I'm in a bad mood, I am not sure if I am being super sensitive but quite a few things that were said to me really rubbed me the wrong way/hurt my feelings and all I want to do is to go stuff my face with chocolate. I hate feeling this addicted to food.


  • dsb188
    dsb188 Posts: 121 Member
    I totally understand you! When I get upset or things go bad at work I want to eat. I have been off my diet for 5 days and it was only suppose to be one. I'm starting back up on tomorrow. Its hard but I can only speak for myself resist the temptation if you can. I understand you though. Food comforts me when people will not or refuse to.
  • rm33064
    rm33064 Posts: 270 Member
    Take a walk. Food is the most abused anxiety drug and exercise is the most underutilized anti depressant. It works every time...
  • Sunbrooke
    Sunbrooke Posts: 632 Member
    You have to remind yourself of what would actually make you happy. What do you really want? Try getting your screamo playlist ready, taking a shot of espresso, and hitting the gym. Don't feel sorry for yourself, feel angry, then redirect that energy to your workout. Enjoy the endorphins you will get and then go home and have a healthy dinner, and a nice warm shower. Go to bed physically tired, and knowing that you did something about not being happy (even if it isn't the same category in your life).
  • denisebee
    denisebee Posts: 137 Member
    I have to keep telling myself it only feels better short term, then once that wears off I end up feeling bad for loosing control as well as for whatever it was that bothered me the first place. :( I can tell you though, I do feel truly addicted and it sucks. Thanks for "getting it". It feels better to feel understood.
  • denisebee
    denisebee Posts: 137 Member
    All good ideas. I can't go anywhere, I'm home with the kids, but I can do some squats, crunches and pushups. :smile:
  • I Love to Eat! I am a sucker for trying anything new.. I go to restaurants and get the best thing on the menu... I love food! I can't say that I have ever really been addicted, besides just loving it. When it came time to lose the weight and on a everything goes mantra, I created my own diet. I gave up one or two things a week and gave myself permission to eat anything else. Like the first week I gave up sweet drinks and fried food.. Unsweet Tea and Spenda became my best friend. The second week I gave up white bread. The third week I gave up restaurant food unless it was soup or salad. The fourth week I gave up eating after 8 pm.. And so on and so on.. I went on vacation and threw in the towel. Got back to it this week. Now I am down to fruits, veggies, dairy and fish. I have hit a plateau so I am a little more frustrated, but I have really learned to be satisfied on a low calorie diet. Like, I am not hungry and satisfied. I hope this helps, just poured my heart out, lol.
  • mlssdl
    mlssdl Posts: 7 Member
    Oh I know! I have a potluck for my work tomorrow and I'm making LOADS of goodies. Combine that with a crazy, frustrating weekend and I want to eat it all. Especially the cream cheese stuffed, bacon wrapped jalapeno peppers.

    So far I'm doing well. I've got two batches of those peppers left and I'm guzzling sugar-free kool aid. We can do it!
  • dkapplejacks1
    dkapplejacks1 Posts: 59 Member
    I'm in the same boat. I've been overeating for the past 2 weeks and can't seem to control myself :(. And I overeat/binge eat when I'm stressed out or upset. Been trying to re-discipline myself and get back on track.
  • Sinisterly
    Sinisterly Posts: 10,913 Member
    Work out some calories = go eat. Solved.
  • leantool
    leantool Posts: 365 Member
    Through some punches and kicks ,imahining the offenders in revieving end! Tire yourself out and drain your aggression.
    Hope you feel better soon
  • Roaringgael
    Roaringgael Posts: 339 Member
    Write it all down. Read it then screw it up and throw it away - let it go.
    Maybe even consider the relationship you are having with the person or persons that have upset you - call them to task if they are in the wrong.
    Expressing it here has probably made you feel a bit better anyway.
    Everything passes.
    I have moments here and there where I don't know what to do with my feelings, feel them don't eat them.