From Debbie to Dynamite

Hello Slimmers! Here's the new thread! Here's to a happy New Year, a happy new thread, and some great weight loss coming our way!


  • aprilfit
    aprilfit Posts: 90 Member
    Fellow Dynamite Ladies,

    Happy New Year.
    I guess it's back to work/work-outs.

    I'm so excited. 23 days till I go on my trip. I'm not hitting my original goals but I'm happy with the progress I've made and i still have 3 weeks to get in the workouts.

    MTDork- Good luck with no scale January. Thanks for posting the new thread.

    Truvn-You totally motivated me the other day when despite everything going on you forced yourself to workout. It got me to do a light workout that day too.

    Rlal- The popping doesn't sound good. You could try warming up a little longer and definitely save time for a stretch.
    Might be a good idea to check with a Dr if it starts hurting.

    Abtropix - Daisy80 - Landry - pfaxx and Scoobees, look forward to hearing from you soon.

    Keep pushing play!

    Work out 15

    Ramp it up Cardio + ( 35 min total)
    2 X3 pound weights
    Intensity 6.5

    First SI6 workout for a week. Still recovering for my cold/bronchitis.
    I was was working pretty hard but the weights were slowing me down a little.
    A couple of days and I'll move back to BIU

  • Daisy80
    Daisy80 Posts: 755 Member
    Hello lovely ladies!

    First of all a happy new year to you all! Sorry I have been gone for so long! I have been home with my family for the past 2 weeks and then i have barley time to use a computer....

    I had a great time but i have been incredibly bad! NO exercise at all and bad eating.....I know I have put on weight. I am sort of ok with it though as i knew it would happen...It is just too hard when I am home....

    Back now and it is great to see that you are all here!! Can't wait to get started again with good eating and exercise!!

    Mtdork: Congratulations!! I am so happy for you! What a great start to the new year!

    Truhvn: Great that'll you join ChaLEan!! As i have said before i will have to start more towards the end of January. I will be moving house in 2 weeks and will be busy. And i want to start CE when i know i can commit 100%

    And a big welcome to all the newbies ;-)

    So when shall we start CE? Any suggestions?

    NIce to be back!!

  • Truhvn
    Truhvn Posts: 107 Member
    I was starting to go through withdrawals LADIES!!!! I"m so glad to hear from you!! Same with me for the holidays, it's been hectic and family focused so getting to the computer was not my main priority most days. I've done well with getting a work out in at least every other day, which seems to work well with my schedule. I want to push through that 160 barrier though and get into that smaller pant size so I'm gonna work hard at getting in as much daily exercise as I can. You know what helps...CLEANING!!! I have had to clean one room or another in my house for the longest time...moved into my apt. in July and I'm a pack rat with less storage space than I had everything has been shoved into my closet and everyone had at least 2 boxes that were still not unpacked! Well, I decided I was going to clean and CLEAN I'm going to keep it going because some 90 minutes of moderate effort cleaning can burn over 200 calories!!!! My 3 year old's room looks so great, I will be so excited when I get home and walk into my immaculate living room (with kids it won't last, but a mom can dream can't she?!)...Next own which ended up being the storage for everything not in the other rooms! And that horrible closet!!!

    MTDORK...let me know how ChaLean is?!!! Like I said it will probably be closer to the end of January before I can get on board but I'm debating between Chalean and TurboFire. I need some High intensity cardio with some good music to keep me interested because I know I get bored easily. I've gone back and forth between all of Chalean's programs and TurboFire, TurboJam, and ChaLean Extremem are the ones I'm having a hard time deciding between!

    Hello to Daisy, April, and MTDORK...Glad to hear from you! April, glad I could be of help! It made me smile to hear that even when I'm pathetically whining about working out it inspires others!!!!

    Hope to hear from the rest of you ladies soon!
  • MTDork87
    MTDork87 Posts: 205
    Oh am I so happy to be home! I had a great day with the kids I nanny for, was able to track everything that entered my mouth, did my first run of ChaLEAN Burn Phase 1 and I'll be able to sleep in my own bed tonight. Sometimes Dorothy knows what she's talking about. There's no place like home!

    April - Feel better soon! It's so impressive that you got back into Ramp it up while still under the weather. Burn it up will be there no matter how long it takes to feel better so don't rush it! And where's your trip to? Somewhere warm and wonderful I hope!

