needing some lifting tips

So for the past year I would just do little workouts at home bit lately ive been getting bored of that and wanting more so I joined the gym. I still have to lose approx 60lbs normally do about 30-45 mins of hard cardio or up to an hour depending on how much time I have for myself. So my main question is im not sure what to do on the weights. Like should I split up arms, legs, and shoulders to just focus on one per day to let the other rest? I dont know any of the pro's, con's, do's, and don'ts. Any advice will be much appreciated


  • thatch1234
    thatch1234 Posts: 276 Member
    Hi there, if your new to lifting I would really recommend looking at 5x5 starting strength or a similar routine. You want to train each muscle twice a week but you can do that in 3-4 sessions a week easily. As a beginner it's mainly your form you want to work on so don't go crazy with the weight. This routine will develop your strength so it will give you a great core before going onto a more personal muscle emphasis as it focuses on compound lifts (more than one muscle) rather than single. Make sure to get more protein into your diet if you start lifting more also. Hope this helps :)
  • cheriibomb
    cheriibomb Posts: 59
    Thanks, it helps a ton actually!