Has anybody been successful with body by vi?

I started using Body by Vi about 3 weeks ago and do not appear to be loosing weight. I am, exercising 4-5 times per week either doing cardio in the gym or using th Jillian Michales dvds at home. I feel good from doing the dvds but would really like to be shrinking in size especially with the summer coming and planning to go on holiday. Has anybody been successful with Body byVi and do you have any tips?


    SEAFOODMAN Posts: 342
  • kristendeyell
    kristendeyell Posts: 80 Member
    I bought the shakes because they taste so damn good, but I don't think it's really doing anything that good nutrition, exercise and a calorie deficit wouldn't accomplish. They're a glorified and very expensive protein shake, but crap they taste good! lol
  • InevitableButterfly
    InevitableButterfly Posts: 340 Member

    Body by Vi = SCAM

    You should just eat normal people food and track your foods and exercise here on the glorious MFP. :flowerforyou:
  • FlaxMilk
    FlaxMilk Posts: 3,452 Member
    If you enjoy the shakes, keep drinking them, but it's not Body By Vi, it's Body By Lizzy. She's not doing the work for you, and the shakes aren't doing the work. It's calories in/calories out. I don't know the calories in her shakes, but let's say they are 200, and your MFP target is 1500, if you have 1 shake a day, you have 1300 other calories to eat.
  • Erikalynne18
    Erikalynne18 Posts: 558 Member
    I would recommend that you save your money :) I looked up the program because it became a trend in the city I am from. What I found is that those who were selling it were either:
    1. in shape... but had been in shape prior to starting
    2. not in shape... and still not in shape after doing it for X # of months.
    yes it is true that some people lose weight... but that's because if you follow their recommendations, you are at a huge calorie deficit (way less than I would want to eat!). But the issue is that you don't really learn anything about portion sizes so if you stop the program, you are most likely to regain the weight :(
  • QueensGirl83
    QueensGirl83 Posts: 54 Member
    I knew people who were successful drinking body by vi but the thing is that weight loss shakes are good for one thing and that is jump starting your new lifestyle. They are a tool...that's it. The only different between body by vi and any other weight loss shake on the market is probably the taste. Ask yourself this question: "Can I really live the rest of my life substituting meals for weight loss shakes?". Everybody is different, but I found greater success in eating real food because it's something that I can see myself doing long term. Good luck on your journey!
  • lizzys123
    lizzys123 Posts: 9 Member
    I think the only bonus it seems to offer is not counting the calories for breakfast and lunch as it is the same everyday and no planning needed for those 2 meals. I managed to shift 1 stone last year just doing 1200 calories per day but then stopped. I have about 2 more stone to get rid of. I haf hoped body by vi would just give me a good kick start.....
  • aliann30
    aliann30 Posts: 291 Member
    Not knocking it, I haven't tried it and really know nothing about it but if I ever had the slightest bit of interest in it (which I haven't), this TOTALLY turned me off: I'm following quite a few people and their transformations on facebook and one of them found her before/after pics were stolen and being used to advertise body by vi, which she had never used (she was plain ol' exercise and healthy diet). On that Body by Vi representative/salesperson's facebook page, she had used a ton of people's pictures who may or may not have even tried the program. To me, if you have to go out stealing other people's success pics to advertise something because you can't find enough legit successes from your program, that says it all right there.
  • SideSteel
    SideSteel Posts: 11,068 Member
    The literal answer to your question is presumably yes. I'm sure there exists at least 1 person who has lost weight with that system/product.

    The more important questions would be:

    1) Why look for a meal replacement option?
    2) If you ARE going to look for a meal replacement why choose that one?
    3) What on earth are you going to do when you are done taking that product, in order to prevent weight regain?

    And I'm sure there's plenty of other questions...
  • FantineRose
    FantineRose Posts: 12 Member
    I knew some people who had success, so I bought some. Yes, they taste really good and there are a ton of different things you can use the shake mix for (I just used it for protein pancakes this morning and yum). I also find it good if I don't really feel like making breakfast - I can whip up a shake and I'm good to go.