    Daisy - Being with my boyfriend's family for 10 days was hell fitness-wise so I'm with you there! Here's to the new year! :drinker: I started CE today so whenever you are ready, I'm here to work with you!

    Truhvn - I missed everyone too! The holidays are so rough sometimes! The cleaning spree sounds wonderful! I have a pile of laundry from our trip that is quite treacherous and I have to pack it all into a rolling basket, drag it four blocks and then load it up. Then do the same thing back! Maybe I'll wear my HRM to see how many calories that all burns. I bet it's substantial!

    So, for the CE update:

    My arms are shaking! She's so funny, she's all about heavy weights and the biggest ones I have are 5s. She goes on about using 25s and I'm sitting here sweating with my 5s. I'll probably pick up tens tomorrow if I have the time but I think that for at least the month of January I won't be venturing past 10. But who knows. I liked the end much more than the beginning but I think that had to do with me getting used to her and her style (she's no Debbie!). It's much more weight training related than I anticipated but it's honestly the best for my new goals. I hope it works as well with what you all want. My lovely HRM told me that a half hour burned 216 calories which is cool for me since I'm pretty much on maintenance calories but if you guys are still trying to burn more, I'd suggest supplementing CE with something higher cardio (like running). I myself am thinking about hybridizing Turbo Fire and CE on the third week through if I start getting bored. Usually the third repetition of any program is when I waver so I hope if I plan to mix it up on my own then I'll be able to stick to the program the way it's intended. On the plus side, she is very good about making sure your form is correct and I never felt like I was straining in a bad way and nothing hurts like it's been pulled (which was the problem with Burn it up for me).

    Let me know if you have any other questions! I think that's all that's useful at the moment. Tomorrow is technically a rest day for the program but I might go for a run. I'm thinking about setting a bunch of goals relating to running throughout the year (3k, 5k, 7k, 10k, half marathon...) because I love running so much. But we'll see. Don't want to bite off more than I can chew!

    One more thing - I'll post the chart tomorrow with our current stats as starting stats since no one has objected so far, but if you don't want me to do that for you, let me know ASAP and I'll keep them the way they are!

    Oh does it feel good to be back, staying healthy, and sharing with you guys!
  • aprilfit
    aprilfit Posts: 90 Member
    Hi all,

    Snuck in a late night workout after my evening shift.
    Feeling a little better but still have the cough and sore throat.
    Back to my day job tomorrow.

    Truhvn - Must be the week for cleaning. Sounds like you went to town. I was on laundry duty all afternoon.

    Dasiy -Good to se you back. I moved last summer and trying to get in workouts was a challenge. I wondering if you can log moving :noway:

    MTDork - Way to go with your 1st ChaLean workout. Thanks again for charting for us. No stats for me but I'll be in there next week.

    I can't believe I haven't been going on and on about my holiday. My friends here are sick of it already.

    I'm going to Jamaica for january 25- February 22. I''l have 4 weeks on the beach in a little township called Negril which has a 7 mile stretch of sandy beach..
    My new profile pic is from my trip last year.
    My parents are there for 2 1/2 months this yesr so I'm joining them there. We don't have family there but folks are really friendly and we've made some great friends over the years we've travelled there.
    So I have 20 days to get beach ready!!!

    Ramp it up cardio + (30 min)
    No weights
    intensity 5

    Made myself do it. Even though it was 10:30 pm and I was tired.

  • aprilfit
    aprilfit Posts: 90 Member
    Hi all,

    Measured in this morning.
    Brave soul.

    Waist- 37
    Thighs 25.5
    Hips 42.5
    Arms- 12.5

    Biggest change is my chest (under the bust measurment) started at 40 and is now 37!

    Off to work. Have a great day!
  • RLAL09
    RLAL09 Posts: 28
    Thighs- 27

    so wow!!!! thats an overall change for me!!!!!!! =) all smiles from this little lady!
  • abtropix
    abtropix Posts: 133 Member
    I AM BACK!!! Had lots of fun with friends and family at the beach. Lots of eating and drinking and partying - but no regrets. I felt OK in a bikini, exercised when posible, ate without thinking and gained 5 lbs... Oh well, I know what to do to get rid of them, so now it's payback time!

    I got up real early this morning looking for the P90X videos & couldn't find them. I have to ask hubby so I can start with them soon! So I headed towards the elliptical machine for 2 hrs. I figured I need to do some heavy cardio and then start with Debbie and/or P90X.

