Jawbone Up/Jawbone Up24 users

I am thinking of purchasing a Jawbone Up/Jawbone Up24 and I and looking for feedback. Is it worth the price? Does it work good? I do not have a computer, so some of the other weight loss gadgets wouldn't be reasonable for me. Please give me all the info you can about this product!!
Thanks so much!!


  • I definitely think the UP band is worth its price! I have the original one and the only difference between that and the UP 24 is that the newer version can sync wirelessly to your phone through Bluetooth. I wasn't sure if I would like having one, so I just went with the cheaper version. If you don't want to take it off throughout the day to sync it, I would definitely recommend the UP 24. Wearing the Up band feels so natural to me that when I take it off to charge, my wrist feels naked.

    The only thing I don't like about it is that you have to remember to change it into sleep mode at night. I was under the impression that it would know by itself since it tracks every part of your body's movement, but I guess not. I really like being able to see how much sleep and what kind of sleep I get though! It's really interesting! If you have any other questions, you can always message me!
  • millsrobm
    millsrobm Posts: 62 Member
    When it works, it's brilliant. I have the original band and it keeps me motivated throughout the day. I enjoy watching my step count get higher by the week. However, I am waiting on my third replacement band. The first two died after about the 2-3 month mark - the button on the end quit working, and then the vibration stopped. I don't know if the newer UP24 is better, since you don't have to take it off so often to plug into your phone; it may be that the electronics inside can't take the repeated bending of the band. If this next one gives out, I'm switching to the fitfit force, or one of the newer brands that is sure to be coming out soon.
  • How do you see the information from UP in My Fitness Pal? I can't find where the information syncs? Thank you!
  • If you do not have a computer tha's fine, but if you have access via mobile then perfect. The Jawbone 24 Up application communicates with MyFitnessPal.

    Before you rush ahead to set that up just make sure when you purchase this you set up your accounts first. So make sure you authenticate your log in details by clicking on the confirmation emails they send you. THEN proceed to install the application and sync them.

    Jawbone has an online community that answer all troubleshooting questions but it's worth taking a look because you will be able to get an idea of the positives and given negatives.

    My personal opinion of the device is overall positive.

    -The sleep function hits the ball out of the park. AMAZING
    -No problems so far with the step counter
    -Gives a detailed breakdown of calories burn during exersize and even calories burn during inactivity
    -I did have some extreme difficulty to get MyFitnessPal and UP to play nicely and resulted in a lot of troubleshooting research. I (think) I have resolved this by the advice I gave regarding the syncing process.

    If you want anymore info or opinion of how my device is going you can IM anytime
  • Further to my post I forgot to mention that after you authenticate your log-in and user accounts for the applications you:

    1. go into the user menu in UP (to the left) and
    2. select Apps, then it will give you a list of applications you can use in conjunction with UP.
    3. Select MyFitnessPal
    4. Select Connect
    5. Add some foods in both UP and MFP seperately as tests
    6. If you can't see the information crossing over try forcing UP to update itself by scrolling up to refresh
    7. If nothing then try logging in and out of the applications, reboot your device and log back in

    Hope this helps :)
  • how do you get mfp to recognize the steps, ie exercise, from up? it seems like up is recognizing the info from mfp but mfp isn't recognizing anything from up. i'm confused :(
  • apetranovich
    apetranovich Posts: 55 Member
    bump for later, I have done research and I think I want to get the Jawbone up 24 :)
  • joyfulhappyheart
    joyfulhappyheart Posts: 63 Member
    Bought one for hubby for father's day. Hoping I made the rigght choice! LOL
  • andythecurefan
    andythecurefan Posts: 43 Member
    I just bought one on eBay and I am excited for it. I will definitely be mindful of the advice offered by LittleWhittle.

  • editorgrrl
    editorgrrl Posts: 7,060 Member
    MFP has a Jawbone UP Bracelet group: http://www.myfitnesspal.com/forums/show/13370-jawbone-up-bracelet

    Your UP total burn is your TDEE—way more accurate than any online calculator. I wasn't losing much weight at all until I got an UP. I have a desk job, so I'd set my MFP activity level at sedentary. But it turns out I get way more steps than I ever imagined. Now I eat back my UP calorie adjustments, and I lost weight.

    Connect your accounts: http://www.myfitnesspal.com/apps/show/97

    Enable negative calorie adjustments: http://www.myfitnesspal.com/account/diary_settings

    Log non-step activity in the UP app (not MFP), and follow your MFP calorie goal, eating back your UP adjustments. Easy peasy!
  • poof1
    poof1 Posts: 8 Member
    I love my up 24, I bought it mainly for the sleep function, the step count, the calories in and out, the time your workout feature, the syncing with fitness pal, I could go on and on but instead I will say I am very happy so far. I also like the fact that you can set a reminder so that if you are inactive for a set amount of time, it reminds you to get up and move. All this love and I've only been wearing it for 1 week and have lost 5 lbs (probably mostly fluid) but every lb counts towards the big goal.