Exercising and acne (blackheads)

I've noticed that since i've started exercising every day, i've had a lot more blackheads, no matter how soon after exercising i shower. they're always there. i don't know what to do about them. i don't want to stop exercising daily but i also don't want my whole face to look bad .

This is the only lifestyle change i've made so it has to be that that's causing it. any tips/products/ideas as to what to do about this?


  • PennyVonDread
    PennyVonDread Posts: 432 Member
    Salt scrubs with a good exfoliating tool.
  • lisalsd1
    lisalsd1 Posts: 1,520 Member
    I breakout on my back/shoulders when I exercise; especially if I wear a shirt instead of a tank top. It helps to wash your face (in my case, back/shoulders) before and after your exercise. Also, make sure you clean your skin before bed.
  • jd5351
    jd5351 Posts: 116 Member
    I am an esthetician. :)

    Blackheads are just oxidized oil in your pores.

    Don't use salt on your face. It's too abrasive and drying for your skin. Don't use apricot either. You may as well exfoliate with shards of glass.

    Exfoliate with a SOFT brush and use a product that contains a small amount (0.5% or so) of salicylic acid. or use a scrub with AHA and BHA and beads-like jojoba. Murad makes one that is fabulous.
  • FatFreeFrolicking
    FatFreeFrolicking Posts: 4,252 Member
    I recommend dr. brandt pores no more. You can buy it from Sephora.

    Also try Freeman black sugar & charcoal facial polishing mask and Queen Helene mint julep masque (can be purchased from Ulta).
  • karmac0matic
    karmac0matic Posts: 285
    thank you everyone! also... that's a really good tip to wash my face before working out. i never even think about that but yeah all the gross stuff is going to get into my pores while i'm sweating. so, thanks!
  • bellabananas
    bellabananas Posts: 20 Member
    Have you heard of the oil cleansing method? If not, google it. Nothing took care of my blackheads like it. I haven't been as consistent with my skincare but after a thorough cleanse my blackheads are almost gone again. It keeps my skin balanced no matter what the season.
  • karmac0matic
    karmac0matic Posts: 285
    i have no castor oil but i may go out and get some when i have some time!