HRM- Polar FT40 or F11 (obsolete- comparable to FT60)? Help

Dilemma here- would love to order a Polar HRM but can't decide!!! Help me please! I am torn between the Polar FT40 and the F11. The F11 is no longer made and is comparable to the FT60 which is a step above the FT40. I can get either of them at the same price. Can I really go wrong here? Should I be "concerned" that the F11 is no longer produced? Does it really matter? Next year, the FT40 and FT60 will probably be replaced with something else- doesn't mean they aren't any good- just purely marketing.

Would love to get your reviews/suggestions if you have experience with either of these hrms. Thanks!


  • LynnBirchfield
    LynnBirchfield Posts: 580 Member
  • Kekibird
    Kekibird Posts: 1,122 Member
    Just got the FT40 and I love it! I used my Polar F6 till it died and instead of sending it in to replace the batteries in the chest strap and the watch I just upgraded.

    Totally worth it.

  • mrscates
    mrscates Posts: 559 Member
    I have the FT60 and love it!
  • NikkisNewStart
    NikkisNewStart Posts: 1,100 Member
    If I want to focus on weight training in addition to cardio- would the ft60 or f11 be better? I do tons of cardio, but am getting more into weights as well. Does the ft40 help measure cals burned during weight training?
  • fasttrack27
    Well, cant really comment on the F11/FT60, but I can say that i've been happy with my FT40. I'd think that if you can buy replacement chest strap/sensors for the F11 there shouldnt be a problem going that way. But it would suck if you lost/broke/wore that componant and couldnt get a new one. Just something to consider.
  • NikkisNewStart
    NikkisNewStart Posts: 1,100 Member
    PS- I am putting more thought into this than I did buying a CAR! hahaha thanks MFP!
  • fasttrack27
    Oh, and yes - the FT40 does calories anytime you have it on
  • NikkisNewStart
    NikkisNewStart Posts: 1,100 Member
    Thanks Marc- it appears that they use the same chest strap... "appears" is the key word... I am researching on the Polar site now and will probably call for the detailed information. The original price of the F11 was $179.95. I can get it (still haven't searched thoroughly for coupon codes yet) for $105.95. The FT40 in green (closeout color) is listed for $109.95 from $159.95. Again- I can probably shave a few dollars off of that if I pull out my bag of searching tricks and really want to devote the time to finding the absolute best deal. As is those are fair prices in my book... that's why I'm torn over which to choose! $100 is still no joke for a 1 income family with 5 kids right after Christmas... lol I want to make this my 1 and only hrm purchase that's why I am stressing! lol
  • MissResa
    MissResa Posts: 1,147 Member
    My polar F6 chest strap finally died out on me, and I was debating buying a new one too. On all the websites I found that services the F6, they want to charge around 75 dollars to replace/service. Can you post the websites you've been searching through so far? I'd really appreciate it. :)
  • NikkisNewStart
    NikkisNewStart Posts: 1,100 Member
    I found these two models on heartratemonitorsusa and also found some additional coupon codes for 5% off- plus they offer free shipping... I am looking for deeper discounts now.

    I am also on the polar usa website looking at the faq for each item. On some forums I have read where some people have had batteries replaced very cheaply at their local jewelers for wayyyyy cheaper than it costs to ship it off.
  • MissResa
    MissResa Posts: 1,147 Member
    Thank you for sharing. I love my f6, but if I can get a newer version for a little more, then it's worth it to me to pay the difference. Income tax returns are just around the corner, and I can wait it out until then.
  • abbiez
    abbiez Posts: 229 Member
    Check your local ****s sporting goods. I got my polar ft40 in the green closeout color for just $40.
  • tofeelwell
    tofeelwell Posts: 34 Member
    I'm new to myfitnesspal but find this discussion very helpful. I have a F6 and love its HR and calorie data, which I also use when not 'exercising' to monitor body efficiency such as resting HR or calories burned in unstructured exercise like house or yard work. But I hadn't thought about what happens when the watch or band die. Given the cost, sending a band back to Polar for repair does not sound like a good solution to me.
  • MissResa
    MissResa Posts: 1,147 Member
    The places I've found that service F6's all say the same. They want you to approve at the very least $75.00 for changing the batteries/servicing and will contact you if it will cost more. I get a little leery about pre-approving any cost when having work done. It'd be a lot more comfortable if they listed flat-rates for each service provided. When I tried calling a few places, no one was available to talk to, either. It was a little frustrating.
  • NikkisNewStart
    NikkisNewStart Posts: 1,100 Member
    Arggg... ok I have decided to get the FT40. I figure the newest watch that is still being produced will likely have improvements over one that is no longer made. I truly want the FT60 but can't justify the added expense at this point. :) Thanks for the feedback!
  • MissResa
    MissResa Posts: 1,147 Member
    That one looked like it's the best deal. Which color did you decide on? Please keep us updated on how you like it. I have a feeling I'll be getting one in the near future, too. ;)
  • NikkisNewStart
    NikkisNewStart Posts: 1,100 Member
    Eureka! Ok the close out price for the women's green is $109.95 (the other colors are still regular $159.95- heck I'd wear poo poo brown for $50 savings :laugh: ) and I used coupon code valuedcustomer for 5% off. There is free overnight shipping (which puts it arriving here on Jan 5 or Wednesday) for a total price out the door of $104.45. Not too shabby for a current model!
  • NikkisNewStart
    NikkisNewStart Posts: 1,100 Member
    PS- the men's gray is also listed at this price. I have read that the green isn't too bright and is actually a nice shade. It helps that it is my favorite color also! lol I'm so excited that it comes with the chest strap. I previously bought a Sportsline hrm w/out the chest strap (was just the watch) for 75% off at Target. Luckily I only paid $14 cause it is a pure waste of $. It really overestimated my burn and I had to constantly stop and put my fingers on the sensor for it to read my hrm. Glad I didn't pay full price.
  • NikkisNewStart
    NikkisNewStart Posts: 1,100 Member
    I'm new to myfitnesspal but find this discussion very helpful. I have a F6 and love its HR and calorie data, which I also use when not 'exercising' to monitor body efficiency such as resting HR or calories burned in unstructured exercise like house or yard work. But I hadn't thought about what happens when the watch or band die. Given the cost, sending a band back to Polar for repair does not sound like a good solution to me.

    Welcome to MFP! Yes- it does seem extremely high to service and I have also read that customer service is not too helpful... I did come across the Polar forums while trying to research... there are forums for each specific model. I bet it would be of help to visit them and talk to others that may have the same issue and see how they've handled it. I plan on visiting those forums when I get my watch in to figure out all of the tweaks and qwirks associated with it!
  • NikkisNewStart
    NikkisNewStart Posts: 1,100 Member
    Unfortunately we don't have a D I C K ' S sporting goods anywhere near us. :sad: What and awesome deal you got!!!