Paleo DIet

iCupCakeNZ Posts: 228 Member
So on monday I'm starting and hopefully living with the paleo diet, I was wondering if any of you wonderful MFP family have tried it or have any tips and opinions as to what a beginner like myself would do. I understand that it is a lifestyle change and that it could be permanent so any feed back or anything that can help me would be gratefully accepted.


  • jellerose
    jellerose Posts: 74 Member
    There is a paleo/primal group here on the message boards. It's the only approach that really works for me. Grains don't cut it in my gut! Also marksdailyapple blog is about primal which is a gentler approach "primal" but the blog has really interesting info and discusses the "why" of things and success stories, etc.

    You will probably want to change your macros in your food because the mfp defaults are higher carb than most of us primal/paleo people can handle.
  • iCupCakeNZ
    iCupCakeNZ Posts: 228 Member
    excellent I'll check the both out :D thanks
  • tennisdude2004
    tennisdude2004 Posts: 5,609 Member
    Hi I follow primal blueprint and has worked well for me.

    Transition period from medium/high carb to low carb can be a bit of a pain and can last from a day to a couple of weeks.

    Once through it the feeling of constant energy and not being hungry all the time is great.

    Hope you do well on it.

    As poster above mentioned, check out marks daily apple.

    Good luck
  • GulinoV
    GulinoV Posts: 6
    My husband and I just started the Paleo diet and we love this the paleo group?