    So glad to hear from all of you! Took me about 1/2 hr to read all your threads and be updated, but well worth it and glad to be back on track with you guys!

    Truhvn - I got the Polar HRM, the FT7 & I love it!!! It runs for about $110, but I got it with a discount for $90 at Sports Auth.

    Aprilfit - you'll def get a bathing suit body in the few wks you have left! You're doing great! Wow, 1 month in Jamaica, man! :)

    MTDork - I hear you with all the eating and loving being back on track. About the stats, whatever you prefer! I'm up from 120 to 125, but I'll soon be at 120 and really FIT!!!! Loved your Chico's story~!

    RLAL - keep going with Si6, you'll def see some changes soon!!! It's really effective!

    Talk to you guys later and it's great to be back!
  • MTDork87
    MTDork87 Posts: 205
    Hey everyone!

    So my run isn't going to happen today but it's ok because I'm definitely SORE. I'm glad Chalene thought to make today a rest day! It does make me excited for tomorrow though!

    I had a whole list of things I needed to do today and I only got about half of them done. After laundry I kind of crashed. Ever feel like you need a vacation to recover from vacation? That's what today has turned into for me. But there's still hope. When my boyfriend gets back from work in an hour he'll light a fire under my butt to get some more stuff done. All these big auditions coming up look MUCH closer on this side of New Years. YIKES!

    Keeping with my lack of motivation to do anything today I decided to keep the chart as it is. Some people are still slimming and I don't want to mess up that progress. Also, if I missed updates on weight let me know because I think some of them might be off. Just post corrections and I'll fix it!

    Abtropix - So nice to have you back! I'm glad you had fun and I hope you find those videos soon!

    RLAL - Congrats on AMAZING measurements! Get it girl!

    April - Congrats to you too! And WOW does your vacation sound AMAZING. I'm so jealous! Will you still be able to check in with us when you're in Jamaica? I want to hear ALL about it!!!!

    Ok here's the chart everyone! Again, let me know if anything is wonky! (Oh and my NSJ means No Scale January so no one is confused)

  • Daisy80
    Daisy80 Posts: 755 Member
    Hi Ladies

    It is great to see everyone is back! :smile:

    No exercise for me today....I will tomorrow though!

    As said on here for me too the cleaing and moving will be a fair bit of exercise over the next couple of weeks. So I hope that'll make up for the missed days :wink:

    I looked into Turbo Fire a bit and I am not sure if I am ready yet. I think I'll stick to ChaLean and then Turbo Fire is the next to get!

    Mtdork: How long are the workouts with CE? I have the DVD's but didn't check yet and I read somewhere it is only 35min?

    Have a lovely day all!

  • abtropix
    abtropix Posts: 133 Member
    Found the P90X DVD's. I wanted to read all the material first, then watch the info DVD and then start working out the following day. I started reading but it was SO much, I fell asleep this morning and couldn't even get through 1/4 of the material! Hopefully I will get it done tonight and start working out tomorrow. I'm a little scared of it, to tell you the truth! I will let you know how it goes! I hope it doesn't interfere with my tennis, which I start again next wk...

    Short story - my parents are a "little" out of shape (A LOT!) and they hired a personal trainer at the gym twice a wk. They are out of town all of Jan, so I'm covering for them and started this morning. I guess THAT's why I fell asleep reading the P90X material! I came back from the gym, took a shower and crawl into bed to read that & fell asleep, since I had gone to the gym at 5:15 am! Anyway, I will be going to my personal training sessions on Tue and Wed all of Jan. It's tough, but all the weight training I need. Hopefully I can do the P90X, my tennis, AND these sessions throughout the week without falling on my face sleeping at 5PM!!!

    Talk to you later, have to head out and get my job done!
  • Daisy80
    Daisy80 Posts: 755 Member
    abtropix: Sounds like you have a busy schedule for January....have you done P90X before? I really want to do it at some point but I think I am not quite ready yet! Let us know how you're getting on!

    I just don't find the time to exercise at the moment! I am just busy trying to find someone to move into out old rooms, planning the move, getting rid of old stuff and from today on packing....But i am hoping to get some exercise in today!

    I hope you're all doing well!

