How much does weight flucatations bother you?



  • sijomial
    sijomial Posts: 19,809 Member
    They bother me a lot, as you can't tell the difference between fat gain or just water weight..
    maintenance level.
    Of course you can easily tell the difference! One is quick and one is slow. Simple really as you know you aren't under or overeating 3500 calories.
    Makes me feel shameful and guilty the next day, so I eat less, then 2 days later I find out it was just water weight, the scales drops down I've lost too much weight.
    This is a really unhealthy attitude towards food and your body - feeling shameful and guilty about daily fluctuations is something you need to address. If you can't address it alone then maybe seek professional help?
    Due to these reasons i've lost more weight than I planned, I started maining at my goal of 167lb near 3 months, ago and now I find myself at only 156lb simply because I hate flucatations even more if theyt read past my goal, and I can never find out my maintenance level.
    So you know you shouldn't react to fluctuations - the choice is stop weighing so frequently or just don't react to small fluctuations.
    You will never find maintenance or peace of mind while you keep zig-zagging calories in reaction to something that is normal.
  • animalldy
    animalldy Posts: 140 Member
    Set a range for yourself, it's different for everyone what that range is. My range is 3 pounds. Weight at the same time each day, only once a day, under the same circumstances (no clothes, after going to the bathroom). I also choose to skip daily weigh-ins after eating out or drinking because I know the number is inflated due to water weight. I use a weight tracker app because it gives you more detailed analysis than MFP does.
  • SexiLexi1989
    SexiLexi1989 Posts: 31 Member
    I know if I stay within my allotted calorie intake and follow my plan --IF I gain any weight it will be water weight.

    My suggestion is do not weigh in every day (unless there is a medial reason for tracking water weight) make yourself weigh in once a week or every 2 weeks. This will cut down on the anxiety you experience when seeing the back-n-forth.

    As for me: I am ok with a couple pounds if I jump on the scales daily. Usually by night I weight 2 or 3 pounds heavier than i will the net morning. I don't 'record' a weight until it has stayed there for a few days.

    Stay healthy!
  • lorenzoinlr
    lorenzoinlr Posts: 338 Member
    Set a range for yourself, it's different for everyone what that range is. My range is 3 pounds. Weight at the same time each day, only once a day, under the same circumstances (no clothes, after going to the bathroom). I also choose to skip daily weigh-ins after eating out or drinking because I know the number is inflated due to water weight. I use a weight tracker app because it gives you more detailed analysis than MFP does.

    I'm at my goal weight and have been within 3-4 pounds of that for the last couple of years. I weigh myself everyday as well measure my waist. I allow my weight to fluctuate but I'm more vigilant at the upper part of the range and less so at the lower.

    This is what works for me. I go through periods of letting go somewhat until the upper part of the range followed by being stricter. I would be much less effective trying to be consistent all the time. Since I've maintained for years this way after dropping 25 lbs. logging here, I figure this is what works for me.

    YMMV. What works for you might be different.
  • Acg67
    Acg67 Posts: 12,142 Member
    They bother me a lot, as you can't tell the difference between fat gain or just water weight..

    Makes me feel shameful and guilty the next day, so I eat less, then 2 days later I find out it was just water weight, the scales drops down I've lost too much weight.

    Due to these reasons i've lost more weight than I planned, I started maining at my goal of 167lb near 3 months, ago and now I find myself at only 156lb simply because I hate flucatations even more if theyt read past my goal, and I can never find out my maintenance level.
  • MBrothers22
    MBrothers22 Posts: 323 Member
    Absolutely not at all.
    -I know I'm eating at a deficit
    -I know it happens to everyone
    -I know weight loss isn't linear
    -It's 'impossible' to gain that much fat in one night/day
  • manzarek
    manzarek Posts: 3
    Are you guys (with all these huge fluctuations) measuring yourself always first thing in the morning?
  • Siegeljanet
    Siegeljanet Posts: 31 Member
    I fluctuate between 2 to 5 pounds a day. I weigh in once a week now.
  • jerber160
    jerber160 Posts: 2,606 Member
    for what it's worth I tend to obsess with the scale, jumping on a couple of times a day.. BUT I only record and accept my weekly weigh-in on friday mornings. as long as THAT number is doing what I want it to, I have to think I'm moving in the right direction, AND my body is healthy.
  • PJPrimrose
    PJPrimrose Posts: 916 Member
    I weigh myself daily and will continue to do so for about 6 months to get a baseline on what my body does especially around menstruation. I also measure. The fluctuations don't bother me. It's just information on how to best maintain my maintenance and see what my body is doing. For example I noticed the more I work out the less PMS bloating and cravings I have. I gain weight every time I increase my workout time or lift, even a small amount heavier, for a couple days too, followed by a drop that goes below where I started. Outside of information over a period of time I do not see the point in weighing everyday.
  • ianthy
    ianthy Posts: 404 Member

