Round 2:: Back Again

Gmimi88 Posts: 2 Member

I started using My Fitness Pal about a year ago after I found out that I have insulin resistance associated with PCOS. I was gaining weight and no matter what I did the wight wouldn't come off or stay off. I even tried insanity and lost about 7 pounds the first 4 weeks. But it all came back. So, I quit trying and went to my doctor to find that I had PCOS. I was put on metformin (500mg/day) and given a list of foods to eat and foods to avoid (which I can share if anyone wants). I was also told to limit carbs and exercise AT LEAST two times a week for AT LEAST 30 minutes a workout. I decided on my own that keeping a diary of my calorie intake would be cool and I read a lot of forums online about PCOS where I saw that people were using My Fitness Pal.

I gotta say that keeping a food and workout diary was the best thing that I could've done. I started at 170lbs. I went away for an internship that summer and I lost 8 pounds by the end of the two months ( A HUGE ACCOMPLISHMENT for me). Unfortunately I didn't keep up with the diary or workouts when I got back to school and gained some of the weight back. This Spring I enrolled in 3 fitness classes to force the workouts into my schedule. I took weight lifting, swimming and step aerobics. I thought that by the end of the semester I would at least be back to 162. NOPE. Here I am again still, and back at 170lbs. I'm not quitting though. I know I've made it work before and I can do it again.

It would be nice to talk to people that have PCOS. It's really frustrating talking to some people that don't understand what's going on metabolically. Add me!


  • Canderson58054
    Canderson58054 Posts: 132 Member
    Hiya! :) I just recently came back to MFP too and I am looking for active friends :) You can feel free to add me if you'd like :) I have a long list of health issues including PCOS so I can definitely relate to what you go through! Did you know there is a PCOS group on mfp? :)
  • Gmimi88
    Gmimi88 Posts: 2 Member
    I did not know that there is a PCOS group. That's awesome (: Thanks for adding me by the way!
  • Canderson58054
    Canderson58054 Posts: 132 Member
    No problem! The link to the group if you are interested is
  • ThenewCharisse
    ThenewCharisse Posts: 20 Member
    Hi there, I am also dealing with PCOS and trying to lose weight, this is round 3 for me, add me lets not quit this time. Lets support each other when we feel like giving up.