  • Truhvn
    Truhvn Posts: 107 Member
    It's so great to hear from everyone! In the past several weeks I've battled strep and some reoccuring throat thing that put me down for a few days. I will definitely be glad when it decides to stay one temperature here in Missouri, but I won't hold my breath because its notorious for being summer one day and winter the next! I'm SICK of being sick! I need to just push through it and eat my healthy food and keep moving, maybe throw in some vitamins to keep me on the healthy track! I'm counting down to purchasing Turbo Fire...that's where I think I'm going first! I'm also gunning for that HRM before the end of the month so February should be exciting and new for me! My neighbor has PX90 so I'm thinking after my TurboFire run....if I'm ready....we can switch and I'll hit PX90! In the meantime, its ALL DEBBIE ALL THE TIME!!! for me! I've got to make it work as Tim Gunn says on Project Runway because I can't seem to break through this 164 wall!!!!

    AprilFit- SOOO Jealous, but super excited for you!!! Work outs in the sand are supposed to be killer so maybe you can throw some of that in while you're vacationing?!!!

    Abtropix- Glad to hear you had a good time! It'll take you no time to get past those 5 lbs!!!

    Daisy- Good luck on the move---that's exercise too ya know!!! Stairs + boxes + packing + unpacking = HARD WORK!!!!

    MTDork - Whatever happened with Red??!! And how's that internship going?! It's good to have you back. Keep us posted on Chalean!!! I was with you on no scale January until I cheated and was's my way of keeping myself in check, so until I get under that 164 number I may have to hold off on the no scale month! Damn the digital scale!

    RLAL - Those measurements were GREAT!!! Keep it up, it sounds like you are pushing hard!!!!
  • Daisy80
    Daisy80 Posts: 755 Member

    No exercise again...still had to sort out loads. From tomorrow the packing will start...not looking forward to that at all!!

    Truhvn: It's great that you are doing Turbo Fire now..that way we have P90X, Turbo Fire, ChaLEan Extremte and Slim in 6 going at the same time. I definitely want to do Turbo Fire and P90X so it'll be great to have an exchange here...I too want to buy a HRM. Which one are looking to get? And when do you think you'll start Turbo Fire? Maybe we can find a start date together...

    I hope everyone is doing well

  • Truhvn
    Truhvn Posts: 107 Member
    Daisy - I'm looking to start around the 3rd week of this month..I hope...I'd love to start it with you! And I think an exchange program is a GREAT idea! It helps that some of us have done certain programs while others are starting so there's always a perspective on something specific if need be!!! I'm definitely going for a HRM that has a chest strap... There's one at a Walmart in a town other than my own (mine doesnt carry any, go figure) and I'd rather get one in store than online! It's about 47 $ I'll let you know the brand name when I get it!

    We will be like a BEACHBODY superpower troop!!!! Slim in 6, TurboFire, ChaLean Extreme, PX90...(wasn't there a TurboJam in there somewhere?!!!)
  • Daisy80
    Daisy80 Posts: 755 Member
    Truhvn: 3rd week would be good for me too! Next week I will be moving and i want to start exercising asap. So that'll be great to start. I'd like to start on a Monday as I want Sunday to be one of my rest days. Shall we maybe say that we'll start on the 17th?
    Regarding the HRM. I live in the UK so no Walmart here unfortunately....I was looking on Amazon and Ebay and are looking at Polar as a brand..but I will see...I really want one though....

    And we really are the Beachbody pros :wink: I did Turbo Jam...

    Let me know if you're ok with the 17th...:smile:
  • MTDork87
    MTDork87 Posts: 205
    Hello everyone!!

    So this past week I started the internship and it's been AWESOME but SO time consuming! Adding on the eight hours a week and the four hour acting class to my regular work hours and my now twice a week meetings with both my acting and voice coaches, has me SWAMPED! So I'll have to sit down with my schedule tomorrow and really figure out how to juggle everything AND keep up the fitness! I'll have to start ChaLEAN again this coming Monday because I did such a bad job finding time this week but it's ok. I'd like to have heavier weights first anyway! I've been eating well though and I went to the gym today and did some major elliptical-ling to burn calories because a few of my boyfriend's friends from college are in town and we are going out tonight and I know a ton of alcohol will be involved so I wanted to make sure I had plenty of calories stocked up so I could keep up with the boys :-)

    Daisy - Hope the move is going as smoothly as possible and you're burning a TON of calories while you're at it! Oh and the ChaLEAN workouts ARE only 35 mins long (at least the ones I've done so far. They may get longer when you go up a level)

    Abtropix - So JEALOUS of your trainers! I've always wanted to work with a trainer! You'll have to tell us everything you learn from them

