Hi...not exactly new but could use some friends.

Hi....I joined MFP a little while a go and kinda didn't use it much. Anyway have been using it more and more over the last week or so and thought I could do with some friends on here.

I'm a student and am currently trying to lose about 60lbs. In the past I've tried and failed with my weight loss but if want this time to be different! I want to lose the weight this time and am willing to do what it takes! Only thing is I don't have much support, well the only support I have is my trainer and my boyfriend who lives in another city..I find it hard to talk about my weight and stuff to friends and family as I have the constant dear of being judged or criticised! So I'm hoping I could find some friends on here who I can chat too and we can keep each other motivated!

Thanks for reading!


  • ElaizaWaters
    ElaizaWaters Posts: 12 Member
    Hey, know what you mean when there is no support in weight loss path...i never had any support as well...

    But i always calm myself with some saying i read that " Strongest man on earth, mostly stand alone!"

    So stay strong and keep going, no matter what...
  • ehample
    ehample Posts: 19
    You picked a good program. I have used it to lose 70 lbs so far. You can add me as a friend if you like, I would be happy to help where I can.
  • dangui19
    dangui19 Posts: 1
    Hi! I'm not new but have taken a very long leave of absence from MFP! In a similar situation regarding support but it's really my own doing. I just don't talk to my family about this sort of thing as I'm embarrassed, unfounded as I'm sure they would support me, but that's just the way it is.

    I think having friends and support on here would really help with weight loss, just the extra encouragement and ideas and experience. After my second son I joined and was pretty good with staying in track and losing weight. I think it was a wedding I was part of that was due to a wedding party I would be in last May. I fell off the workout wagon for just over a year now and have gained almost 20 lbs in that time and am just sick of seeing myself looking like this, as I was already about 30 lbs over what I would like to be when I fell off the wagon. I have set tomorrow as ring my first day on my journey back to working out.

    Good on you taking the steps to live healthier! I'm trying to lose 50lbs. It's difficult as I am a super picky eater. Don't like many veggies, but love fruits (some lol). It's hard for me to wake up earlier in the morning as I have two young sons, one of which still wakes up sometimes 5 out of 7 nights a week, multiple times. I am home all day with my boys and I also watch my niece. I would prefer to wake up early to workout (which is what I did once I was able to after I healed from my c-section) but I'm so tired. I need to get back into my previous mind set again to "just do it". I would also like to do a second workout during nap time in the afternoon, but that's always dependant on all three of them going down (oldest son will be 4 in June and doesn't always nap, but I put him upstairs in his room so he doesn't bother the other two trying to sleep).

    What are challenges that you have encountered so far (if any) in your journey?