Frustrated. Not losing anything. Is it the wine?



  • rusta
    rusta Posts: 29 Member
    Switch to Vodka Soda Lime

    Less Calories

  • irisized
    irisized Posts: 7
    I just started paleo, (clean eating ) and they recommend only to sprint exercises once a week, then just using your own body, push ups, pullups ect. then hiking, biking or swimming. I love it....I am never hungry and I have at least 4 glasses of wine a night. I am down 4 lbs since bloating and I am sleeping great. oh btw I am 59 with a knee replacement....I take a walking class twice a week ...and sweat a lot...(I cant run do to the knee replacement) I bike an old school bike back and forth to the club house...which is a mile and then I try to swim in the resistance pool.... I feel great....
  • krisken1
    krisken1 Posts: 9 Member
    i love my wine also but have cut back on it since trying to lose weight .. i felt it just made me feel soo bloated.. im finding it harder to lose this weight this time and activity is hard for me.. soo if i can avoid any extra calories i am going to.. but the weekend i do have atleast 1 glass..
  • kr1stadee
    kr1stadee Posts: 1,774 Member
    You can't outrun your fork. Or your wine bottle.
    Nutrition is 80%, exercise is 20% (or 70-30, 90-10, whatever you feel like the ratio is!)
  • Mia_RagazzaTosta
    Mia_RagazzaTosta Posts: 4,885 Member
    Yikes, I thought *I* drank a lot.
  • msbunnie68
    msbunnie68 Posts: 1,894 Member
    that is an awful lot of wine - I just did the conversion to mLs!
  • rockmama72
    rockmama72 Posts: 815 Member
    When I first started MFP, I logged everything I ate in a normal week and was pretty shocked about my alcohol calories. It hit me pretty hard that if I hadn't been drinking so much for the past few years, I probably wouldn't have gained weight. And now I have to eat at a deficit to take it all back off.

    My mantra has been "I'd rather be thin than tipsy." I still enjoy wine and bourbon, but cutting back has helped me big time.

    Good luck!
  • ninerbuff
    ninerbuff Posts: 48,620 Member
    Alcohol is one of those culprits that can throw a wrench in weight loss. I will NEVER deny a calorie is a calorie. Units of energy measurement are consistent.
    The one thing that people need to know is that ALCOHOL is the 1st energy source burned in the body if available and the body will discontinue using any other energy till all the alcohol is burned off. So it inhibits fat loss.
    Moderation is fine, but consider doing more physical activity if one is planning to drink daily.

    A.C.E. Certified Personal and Group Fitness Trainer
    IDEA Fitness member
    Kickboxing Certified Instructor
    Been in fitness industry for 30 years and have studied kinesiology and nutrition
  • Ratches
    Ratches Posts: 52 Member
    It is the Wine and the snacks that go with it for me.... also I sleep yucky after a couple glasses and the next day I am less motivated.

    I plan to think of wine as a treat again instead of many times a week.

    But I don't plan to deprive myself either - fine balance

    Good Luck!
  • karmac0matic
    karmac0matic Posts: 285
    first of all, i dont want to be preachy, but that much wine is a little disconcerting. maybe try 3-4 oz of wine as that's the recommended healthy amount. 20 oz of wine would be 5 drinks and if you're having that 5 times a week (again sorry if it's coming off controlling or whatever) you may have a problem.

    secondly, any alcohol is empty calories. there is a huge chance the wine is making you maintain instead of lose. again, try to drink one glass a night or do 2 glasses every 2/3 nights to space it out.
  • ahamm002
    ahamm002 Posts: 1,690 Member
    I think you already know the answer to your own question! Yes, you're consuming too many empty calories. Assuming that you're striving for a 500 calorie deficit per day, then it's going to be pretty hard to achieve that while also drinking 600 calories of wine. And as as you already realized, that kind of diet will make getting enough protein and nutrients difficult too.
  • KimiSteinbach
    KimiSteinbach Posts: 224 Member
    Yes, that's a of wine consumption. I'd back off to half of that and see what happens.

    Now I'm going to critique my own alcohol consumption....
  • KimiSteinbach
    KimiSteinbach Posts: 224 Member
    Damn, looks like I have a problem too!

    7 light beers
    1 screwdriver
    32 oz wine

  • willrun4bagels
    willrun4bagels Posts: 838 Member
    I used to drink a glass or more often two of wine every day. Since I've started with MFP and I've been planning my calorie intake more consciously (that is focussing on getting the most bang for my buck calorie-wise) I have found that by limiting my wine to only a couple of times a week....and usually keeping it to one 8oz serving....I am more successful losing weight.

    I don't think it's anything special about the calorie source. Calories are calories....but now I class the wine as a treat like chocolate and I don't make room for it everyday like I once did (when I was absolutely exceeding the number of calories I should be eating) After all that's how I ended up gaining the extra pounds over the years.

