricular tachycardia, POTS, and a heart murmur. I have a number of endocrine disorders as well (luckily no diabetes though). I had a colon cancer scare recently. A mass was detected on my colon during a CT scan. I had to have a colonoscopy to see what it was. Fortunately it was only a cyst (and was not cancerous) that they removed laparoscopically.

    Just know that you are not alone. You've come to the right place to take control of your life. Exercise is the most underused antidepressant. When you exercise, endorphins are released which increase serotonin levels. With the weather getting nicer, take a walk. Get fresh air. I personally love being outside in nature. It's very calming.

    I am very sorry to hear about your grandfather. The best thing you can do right now is spend his last days with him. Hold his hand, talk to him. I don't know if he is sick but if he is and he is suffering, let him know it is okay to go. Sometimes someone who is actively dying needs to hear this from their loved ones. They need to know that they will be okay when they go. In fact, it wasn't until my grandma told my grandpa that it was okay for him to give up and that she'd be okay once he was gone, that he passed away. He passed away that night actually.
  • Trad_Barbie
    Trad_Barbie Posts: 166 Member
    In fact, it wasn't until my grandma told my grandpa that it was okay for him to give up and that she'd be okay once he was gone, that he passed away. He passed away that night actually.

    That's beautiful. :heart: Love is a wonderful thing.
  • dkapplejacks1
    dkapplejacks1 Posts: 59 Member
    Guys, I am posting this because I need help. My anxiety and depression have really taken a toll on me recently and right now I just feel down. The primary concerns are my health and death. I don't know the state of my health right now but I am scared because of family condtions we have: rather it be obesity, high blood pressure, diabetes, back problems, or mental disorders these all have a taken a toll on me and my anxiety makes me think of the worst. Which then comes to death. My grandfather is currently dying, which makes me and my whole family pretty sad. This ties in with my health abit not knowing what I have and then thinking have I made any impact at all on this life? I know I have friends and I have enemies but for the most part I think I made a positive impact. On a positive note, I have started dieting and exercising ever so slightly so I am going to try to get better!

    I'm sorry about your Grandfather. I understand what you mean. I suffer from depression and anxiety as well. And diabetes and cancer runs in my family. Talk to your doctor and start making changes today. It's never too late to start getting as healthy as possible.