    Fluctuations bother me but they are to be expected. I weigh twice a week - just to keep an eye on things. Sometimes the mid week weigh in looks like i have lost zero but i keep plugging on in the knowledge that i am following my plan so the weight will shift eventually. I also know a few people that weigh daily - I really couldn't do it but each their own.
  • CSWalker1234
    CSWalker1234 Posts: 29 Member
    I have the same thing going with weighing in daily. I wish I knew what if feels like to worry about being under-weight.I think I weigh daily to try and figure out just what food worked best for me that week with how the scale moved.
  • nxd10
    nxd10 Posts: 4,570 Member
    They don't bother me. That's why I weigh every day - it allows me to see the fluctuations and know to expect them.

    I think of it as a spring. My weight bounces up and down. The middle defines my true weight. Sometimes I bounce under. Sometimes over. I'm losing weight when I see new numbers on the bottom. I'm gaining when I see new numbers on the top.
  • jerber160
    jerber160 Posts: 2,606 Member
    They don't bother me. That's why I weigh every day - it allows me to see the fluctuations and know to expect them.

    I think of it as a spring. My weight bounces up and down. The middle defines my true weight. Sometimes I bounce under. Sometimes over. I'm losing weight when I see new numbers on the bottom. I'm gaining when I see new numbers on the top.

    I don't think I've ever 'bounced under.' not without a diuretic
  • lvsglass
    lvsglass Posts: 90 Member
    It bothers me too! I try to not obsess on the scale and to remind myself that I'm eating within the parameters of my plan which is what is important to me.
  • chezza189
    chezza189 Posts: 25 Member
    I weigh myself everyday and record it. I find it helps me get back on track. I find for me, if I don't weigh myself very often I have a tendency to get lazy on go off course. A couple of years back the scales at my gym didn't wasn't there for like a month, without regular weigh ins, I gained quite a bit. So for peace off mind.

    I react differently to flucatations depending on what I ate. For example if I over did it a lot (like I did at easter) and the scales is up, I will know that I need to work on my diet and be careful for the next week or so. I find if I eat certain foods like beans or potatoes that the scales goes up for a day or so but then goes back.
    Generally I prefer if the scale goes down instead off up ;P
  • sfbaumgarten
    sfbaumgarten Posts: 912 Member
    Having read your other posts, it really sounds as if you are at a very unhealthy place, mentally. This sort of reaction to fluctuations is actually common among those with eating disorders. Maybe taking a step back and looking at your reactions objectively might be an idea.

    My thoughts exactly.
  • ninav1980
    ninav1980 Posts: 514 Member
    I weigh myeslf every morning and afternoon, lol, Im obsessed but its ok, because I know that it wont derail me if I dont see the results I want to see. I would only recommend this if you are ok with being disappointed every now and then. Trust me there are many a times that I am disappointed, BUT, the key is, I dont let it derail me. I just keep trucking along, and sure enough.... the lbs do come off. I am kind of like a robot on autopilot, just keep doing it, over and over..... repitition gets results!
  • MBrothers22
    MBrothers22 Posts: 323 Member
    They don't bother me. That's why I weigh every day - it allows me to see the fluctuations and know to expect them.

    I think of it as a spring. My weight bounces up and down. The middle defines my true weight. Sometimes I bounce under. Sometimes over. I'm losing weight when I see new numbers on the bottom. I'm gaining when I see new numbers on the top.

    I don't think I've ever 'bounced under.' not without a diuretic

    Do you work out at all? Have a physical job? You can "bounce under" with losing sweat. Happens to me every single day.