    The other thing about wine for me is when I'm drinking wine is also when I'm most likely to give in to temptation and eat that extra cheese or chocolate or whatever goodies are around.

    So now on my non-wine evenings I enjoy tea (for a tannin hit) or sparkling water and I've come to enjoy those evenings just fine. One nice side-effect I've noticed is that I feel more hydrated the next morning.....something I didn't really notice before.

    I've been on MFP for a month and I've lost five and half pounds without feeling deprived.


    I limit my alcohol intake because I'd rather eat my calories than drink them. I also enjoy wine so much more now because I'm more inclined it savour it. I limit wine to probably once a week now, if that, and with food. Make sure you log it!

    +1 to both of those comments. I used to drink 3-4 glasses of wine with dinner usually once a week, but now, I'll have 1 glass, and enjoy it much more.
  • jwooley13
    jwooley13 Posts: 243
    Log the wine. It's totally OK to drink, as long as you add it to your daily goals. Maybe try cutting down on the portion and/or frequency to start? I love red wine so this was a big change for me when I started out as well.
  • amwbox
    amwbox Posts: 576 Member
    Alcohol is second only to fat in terms of calorie content.

    Also, not all wine is the same in terms of calories. Check this out:

    German Spatlese Riesling (Dr. Hermann “H” 2009)
    110 calories, bottle 495 calories
    Slightly Sweet Lambrusco (Lini 910)
    140 calories, bottle 630 calories
    Cabernet Sauvignon from France
    160 calories, bottle 720 calories
    German Auclese Riesling
    160 calories, bottle 720 calories
    Cabernet Sauvignon from California
    175 calories, bottle 788 calories
    California 16% Zinfandel (Bob Biale)
    190 calories, bottle 855 calories
    Australian Shiraz (Mollydooker The Boxer)
    190 calories, bottle 855 calories
    Chateau Y’quem
    270 calories, bottle 1215 calories (note: standard serving size is only 2oz which is 90 calories)
    Ruby Port
    310 calories, bottle 1395 calories (note: standard serving size is only 2oz which is 103 calories)
    Tawny Port
    320 calories, bottle 1440 calories (note: standard serving size is only 2oz which is 106 calories)

    The desert wines in particular...way high in calories. Even worse than a candy bar!
  • zoeysasha37
    zoeysasha37 Posts: 7,089 Member
    Get a food scale, weigh and measure everything you consume. This is to be sure your actually eating at a deficit.

    Then log it all on mfp. If you eat at a deficit , you'll lose weight.
  • jwooley13
    jwooley13 Posts: 243
    I used to drink a glass or more often two of wine every day. Since I've started with MFP and I've been planning my calorie intake more consciously (that is focussing on getting the most bang for my buck calorie-wise) I have found that by limiting my wine to only a couple of times a week....and usually keeping it to one 8oz serving....I am more successful losing weight.

    I don't think it's anything special about the calorie source. Calories are calories....but now I class the wine as a treat like chocolate and I don't make room for it everyday like I once did (when I was absolutely exceeding the number of calories I should be eating) After all that's how I ended up gaining the extra pounds over the years.

    The other thing about wine for me is when I'm drinking wine is also when I'm most likely to give in to temptation and eat that extra cheese or chocolate or whatever goodies are around.

    So now on my non-wine evenings I enjoy tea (for a tannin hit) or sparkling water and I've come to enjoy those evenings just fine. One nice side-effect I've noticed is that I feel more hydrated the next morning.....something I didn't really notice before.

    I've been on MFP for a month and I've lost five and half pounds without feeling deprived.


    I limit my alcohol intake because I'd rather eat my calories than drink them. I also enjoy wine so much more now because I'm more inclined it savour it. I limit wine to probably once a week now, if that, and with food. Make sure you log it!

    +1 to both of those comments. I used to drink 3-4 glasses of wine with dinner usually once a week, but now, I'll have 1 glass, and enjoy it much more.

    I also buy better wine because I want to savor the glass I do get to have, and a single bottle will last me at least the week (usually more). It's actually been nice!
  • amwbox
    amwbox Posts: 576 Member
    I try not to open a bottle unless there are people around. I'll just wind up drinking it, since it tends to taste progressively worse as time passes. Even 2 days later wine is really getting off from when it was opened.
  • jlynnm70
    jlynnm70 Posts: 460 Member
    I drink wine - and sometimes lots of it. This is what I have learned. Sure a calorie is a calorie and if I drink ONE glass it's OK - when I drink 3-4 I start to not care what I eat or get sloppy about logging it (among other things too! LOL) For a day this is ok - for several nights a week - it is going to throw you off.

    Also - I get dehydrated - so the next morning the scale is UP because my body is trying to hold on to every ounce of water it can. If I stay away from the wine and drink water for a few days - the scale straightens back out. Again - this only works if it is for a day - not every day.