    I doubt it is any better than any other shake mix other than the taste. No expert, but I think if you use them once in a while as a meal replacement or just to mix things up, shouldn't be an issue (hasn't been for me).
  • lizzys123
    lizzys123 Posts: 9 Member
    Why so easy to gain weight then so blinkin difficult to shift it again. I think I got talked into it a little bit, but when nothing happened I was wondering if 3 weeks was really a fair trial. Thinking about it really I am not sure what I thought would happen. It is common sense really that we need to burn more than we put in. Oh well keep working hard with the exercising!
  • wilsoje74
    wilsoje74 Posts: 1,720 Member
    It will work if you count all your calories and are in a deficit. Same thing can be done with regular good. I personally get tired of drinking shakes, but I do have Protein shakes at least a few times a week when I'm crunched for time and need some protein. I buy the tubs of vanilla protein powder and mix with almond milk and frozen fruit and sometimes spinach. I don't see a need to spend so much on a similar product (powder) so someone can make money on it.
  • Tlink34
    Tlink34 Posts: 29 Member
    I lost 10 pounds BUT...it was because of the calorie deficit, not because of the product per se. I love not having to think about a couple meals a day and it was a great jump start but not a long term answer. I did it only one month.
  • lizzys123
    lizzys123 Posts: 9 Member
    Tlink how , many calories were you using against the exercise?
  • jbugiel
    jbugiel Posts: 59 Member
    I have learned a lot on MFP, but several of you are right, but need to be combined in my opinion. I got sucked into the distributorship stuff for body by vi, and I don't actively sell it anymore. It's a pyramid scheme, plain and simple. That being said, the shakes taste good but they are overpriced. They have to be overpriced to pay everyone from the top of the pyramid to the bottom. Otherwise the pyramid falls to the ground and the company goes bankrupt, sort of speak. That's how they work... They are cheaper than shakeology, which is another pyramid type scheme, but you have to be certified with Beach Body, they call it a "coach" to sell their shakes. They are well above the cost of the body by vi shakes.

    IMHO, neither are better than the other really. You can eat healthy and do TDEE - X % or use MFP's suggestions, although I don't really like their suggestions. Or find Scooby on the web... scoobysworkshop.com ... or IIFYM.com, just to name a few. Both those sites are very good IMO. Have to say IMO, or someone will jump my *kitten* and bash on me if I don't. And probably will anyway. But, I'm a beginner and have asked others for help, and I'm doing pretty well so far, I recently upped my cal intake cuz I didn't know all this stuff and got help, looked at those sites and made a decision to increase calories, and now I'm losing weight again, I had stalled out. I've lost 20 lbs., about 15 inches (7 different measurements), and lost about 5 % body fat. All without using those shakes. So while the shakes can be used as snacks or replacements, I would not use their recommendations though, investigate, ask friends on here and make an informed decision that's right for you.
  • Irenaekl
    Irenaekl Posts: 116 Member
    I started using Body by Vi about 3 weeks ago and do not appear to be loosing weight. I am, exercising 4-5 times per week either doing cardio in the gym or using th Jillian Michales dvds at home. I feel good from doing the dvds but would really like to be shrinking in size especially with the summer coming and planning to go on holiday. Has anybody been successful with Body byVi and do you have any tips?

    NONE of these shakes or meal replacement scams teach you about nutrition or portion control so as soon as you stopping buying their crap you will gain any weight you've lost.

    It's far better to eat a healthy sensible diet, control your portions and exercise more. Yes it's that 'secret' diet - eat less, move more! It's really the only thing that works long term.

    So don't give your hard earned money to these scam merchants - use it to buy healthy, nutritional food.
  • ccam99
    ccam99 Posts: 119 Member
    I knew some people who had success, so I bought some. Yes, they taste really good and there are a ton of different things you can use the shake mix for (I just used it for protein pancakes this morning and yum). I also find it good if I don't really feel like making breakfast - I can whip up a shake and I'm good to go.

    I doubt it is any better than any other shake mix other than the taste. No expert, but I think if you use them once in a while as a meal replacement or just to mix things up, shouldn't be an issue (hasn't been for me).

    I did the same thing. I bought some at a discount just to try for the mornings I don't feel like making a "food" breakfast. I only use it as an alternate breakfast on those days. I also have protein powder from the health store which I think works the same way. I'm sure you can lose if you replace 2 meals with it but in reality you are just eating less calories to lose and you can do the same with regular food. I would not recommend replacing 2 meals unless you just want to jumpstart your first week. Good luck.