Yoga or Pilates?

Star_1234 Posts: 123 Member
Since starting weight training, my joints feel stiff and I find myself needing to do a lot of stretches post workout.

I really want to improve my flexibility because I think it will help. So my question is Which one is better? yoga or Pilates? Are there any DVD workouts anyone can recommend?



  • kristenveganvixen
    kristenveganvixen Posts: 87 Member
    Options Here's a wee article about the differences.

    I go to a yoga class (I'd try my gym's pilates class too but it clashes with my work schedule!) and I'd highly recommend trying a class over doing a dvd as it's hard to get the poses just riight without a bit of guidance from a teacher, it's trickier than it looks iyswim so you could be doing it wrong and not even realising it.
  • cmcostello23
    cmcostello23 Posts: 23 Member

    I would recommend yoga based on my personal experience. I am a runner (training for a marathon) and I have never been very flexible. In the past year and a half I wanted to focus on this so i tried both. Pilates and yoga will both improve strength and flexibility but pilates focuses more on aligning the spine and core strength, where those are important factors in yoga but are not the focus. Yoga has many different poses that work together to help balance your body as a whole. Also, with yoga the focus isn't just physical but also mental. It not only has helped me become physically stronger, more flexible and balanced but it has helped strengthen my mind and reduce stress/anxiety. To sum it up I think if you are interested in only improving body strength and flexibility (focus on back and core) then go with pilates, if you would like good physical improvement as well as mental/spiritual improvement try yoga. Or give each a try and see which works best for you! You can also google the differences. Here is a link:

    By the way, I have never been to an actual class. I absolutely hate going to group classes and its too difficult to find the time. I have practiced yoga entirely at home. Sometimes you might not do the pose exactly right but that's OK. Listen to your body, I go by how good it feels and if there is any pain or discomfort (severe) then i try the pose differently. A few good resources that i love are:

    daily burn (online site)
    yoga studio (iphone app) (my favorite!!!!)
    all-in yoga (phone app and online)
    jillian michaels yoga meltdown videos
    you-tube - many different yoga videos
    My yoga online - website
    gaiam tv - online site plus videos available in grocery stores/wal-marts

    Hope that helps!:happy: :happy:
  • lemon629
    lemon629 Posts: 501 Member
    I do both. I think yoga is better for increasing flexibility.
    Both will increase strength.
    It's best to go to classes so that you get the form correct. Otherwise, you might worsen imbalances that ready exist. Even after six years of weekly yoga classes, my instructor still sometimes corrects my form.
  • Star_1234
    Star_1234 Posts: 123 Member
    Thank you ladies for your advice!

    I mainly want to improve flexibility and strength, although I like the additional (stress/anxiety relief) benefits of yoga, It just sounds like it would be too complicated for me to do at home with proper form. I will look into home Pilates dvds and do yoga at some point later on when I join the gym.

    Thanks again! x
  • SomeNights246
    SomeNights246 Posts: 807 Member
    I do both, too. Yoga has been better for my flexibility, both are decent enough for strength...a lthough, I've found pilates to be better for that.

    So, why not both? ;)
  • _mlee_
    _mlee_ Posts: 90
    For stretching definitely try hot yoga! It is amazing. I actually go to a 75min yin yoga class on Saturdays and it is all floor poses and deep stretches that you hold for 3-5 min. A definite must try for sore joints!
  • Star_1234
    Star_1234 Posts: 123 Member
    I do both, too. Yoga has been better for my flexibility, both are decent enough for strength...a lthough, I've found pilates to be better for that.

    So, why not both? ;)

    I would love to do yoga but it sounds complicated, I'm going to check out the links other posters have posted and see if there is an easy at home yoga routine I can get into. I did pilates a few years back so i am confident at doing the moves.