Unsupporting Mom

I'm a teen , still in high-school and everything haha. So first off congrats to everyone who is committed to this journey I know it's hard, but on another note what do I if I don't have anyone who's there to support my journey it's somewhat hard. Thanks in advance


  • I'm in the same boat. Teen in high school, and no one really supporting me because "i look fine". I'm not obese or terribly overweight or anything, but I know I'm really not in the best shape I could be, and I want to do it for MYSELF, mom makes me eat food that isn't always the healthiest and yeah. Ugh. I know it's hard man. But hey, if it helps, you aren't alone. From my experience, I can recommend some things.

    Accompany your mom when she goes grocery shopping, and ask if you can get some healthier/non junk food (or just add it to the cart. Whatever would go better.). Exercise when you get the opportunity (even just sets of calisthenics alone is good to start with).

    I don't know your current weight/eating habits, but she may just be unsupporting out of concern if you're underweight or eating drastically less suddenly (mine is, because I basically went from overeating junk to eating only when i was hungry (which isnt always much) and healthier.) Just assure her you're only trying to be healthier, etc.

    *provides you with support* just keep on workin'~ c:
  • sgardner80
    sgardner80 Posts: 2
    Hey guys... yeah it is tough. I am shocked that any mother would not support you in being or wanting to get healthy and making you eat junk. I think a mother would be happy that you would want to be healthy. Maybe neither mom understand that once you hit your 20's your metabolism changes. My mom is a nurse and she told me that after I turned 18 and going into my 20's to change my diet or i would suffer later on. She was correct. When i was in high school my weight ran from 125-130 and i had hardly any fat on me. But, i was also extremely active. I did marching band ( very fast paced and hardly standing, constantly moving around) also i played soft ball, before high school, and basketball for my old church. I went to college and everything changed. I developed a sedentary lifestyle ( as usually happens to college freshmen) but my eating habits didn't change and actually got worse. I used to burn probably 5-10 K calories a day and when my active lifestyle changed to a sedentary lifestyle i was not burning more than 2000 cal a day and guess what... i gained weight. When i got married i got up to 140 and then when i got divorced, i had left my husband weighing 280. i was never ever a heavy child. I never thought i would gain weight. Now im working very hard to get back to 130 lbs. Im giving myself about a year and a half. I have lost 32 lbs and its continuing to go down. As someone else suggested go to the supermarket with your mom and ask for healthy items. Yes healthy items are more expensive but they will save your mom/family in the long run. You wont run into complications from possible high blood pressure, diabetes, joint pain, and numerous other problems. See if your dr can speak with your mom about what you want to do to get/stay healthy. I wish you luck.
  • silencioesoro
    silencioesoro Posts: 318 Member
    More often than not, the mother is overweight herself - is this true in your cases? I know I'm making an assumption/generalization. Even if she isn't, they just want the best for you - and they think that losing weight isn't. So, y'all need to sit down and talk with your mom, explain where you're coming from. If she feels it's too expensive for healthier food, then suggest farmer's markets. Another thing I did when I was younger was just eat less of what was given to me, instead of the whole plateful because people aren't as mindful of portions as someone trying to lose weight/be healthier.

    Next, find friends who will support you where your family doesn't.