    Truhvn - I'm so sorry you've been sick! Strep is the WORST. I'm catching a cold from the little ones I nanny for which is a pain in the butt and something I REALLY don't have time for! But I'm sure you know all about spreading illnesses about families! I never heard about Little Red so they must have found someone blonder (haha) but I love the internship and I'm REALLY pleased with how it all worked out :-) I also think beach body super troopers would have been a great name for our new forum. Though I do love Debbie to Dynamite :-)

    Hope all is well and no one is too buried in snow! We got some good flakes in Manhattan but they never stick in midtown so you'd never know :-)
  • Truhvn
    Truhvn Posts: 107 Member
    Here I am waiting for clients in my office when it is snowing a blizzard I thought i"d take a minute to chat!!!

    Daisy- It'll probably be more like last week of this month or 1st week of Feb...I'm waiting to hear back on my tax return and TurboFire will be my one big purchase for myself! Go ahead and get started when you want if you are inclined to...I'll join you when I get my program in the mail...or stick it out with TurboJam or Debbie and I'll gladly let you know when I'm ready to start! I'm SO excited about it!!!

    MTDork- Yes I am FINALLY over the sickness (I hope I didn't just jinx myself!)!!! I'm spraying Lysol everywhere in my house whenever someone coughs, sneezes, or says they have the dreaded diarrhea (poor Felicity) (Poor you guys...I know that was TMI!) I'm things are going well for you and you are staying so busy! Keep trying to find time for that running or for Debbie somewhere in there!! And good job on thinking ahead on the night out with the boys!! Pre-planning is a wonderful way to keep off those calorie splurges!!!
  • abtropix
    abtropix Posts: 133 Member
    OK, I've chickened out! Just for a few days, though! I've read all the info on P90X & let me tell you, it's A LOT of work!!!! It's taking me several nights to read all the info and have just started on the nutritional requirements. Also, I have to do a fitness test before starting (x # of push ups, situps, pull ups, etc) in order to have a base and compare when you're over. I haven't done the test yet and need to finish reading all the material. I thought I'd take it easy getting ready last week and decided to start Monday, but Monday arrived too soon! Had a huge luncheon yesterday with friends and it became a party and ended up at 10:30 pm on a Sunday, after 10 1/2 hrs of eating and drinking and laughing! So no fitness test and didn't finish reading. Soon, I'll start soon!

    At least I played my tennis today, although I wish I could'be played longer. I'm so behing on work that I have to figure out a way to workout, especially once I start P90X, which is a commitment. The good thing is that my hubby wants to commit with me! We'll see...

    Daisy - good luck on your move. I got a Polar FT7 which I love!!! It runs for about $100 though...

    MTDork - I can see you're the busiest of all! Good luck and review your schedule to fit in a little Debbie in there (not the pastry kind!)

    Trhvn - glad you're out of being sick and keep up the good work!

    April - where are you?

    I know I'm missing a few, but I haven't heard from them in a while.

    I will keep you posted on my P90X as soon as I start and to be honest with you, the personal trainer sessions are really boring! I'm doing it this month on Tue & Wed, but it's 12-15 reps of each exercise with weights, no music and the guy just watching you and adjusting your moves, weights or position. But I can feel the muscles the next day, and that's what keeps me motivated, at least for this month!

    Take care!
  • aprilfit
    aprilfit Posts: 90 Member
    Hey Dynamites,

    Been busy working but I've gotten in 3 workouts since my last post.

    Getting ready for my trip and of course I'm super excited.

    Truhvn- Great your finally are feeling better. Stay warm. They say we're getting snow tonite but it's Vancouver so I'm hoping it'll turn to rain.

    abtropix- So brave taking on the new program, no worries if it takes a bit to get rolling. Besides you still have the tennis to fall back on.

    MTDork - Wow,the internship sounds great and like it's making you crazy busy. Do you count extra points for having an active lifestyle.

    Daisy80- Hope the move is going smoothly.

    Hope everyone else is doing okay it's ben a while since we heard from you.

    Tonite's workout

    Burn it up Cardio. 33 min + Dancing 32min
    no weights
    Intensity 6

    I was going for duration instead of intensity.
    Could of gone longer but I had to take a long distance call and I lost momentum and after 65 mins, I didn't have another second wind.
    I hit my goal of 60 min cardio and I'm shooting for 90 mins.
