A weekend of over-eating

So this weekend I've had a mega-fail in terms of over-eating. I'm not going to call it bingeing, but I know I ate way too much.

I've read many of these posts, and most comments relate to the fact that the original poster had a very restrictive diet, didn't let themselves have any treats, once they had one thing slightly outside their 'allowed' foods, they just went for it and ate as much as possible.

That wasn't the case for me this time around. I've been having cookies, cakes, pizzas etc and fitting them into my calorie goals for a while. I've been trying to eat around the 1500-1600 calories per day. I've been stuck around 58kg for nearly 3 months now, with ups to 60kg and my lightest in that time was 57kg. I had an emotional weekend, starting on Friday afternoon where I was hungry before I got into the kitchen and made 2 batches of cookies and ate lots of them (and the dough). To the point that my special meal of fish and chips that had been planned all week, I couldn't finish because I felt sick from the cookies.

Saturday I made an awesome carrot cake that I shared with the family and then tried to make some rice pudding (which failed). As a family we watched a movie and ate crackers and cheese in the afternoon. Then I kept eating more cookies from the day before. Today I made some energy bars in the morning (really yummy but ate two after breakfast) then had a reasonable lunch of pasta, followed by a banana bread and then kept baking - an oat slice, some more cookies.

I tracked on Friday, deleted all my entries on Saturday and today - was a little ashamed as to how much I've actually eaten. My diary is open if anyone wants to see what I was eating before this weekend ... The annoying thing is that I was finally in the 57kg range again late this week ... and now I need more time to get back there and beyond again.

Yes, I know I bake and cook to relax from outside stresses (of which there are many in my life at the moment) and yes, I know I probably should do something different. I know I can get up tomorrow, go for a long run, ride my bike to work, eat my 1500 calories for the day and start again. I'm just feeling a little low right now ...

Any and all support is welcome.


  • spaghetti77
    spaghetti77 Posts: 7 Member
    Hi FG - I have been reading this post today on the forum


    It's basically someone feeling the same as you today as often I have also felt the same! These support and motivation forums are full of posts as you say from overeating and binge eating blues and confessions and mostly the same answers come up again and again - be kind to yourself, move on. etc. So I'm just popping in to you to say you personally I know how you feel, check the thread above, we are all in the same boat! and I don't mean that in a way that belittles how you feel today. I imagine like me regardless of what's happened you are still on the journey to eat better and well, and that's the main thing - the journey with its bumps in the road, diversions, etc - we're still on the journey to be well and eat well, so relax and don't be scared. We're all ok. As my boyfriend said to me the other day (and my jaw just dropped) - it's not cancer. I was speechless when he said this but it did make me think, I really am over worrying. So relax, we're ok. x
  • funkygas
    funkygas Posts: 191 Member
    Thanks for the comment.

    I know I'm not alone and I know I'm not the only one who has done the overeating thing. I guess what scared (and annoyed) me about this weekend is how much I could (and did) eat. I knew what I was doing, I knew I was eating more than I needed, but I kept doing it. I did go for a walk on Saturday, but I know that didn't negate the calories that I was putting in.

    Mind you, I've had a terrible night of my body rejecting a lot of the fat and sugar ... so maybe it won't be too long before it all leaves my system. I'm 3kg up from 4 days ago. I know it's not all fat, but I know that some of it is.

    So this week I'm back on the wagon - I've already done an 8km run this morning, rode 10km to the office and will have another 10km ride home this afternoon. I'm not going to bake again until the weekend and I'm going to TRY to limit myself to only making one thing, and share that. I'm not going to eat ridiculously low calories, but I think a few days around the 1300-1400 won't hurt, to make up for the 1000's I ate recently!

    All the best to others in the same situation ... this is just what I'm planning to do (wish me luck!)
  • Welcome I done the same over again .pick your self up think to yourself today is the start its Monday by Thursday I can be on the road to the new me ! Come on you can do it :smile: do you feel better for the blow out ? It might just help to give you the kick start where you have stopped :smile: