I hate exercise!



  • Madison1Jones
    Keep Changing it up to keep it interesting.... I just joined a gym, and only for one month, because I know I won't commit. As I am doing this, I am planning for the next endeavor (like yoga or something).. I just read this morning that burning 400 cals. a day will help with my menopot that won't go away. This week, I am going to burn 400 cals on the machines everyday, since the machine counts the calories for me, and will see how I measure around the gut at the end of the week.
  • kristenveganvixen
    kristenveganvixen Posts: 87 Member
    I used to hate exercise but I now at the age of 33 enjoy going to the gym 4-5 times a week and feel antsy if I don't go!

    Treadmills are boring. I only go on for about 10-15 minutes at a time then change it up to something else, even if it's just cardio I''m in the gym for I'll change it up and go on an elliptical, stairmaster, rowing machine or bike for a bit so I'm doing a little of all to makke it more interesting. Bring your ipod and listen to music or a podcast if your gym's music isn't to your tastes.

    Try a few classes too. Dance stuff like Zumba, Bokwa etc are fun and there's even a pole dance class in my gym (I've not tried the latter myself though but it's supposed to be great for strength)
  • Sharon468
    Sharon468 Posts: 12 Member
    I beg to differ. It completely depends on how you walk. Strolling leisurely isn't going to do much for your cardiovascular fitness -- although that's STILL better than sitting.

    But if you're pacing yourself at 4 mph or faster? Doing intervals where you walk as fast as you possibly can for 30 seconds followed by 30 seconds of moderate walking, 10 or 15 times? Hiking on a moderate to challenging trail? You'll get fit enough to be healthy and feel great.

    Even better, once you start getting in shape walking -- not a couple of times a week but every day -- you'll probably become more interested in doing other kinds of exercises to make yourself have more strength, balance and stamina.

    walking is for old lady's. Are you trying to become a bulging beast or are you trying to increase your capacity to keep up with the old lady's in the grocery store? Find the exercise you can connect with. And then put your game face on and understand that this is about far more than just the many physical health benefits exercise offers. This is about taking all the crap life throws at you and using it to build something strong enough to withstand it.
  • _Zardoz_
    _Zardoz_ Posts: 3,987 Member
    So I have now tried everything at the gym for a week.

    The ONLY thing I like doing is walking on the treadmill. Fast, but not super fast. Usually I do 20min at level 3, 30 mins at 3.5 and the last 10 at 3.

    I feel guilty when I get the joggers beside me, like I'm not REALLY exercising and maybe I should just bring my makeup and start putting it on and be one of those people people make fun of on here.

    Is walking a viable exercise? I've tried the C25k and it hurts my knees for 3 days after.
    Have you though that you just hate doing exercise in the gym? Exercise does not need to be in the gym it does not even need to be labeled as such. Try finding something you like be it walking, gardening, swimming or skateboarding gyms do not suit everybody
  • establishingaplace
    establishingaplace Posts: 301 Member
    Walking is great exercise. And as others have mentioned, it's nice to do it outside when you can.

    Not everyone likes to do the same things, so try different things until you find something you like. Maybe that's swimming, yoga, weightlifting, fitness classes, martial arts...there's a lot of stuff out there. I don't know too many people who actually LIKE cardio machines.
  • janine2355
    janine2355 Posts: 628 Member
    the treadmill is great. I do it 5x/week and I have seen a big difference in my body due to it:smile:
  • kingscrown
    kingscrown Posts: 615 Member
    As long as your heart rate is up in the cardio range you're doing great. Running isn't for me either. When I first started it didn't take much to get my heart rate in the cardio range. I'd walk on the treadmill at 2.5 mph with no incline and my heart was pumping. Looked like a stroll I'm sure. Now I do some treadmill after my weight training and I do a program on the treadmill that has variable inclines. I usually have the mph up to 3.0 or 3.2 to get my HR up to where I want it. Don't worry about what it looks like to others. Worry about what it's accomplishing for you! You don't see these people at the gym hardly at all. Really no one there really cares and the ones that do make judgments you won't see there next month or next year. You'll still be there getting your exercise looking great and feeling great.

    BTW I don't like exercise. Don't know that I ever will. I think of it now as necessary like brushing my teeth every day.
  • rileysowner
    rileysowner Posts: 8,239 Member
    One week is really not enough time to start liking exercise. As others have said, people who have not been exercising will not like it at first. I know I didn't. However, I knew due to major health issues that I didn't just have to lose weight, I had to improve my fitness so I had to exercise.

    First, give it more time.

    Second, don't just go around the gym like some bee going from flower to flower. You need an actual plan and goal. If the gym does not provide program design there are lots of options online at places like nerd fitness. However, to select a program, it is important to know what goal you have in mind. That leads to point three

    Third, establish a fitness goal. It may be something as simple as I want to be able to walk a certain distance in a certain time, I want to lift a certain amount of weight, I want to run a race, or I want to enter a warrior dash or the like. Having a goal means you can measure your progress, and having something tangible to work toward can be a great motivation.

    Fourth, for many people, although not me, having someone to workout with makes it much more enjoyable, not to mention they can push you past those defeater mental attitudes.
  • hjblackburn26
    I feel ya! I start exercising with a open-mind but can only do that exercise for a while then I get bored. I try something new the next day and it's the same thing over and over again. I purchased a elliptical with bike seat the end of last year thinking I could use it while I watch some TV in the evenings. It has been over a month since I've used that thing! Part is because of the exercising bit but the other part is I'm lazy and I have to get out of that mindset.

