24 yo Mom looking for a few MFP friends....

Looking to lose about 20 more pounds (5' 4" / 135 to 115), but generally just get healthier with more energy. Would like a few female friends to get me more engaged and committed to mfp. I'll be upfront and say I don't log perfectly accurately. I cook a lot and am constantly adjusting recipes. Sometimes it's just too much when your trying to weigh, measure, enter, etc. with a toddler "helping mommy"!

Have been a runner for years, but have had to take about a two month long break because of toe arthiritis/early hallux rigidus in big toe. Hoping to get back into it once inflammation goes down, but am considering switching to cycling.

Anyways, I will comment, etc. on your food diaries, but am not a perfect food entrist (a word? maybe.) myself, would love to get inspired by your diaries!


  • emilylittle5494
    emilylittle5494 Posts: 29 Member
    You can add me.if you like! I am 26 years old, and I have four children, under 6. I do my best to log everything. :) I am trying to lose about 5-7kg. Hoping.to.get.back to my weight.before I had any children. So far I have lost over 16kg without.MFP, and now 2 kg while on it. Anyhow, hi!! :)
  • 303enfield
    303enfield Posts: 239 Member
    hi you can add me this stands to anyone who needs a little help :wink:
  • mooncath
    mooncath Posts: 31
    I don't have an open diary but I will post status updates about my meals upon request. It's just that sometimes I eat at a very concerning deficit, and do NOT want people to get wrongly "inspired" by those.

    When I get around to increasing my mileage, I will consider myself a runner, but for now, I don't feel that I am one. I want to eventually do a half marathon.

    Feel free to add me. I've decided that after about 4 months of logging alone, it's become a bit lonely.
  • fabformyfam
    fabformyfam Posts: 9 Member
    Thanks everyone...I'm hoping some friends on mfp makes it more addictive?
  • Nerdybookworm1990
    Nerdybookworm1990 Posts: 35 Member
    Hello! Anyone can feel free to add me :) I don't have kiddos yet, but I am a nanny to two girls (busy and dramatic ;)) I am 23 and I cannot wait to see where my health journey will take me!