New From Kansas

Hi! I'm Kylie, 18, just re-started my fitness tracking yesterday! Last year around this time I was pretty fit, and weight about ten pounds less than I do now. Then I stopped playing softball (one of my only forms of physical activity), lost my muscle, and gained some weight on my arms, face, and stomach.

Just a little bit about me...

Current Weight: 137 lbs (give or take)
Goal Weight: 125 lbs

I tend to fluctuate weight a lot, but I would like to look like I did a year or so ago. Thanks! :-)


  • jessie0494
    jessie0494 Posts: 16 Member
    Hi Kylie! My name is Jessica! (: I am 20 and it is nice to see a young face on here! I feel left out sometimes! At the end of high school and about a year after i gained about 15 pounds! And it was stressful I didnt even realize it until i went on the scale! But i am currently on p90x3 and i have lost about 8 pounds! and still going! Add me and we can be friends! I am also starting an accountability group on Facebook! (: If you would like to join just ask!
  • kylier17
    kylier17 Posts: 3
    Hi Jessica!! Yeah it's really good to see other younger people on here, haha! It's nice to meet you!! Is P90X hard?? My dad was on it for a little a bit but then he got a job somewhere else and hasn't had much time to work out (but he is eating much healthier and has lost weight)! I would totally try it but I'm afraid a) I'm too young and b) I'd kill myself with the amount of effort needed, especially since I'm just beginning again. Since that is true, I'm using an app on my phone called "Get Running", it basically helps build stamina and is also called "from couch to 5k"!