    I avoid gyms at all cost due to the fact I'm so overweight and I don't want to be judged by the other, healthier people in the gym. The fact of the matter is this: we have to keep moving if we want to lose the weight. No matter what type of exercise you are doing as long as you are moving is all the matters. If you want to walk, walk. If you want to swim, swim. As long as you are doing some type of movement you are doing something to help lose the weight. You will find something that excites you...give it time!
  • knra_grl
    knra_grl Posts: 1,568 Member
    Walking is great exercise, forget the treadmill and walk outside in the sunshine with different scenery and nature and stuff :flowerforyou:

    Maybe check out to see what kind of hiking trails there are near you, it's a lot more entertaining than walking on the treadmill and you will save the $$$ from the gym memberships. There might even be a walking club near you where you can meet new people.

    Look into other activities that are fun like kayaking, rock climbing, swimming, surfing (if it's available to you). Exercise doesn't have to be in the gym.
  • ChaplainHeavin
    ChaplainHeavin Posts: 426 Member
    So I have now tried everything at the gym for a week.

    The ONLY thing I like doing is walking on the treadmill. Fast, but not super fast. Usually I do 20min at level 3, 30 mins at 3.5 and the last 10 at 3.

    I feel guilty when I get the joggers beside me, like I'm not REALLY exercising and maybe I should just bring my makeup and start putting it on and be one of those people people make fun of on here.

    Is walking a viable exercise? I've tried the C25k and it hurts my knees for 3 days after.

    Walking is excellent exercise.
  • yogicarl
    yogicarl Posts: 1,260 Member
    Walking is great exercise, forget the treadmill and walk outside in the sunshine with different scenery and nature and stuff:flowerforyou:

    This - and yoga!
  • hales1wlker
    hales1wlker Posts: 5 Member
    Exercise is the key to good health, Walking is good, and perhaps invest in a knee brace and try running with C25k? I am using the app now, my ankles used to bother me, so I stretched more before running, and now they are strong and flexible enough to run without pain. If you still cannot run, or do more intense cardio, try paring it with low impact workouts (think Pilates, zumba) there is this amazing girl on YouTube who does awesome Pilates videos and supplies a workout calender free of charge on her website! Wishing you the best of luck on your journey
  • Froggymcconnell
    Froggymcconnell Posts: 92 Member
    I hated exercise to start with - have you tried classes at the gym rather than the gym itself?

    I tried several classes before finding the right ones for me - now I do boxercise, fitness blast, metafit, kettlercise and bum tums and thighs - I find all of those are fun and don't feel too much like exercise. sometimes its just about finding the right thing for you :smile:
  • Froggymcconnell
    Froggymcconnell Posts: 92 Member
    Walking is great exercise, forget the treadmill and walk outside in the sunshine with different scenery and nature and stuff:flowerforyou:

    agreed, though sunshine? Scotland doesn't have much of that lol
  • BrokenSomething
    BrokenSomething Posts: 11 Member
    First, if you enjoy weight machines and have knee problems, maybe your gym can help you with that. One of my flatmates got a workout set up by the gym staff that targets her weak knees and it really seems to help her.

    Second, I really hope that you find some kind of exercise that you enjoy. However, that might never be the case. I've worked out regularly for the past 4 years and I still don't like it. I most likely never will and that is okay, as I have found something I can tolerate. For me it is just a core, like taking out the trash. Do I like it? No. Could I live without it? Sort of, if I want to become a hoarder/very unhealthy. But at the end of the day I don't want to drown in garbage, and I do want to be reasonably healthy.

    Third, I would love to say nobody in the gym judges anyone but that would be a lie. There are stupid people everywhere, the gym is no exception. However, the chance that someone confronts you is rather small. Even if, a "Yeah right, I am not as fit as you but I am working on, so what's your problem?" should shut them up.

    What counts is that you do something - even if you do it like me, thinking how much you love wine and food, and that you can have more of both if you just spend 10 more minutes on the treadmill :wink:

    Good luck!
  • glennstoudt
    glennstoudt Posts: 403 Member
    When we used to have to chase after or otherwise gather our food, everything worked out. More recently, we don't have to do that and many of us are out of shape and overweight. Like or don't like exercise as you define it. But if you don't move and balance your intake and outgo, you will have more body fat that you need eventually.
  • estaticaa
    estaticaa Posts: 67 Member
    What I found these last few months is that I really hate working out in classes, I hate those cardio machines, strength machines and even the sound music they have at my gym. So what I do now is I just use the swimming pool and the treadmill (only if it's raining; otherwise, I'll just go for a long walk).

    Try different exercises and see what works for you. As long as you're moving around and you feel great doing it, you should be fine!
  • salevy
    salevy Posts: 208 Member
    My mother shoved diet and exercise down my throat when I was 14.

    One thing Weight Watcher taught me is that you need to find an exercise you like or it won't get done.

    I love to walk. It's a good exercise and what my doctor recommended I do. I thought I had to give it up since I hit a plateau and I'm not losing weight anymore.

    I got some advice from a dietician in my nutritionist's office who is also a personal trainer. She told me I can continue to walk, just do it a different way.
  • Soccermavrick
    Soccermavrick Posts: 405 Member
    Exercise comes in many forms, and weight loss has as much if not more to do with what and how you eat. Find something that you like and do it. Walking for a half hour, horseback riding, dancing, etc.. As Nike says just do it!!! You combine that with making better healthier eating choices and there you go.